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Sunday 22 May 2022


Meet your Notting Dale Councillor

This strange poseur is the trustafarian hard left councillor for Notting Dale. 

The only thing that distinguishes the hard right and the hard left is their mutual vileness. 

Simmons accuses the Dame of running a Hate Blog just because the Dame has her measure in plenty. 

Hard-left specimens like Simmons are in politics for the thrill. Generally, come from the moneyed middle classes they love to patronise the plebs telling them only posh people can lead them to the sunlit uplands. 

Voters of Notting Dale? 

You have made a great mistake voting this nasty piece of work in. 


  1. The Dame is clearly highly allergic to Cllr Smmonds and her ilk. As ever, the canny Dame is right. A self- selected group has simply removed North Kensingtons experienced and popular local councillors. This has been done in the name of fairness and equality, of course. One detects echoes of "Animal Farm” Bullying is fairness and intimidation is equality. Is it North Korea or Russia that’s just banned the book?

    For years we had excellent and experienced Labour councillors: doing the things that councillors do: ensuring social housing is repaired; children's services provided and bins collected etc. This is often tedious, but very important work. Occasionally, there's an opportunity to achieve something higher profile. Now we have a bunch of ultra-left strangers, hell-bent on nothing short of revolution! How much time with these people spend on sorting an old lady’s leaky roof?

    I once heard Cllr Simmonds speak on local issues. She was very knowledgeable and interesting - until she went off into an extreme left wing rant! This display was entirely unsuited to the venue. Several similarly extreme persons have now been foisted on the unfortunate residents of North Kensington. No one believes they will leave local people better off than they are now. That’s not the project. The extreme Left exists to cause chaos, because then and only then can they grab power!

    Someone ought to take EDF and her disciples quietly aside and explain that RBKC is NOT pre-Revolutionary Cuba!

    North Ken

    1. EDC ignored me when I wrote to her when she was on the TMO; crappy Council flats were Okay. EDC was not highly thought of by Grenfell people.

  2. EDC- Lite, lives off mummy and daddy, pushing 50 and hasn't had a job for years until now. See Dalgarno Ward selections and Pat Healy for background on her activities

  3. Nothing wrong with 'pushing 50' - but if you were really referring to EDC she is actually pushing 70 & does not live off the 'parentals ' . She doesn't need to now anyway as she has got back the opposition leaders allowance!! Lets see if she can keep it for longer than a year this time .

    1. Shafting the Labour Party way24 May 2022 at 09:23

      How much does this EDC get from the Council as Leader of the Opposition?

      She could not lead a piss up in a brewery.

      She has had that job before and because she was completely useless at it, Labour Councillors shafted her. She learnt from them the importance of shafting anyone who steps on her toes.

  4. It is not surprising when the EDC cult group think the BBC is right wing because it presents reality to their warped thinking!


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