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Tuesday 31 May 2022


Where did it all go so wrong?

One Who Knows says.....

Last night Kensington Labour held the first 'ALL Members' meeting since its disappointing council election.  

The 37 members online were addressed by Cllr. Dent Coad (back in what she believes is her rightful position as Labour Group Leader).

But did she display warmth, encouragement, magnanimity and generosity towards her members and her predecessors as Group Leader? 
Don't be silly -of course not.
This is the EDC who, like the Bourbons," learns nothing and forgives nothing". 
Instead, she began by castigating her audience for members not working hard enough during the elections and failing to turn up to canvas. 
She & Cllr. Lari then went on to describe her retired & deselected members as "malign & responsible for the failure to make progress."  
So 'the line' is to be that those who organised the failed campaign bear no responsibility and the causes of the local failure were: the people not even standing as candidates and the vast majority of party members for sitting on their hands instead of obeying orders during the election campaign. (Were it not too distasteful, one might be tempted to draw an analogy with Hitler who, at the end blamed the German people for being unworthy of a leader as great as he.
It was precisely this dictatorial, grim and collegiate lacking attitude which led to Ms Dent Coad's removal as Labour Group leader last time. As Ms Dent Coad surely knows, Marx himself claimed that history repeats itself, first as tragedy and then as farce. 
Last night's performance seems to show that, at least in this, Marx may have been right.


  1. EDC enters a room and all the fun goes out

    1. Must be the effects of 'long Corbyn-15' that is it still afflicting the local party.

    2. No real democracy in the Local Labour Party1 June 2022 at 08:55

      Don’t you know! No one politically sensible is allowed to have fun unless you are part of Emma’s chosen ones who meet on a regular basis to plot how else they can mirror 1980s Militant tactics and morales. Or unless you re Ian Henderson delivering food to the vulnerable during lockdown with politicians of all colours, it’s also fine to have fun with Tories (although definitely not those evil on the ‘right wing’ of the Labour Party)

      Eg. See Labour Cllr Lari partying it up and having fun with Tom Harwood (currently of right wing GB News fame) on his Instagram about two years ago (coincidentally around the time of covid)

  2. After ousting the decent Cllrs for hard left factional reasons and Failing to make any progress whilst other councils gained more Labour Seats or turned Red for the first time, even new members could see through the low level politics of fudging the rule book to deny members a chance to discuss and develop meaningful motions for Party conference. Instead, we have the cabal of EDC, liar Lari and David ‘SWP’ Kear sending invites with a weeks notice after months of silence and forcing through an emergency rule change after sending papers at 1am in the same day!

    1. Pin up Lari has resurfaced. Friends of ex Cllr Maxwell W will be delighted that the sexed up Councillor is in circulation again

    2. State School Kid31 May 2022 at 20:39

      A couple of months without hearing endless monologues from the patronising and smug Sina doesn’t sound bad. Not sure who wants to hear a posh (most likely private school educated) kid on a power trip during their evening after a days work. He definitely sees this as a hobby as most rich self loathing Corbynites do!

    3. He went to St Pauls Public School & Imperial College

    4. Wow, for them to be talking about cost of living when they have cllrs who went to fee paying schools that cost more than most members household income and could easily fund the chronic lack of the money in the local party they were complaining about…


    5. Lari is so gorgeous. And clever too. A boy from St Pauls! Bliss

    6. Then there is the expensive flat he lives in opposite his parents. In queens gate.

  3. If the anonymous “one who knows” and their cabal of leakers had any credibility, they’d be in a position of authority.
    Instead, after having been given the boot by the lay membership, they’re left to whinge from the sidelines while the EDC and the incumbents get the job done.

    It seems posts like this have done nothing but strengthen the Kensington Labour leadership.

    1. The job being hardly any money left for years and barely any active members aside from the sheep who turn up to vote without knowing what about but then get blamed for not canvassing?

    2. The Labour opposition on KC was once admired. The moment EDC got elected things took a turn for the worse.

    3. Shorona Freestone1 June 2022 at 11:17

      Starmer should do something about EDC's Militant tactics. He should put that vile woman on a disciplinary. I am Jewish and was appalled to find Emma Dent Coad, then my Member of Parliament, liked a social media post stating that Israel brought shame on all Jewish people. The National Front used to use Israel to abuse me and once did so when their thugs attacked me in the street.

    4. Council housing took a turn for the worse when she went on that Housing Board that RBKC set up. That's the Housing lot that were responsible for mismanaging Grenfell Tower.

    5. Emma Dent Coad performed abysmally on that Housing thing that she was on.

  4. Looks and sounds terminal

    1. Friend of Lari31 May 2022 at 20:24

      Do not underestimate EDC and Cllr Lari. In six months you will eat your words, "One Who Knows"

    2. We have neither over estimated or underestimated: we just estimate them as losers

  5. Clear The Swamp31 May 2022 at 19:32

    This is the worst possible thing that could happen to the Tories. More life after death for dizzy. Terrible prospects for the Royal Borough

    1. EDC end game will probably try to argue for north kensington resident to form their own republic so she was continue virtue signalling regardless of any practical implications.

  6. I’d much rather spend an evening with Ian Henderson31 May 2022 at 21:00

    If this is the quality of EDC’s opponents, no wonder the Party removed them:


    1. This story has been proven to be totally false. It was fed to the media by Ian's wife in a fit of anger and then totally withdrawn by her as a fabrication for which she apologised.

    2. Ian Henderson is a decent man and his wife is a despicable piece of trash for defaming him in that disgraceful article. The Dent Coad camp knows that what she published is not true but her lot would stoop even lower to discredit the man that they did down.

  7. EDCs agenda is to become the next parliamentary candidate,

    1. If they're merged with N Westminster Karen
      Buck might have something to say about that. Guessing that the 13 councliĺors attended which means it's a pisspoor showing if only 24 others showed up. EDC has before blamed the national Labour Parry, the London Labour Party, media, social media & blogs, Lib Dems, & former councillors,for poor results. Now she blames
      members She'll no doubt add the whole RBKC electorate plus Father Christmas & the Tooth Fairy to the list before too long. That's the way it's going . People on a power trip who can't accept they're wrong. People who don't care. What they're doing is making sure that K & C Labour are both a local & national joke & failing our people

    2. Stop that one from standing for Parliament again. An egocentric, self possessed woman who thinks she is good for politics. I have not renewed my Labour Party membership.

    3. PS.

      Dear Dame,

      She looks tired and pasty, totally lacking in vitality, in that photograph. Her politics is tired too.

    4. Dent Coad the Putinesque1 June 2022 at 22:28

      EDC's politics are dangerous too. She refused to denounce Jeremy Corbyn MP for declaring that the existence of NATO was responsible for the war waged on Ukraine by Putin. She's an apologist for Corbyn.

    5. Don't be absurd the woman is a socialist2 June 2022 at 06:18

      So Dent Coad castigated Party Workers for their lack lustre performance in the recent local council elections. More of the same please of she is the Labour candidate at the next General Election.

      If Coad were a proper socialist, she would know that a socialist sincerely values everyone's contribution.

      Time for her to have a lesson in socialism. She should read more modern marxism.

    6. 22.53 above is brilliant2 June 2022 at 07:43

      It is everyone's else fault except the ever so strategic Emma Dent Coad. It was Sam Gymiah's fault that she lost the 2019 General Election. Kensington voters did not want an antisemitic Marxist Prime Minister or his racist, crawling, lackey.

      Whatever you do, whatever you do, don't blame Emma.

    7. Anti- semitism is alive and well in the Labour Party. Expel her and stop her.

    8. I heard there was a problem with homophobia in the Kensington Labour Party a while ago. Can anyone remind me who was being homophobic and why? The Convenor of Labour Councillors has form for racism and antisemitism what next.

    9. Friend Of Lari3 June 2022 at 17:26

      There is no homophobia

    10. Equality and Diversity in Kensington's Labour Party.3 June 2022 at 18:01

      Oh yes there is a problem with HOMOPHOBIA. Just as there was a problem with Dent Coad's RACISM to Shaun Bailey and to Jewish people collectively.

  8. Come on Emma, let's have your usual anti-monarchy rant now the Platinum Jubilee is on us.


    Have you resurrected your overtones of conservatism.


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