with thanks to thisisnorthkensington.wordpress.com


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Monday 21 February 2022



This interesting-looking 'entrepreneur' is in business with your council. 

His name is Dave Fletcher. He claims his business, Wimbletech CIC is in partnership with the Royal Borough of Kensington & Chelsea and other councils.

Dave's business model is a simple and highly profitable one. 

He approaches councils and takes on library space and then sublets to individuals and companies. He pays no business rates and rent totally disconnected from market rents for prime space.

In effect, the Council sublets to a man able to drive local competitors out of business by using council resources to undercut competitors  who do pay massive business rates and rent!

But Dave's really clever ploy was to convince that astute businesswoman, Cllr Lady Faulks that his Community Interest Company, was not in it for 'dough'

However, no one thought to ask Dave whether he would be paying himself a salary and how much: Dave seems very reluctant to disclose to anyone how much he is making from the abuse of our assets.


  1. Cllr Faulks....a businesswoman? RU 'avin a larf?

  2. Why is Cllr False using her Cabinet position to authorise people like Dave Fletcher to prey on the Council Tax community of RBKC? Is Dave her friend?

    We should be told

  3. The Dame should approach the Local government Ombudsman on behalf of the residents of RBKC and make sure that this scoundrel is sent packing

  4. Another well thought through project from RBKC....I think the council needs a bit of transparency here....... Who is Dave Fletcher and how much money is changing hands ?
    A Concerned Resident

  5. THE DAME'S FIGURES MAN21 February 2022 at 15:13

    It seems our Dave is creaming off close to, with costs nearly £80,000 a year. He is also allowed to take out dividends to a certain level. It seems very likely that he is screwing us taxpayers to the tune of around £100,000 a year.

  6. Screwing taxpayers, existing local workspace businesses and library users all at once: Business as usual for RBKC. Sharing this information with the public because RBKC doesn't want the public to know: Business as usual for the local blogs

  7. The Council driving people out of business , have people only just realised ? they may also be interested to know how few of the Omicron Grants they have actually handed out, I spoke with a friend who runs a business and they have bent over backwards to give proof they were open and trading for the qualifying period ( they have existed for over 40 years and were open and trading for the period July to Dec2021 ) and have been told its not enough, the council has now asked them for individual records of every client during that time which would put them in breach of GDPR if they handed over what the council asks for . RBKC are systematically picking off businesses they want gone


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