with thanks to thisisnorthkensington.wordpress.com


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Thursday 24 February 2022


Dear Dame,

I have just read Business Matters put out by the £1million a year Council PR Dept. 

It is appalling the Council puts out this infantilising and patronising nonsense authored by people remote from the extreme difficulties of running a business. 

Business does not need to be told “that there was storm, check for damage and contact your property manager.

We also don't want to know that the self-aggrandising leader, Cllr Campbell has shared a self-serving 'a message of thanks' to staff which, in effect, is a social media message saying “I am a most important person”. 

For the PR dept it is another way of trying to trying to ingratiate itself with the Leader..sickening stuff.

Living With COVID? Why does the Council need to spend Council Tax to repeat messages already the Number One communications programme and already funded by taxpayers?

If the Council REALLY wants to help and support local business it should be spending time and money to force the government to sort out Business Rates. 

No business can afford to pay 40% of rent in Business Rates. 

The Council has a vested interest in maintaining the status quo as its gets 20% of  the Business Rates raised so it can fritter it away on nonsense like Business Matters!


  1. Hornton Street has lost the plot. Too many Councillors, too much money to spend and not enough to do. All presided over by a hopeless Leader who has not the first clue how to lead but instead uses the office for personal puffing.

  2. Why is dizzy saying thanks to staff via a PR pamphlet?

    Any Leader worth his/her salt knows that he/she needs to "walk the talk". It is an essential part of the job. In person thanks is what counts. It means something. It is remembered. It motivates staff. Trite words spouted from a PR budget is ridiculous.

    Shame on Cllr Campbell

    1. Calm down "Whip It Out". dizzy likes to feel important and there is a compelling streak in her make up (supported by all her acolytes and poodles) that needs constant public attention. The hallmark of insecure and inadequate people.

      It is a reflection on Conservative Councillors in RBKC that they elected such a person to be their Leader

  3. This is a job creation exercise for Officers. More waste of Council Tax

  4. RBKC is no longer a Conservative institution. It is an organism that has become corrupted by the self interest of a small group of Councillors parading as Conservatives


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