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Tuesday 8 February 2022


“We need a plan of action, and we need it very quickly. If people can’t get insurance and they can’t get flood defences put in before June, then this hell is all going to happen again to them".
Stephen Cowan

These were the words of Stephen Cowan, Leader of Hammersmith & Fulham addressing Thames Water at a H&F organised resident's meeting held on February 2

You can read what happened at Cowan's meeting HERE and see what happened HERE

Felicity Buchan's meeting was not recorded on the spurious grounds that it might breach data protection so we have no record of what went on: in other words...a secret squirrel meeting!

But the real difference was the very open, resident backing approach of Cowan.

The Buchan meeting was like a Cotswolds village fete committee: the Cowan meeting was a no holds barred, full-frontal attack on Thames Water's incompetence.


  1. What a difference...Cowan takes no prisoners

  2. This should be a wake up call for Cllr Campbell. Dizzy needs to understand that there are people called RESIDENTS that she is supposed to fight for. And Council Tax payers who pay for her and her team of Councillors and Officers to represent their interests.

    At the present time they are doing very little to represent residents. And nothing to hold Thames Water to account. Just puffing and self importance.

    Campbell is a disastrous Leader. She is a disgrace to the Office. It is time for her to step down or be pushed out.

    1. The socialist Cowan knows where his bread is buttered

    2. Give Flicka the flick11 February 2022 at 11:28

      The Tory, Flicka Buchan, also knows where her Tory Sour dough is buttered.

      Sucking up to Thames Water,being supine about the situation wrought on her constituents with wrecked homes that have been ruined by Thames Water. Look after big business and monied interests,the little people don't count. That's Felicity Buchan for you.

  3. Hats off to Cllr Lindsay who sounds as though he means business. But the Office of The Leader has more clout. Thames Water will take notice of Cllr Campbell and MR Buchan.

    At the moment all Thames Water hears from Campbell is a pathetic silence and from MP Buchan, "confidence meetings" to comply with data protection

    What a joke. Kensington baggage, the pair of them.

    What is the useless PR department in Hornton Street doing? Nothing. Of course.

  4. Senior politicians need to join Cllr Cowan and give weight to his campaign. Including Tory politicians.....

    1. Tories find difficult, sometimes impossible, to criticize business

  5. Cowan of Hammersmith and Fulham is setting a great example to other Council Leaders. "Fight for the interests of your residents"

    Cllr Campbell of RBKC should take note. And MP Buchan also should take note.

  6. “We need a plan of action, and we need it very quickly. If people can’t get insurance and they can’t get flood defences put in before June, then this hell is all going to happen again to them"

    Cllr Cowan

    Why can't Campbell/Buchan shout the same thing???????

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