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Saturday 26 February 2022


Few residents are not 100% behind the Ukrainian Government but what is extraordinary is to find the Leader of a local council using the moment in the way 'Elizabeth' has.

Central Government is responsible for making for these sorts of statements below: local councils are there to ensure the streets are clean and rubbish collected...oh, and ensuring it and Thames Water protect us from sewage flooding into our homes.

As to the 'Lighting Up' the Leader refers to...this is not something this council should be wasting money on.

It has been said before and needs repeating.....Local Councils need to stick to their last and not abuse international disasters for cynical promotional reasons.

Sorting out the aftermath of Grenfell and holding Thames Water to account is the priority. Imagining itself to be a branch of C. Government is not what some little council should be doing.

Stop thinking you are a reincarnation of Mrs. T 'Elizabeth' because you are certainly not!

It is impossible not to be moved and feel anger about the events of this week, and all eyes are rightly looking at the UK, the West, and NATO to lead by example and stand up to Putin.

Many Councils, organisations, and businesses will be lighting up in Ukrainian colours, or flying flags, in support of the people who are already suffering in the early days of what could be a long conflict.

I understand why, but I wanted to set out here why Kensington and Chelsea Council will not be lighting up for Ukraine.

This is something we have never seen before in a generation. If we treat the issue the same as we do many others, by lighting up buildings, putting pictures in a special frame on social media, we risk becoming numb to the events happening right on our doorstep.

This is war in Europe. People are going to need real support and Putin will need to see real action in response to what he has done.

K&C is home to the Ukraine embassy, so we have a special connection already to the people of the Ukraine, and we have residents in the borough from both nations. We care too much about what is happening in the Ukraine to just light up our building, we will be writing to the Ukraine embassy and asking them if there is any support of any kind this local authority can provide.

It would also be wrong of us to assume that all Russians support the actions of one man and his army. As early protests have shown us, Russians are also taking to the streets in protest at this invasion, it would be wrong for this Council to make those people feel marginalised here in our own borough.

Finally, every time we light up a building for a cause, it costs the Council and our taxpayers between £2,000 to £4,000 – for equipment, installation, and operation. Money that could be far better spent. We would prefer to make this a K&C donation to the charities that will be providing humanitarian support in the coming days, months, and possibly even years ahead.

I would urge everyone across the borough to do the same – do what we can to support, not just acknowledge. The people of the Ukraine will need every one of us.

We have made the area outside the Town Hall available to faith groups, should they wish to hold peaceful vigils, prayers, and bring communities together. And, just like we did for Afghanistan last summer, this Council stands ready to support people fleeing conflict and persecution.

At a time of war, our actions will speak far louder than our words.

Thank you,



  1. The woman has become mad!

  2. NO COUNCIL TAX RISE26 February 2022 at 11:15

    On the button, as usual, Dear Dame

  3. I Don't Like Silly Cows26 February 2022 at 11:35

    Cllr Campbell considers herself a statesman on the National Stage. She forgets that her job is to clear the dustbins and sweep the parks. If she wants the bigger picture then she should move on.

    The silly woman has taken leave of her senses. And Conservative Councillors of RBKC should be ashamed of themselves that they continue to support this imposter as their Leader

  4. Kensington Resident26 February 2022 at 11:54

    RBKC Councillors need to consider very carefully whether Cllr Campbell is the right person to lead the Royal Borough

    1. Expatriate kids from Hong Kong (and the other colonies too) come from parents who failed to make it at home. These people left for the swamps, made some money, and the kids got ideas above their station. HK sprog, dizzy, has no business polluting democracy in Kensington and Chelsea. She should confine herself to tea parties in the Isle of White and royalty spotting (soon to be ex) Duke of York in Verbier

  5. Not something RBKC should be wasting money on or she does not want to offend the oligarchs who own a lot of property in the borough . If her priority is the borough maybe she could tell us where the Section 106 cash all is and how much is left and why it has not been ring fenced as legally it should be and instead put in the RBKC bank account

  6. Cllr dizzy Campbell thinks that she is Prime Minister of England. Disgraced ex Leader of RBKC Sir Pooter Cockle had a similar delusion.

    dizzy is Leader of one of 332 Councils. Their job is to clear the dustbins efficiently. No more and no less. The lady needs to come down to earth

  7. Why are these Councillors such big heads?

  8. Clear thinking residents need to prepare for the publication of the Grenfell Report and use this as a pivot to clear out the rubbish in Hornton Street. Starting with Cllrs Campbell, Weale and Faulks.

  9. "This is war in Europe. People are going to need real support"
    Cllr Elizabeth Campbell

    Nice words dizzy, owner of an Estate in the IOW, a Town House in Chelsea and a Ski Chalet in Verbier.

    What practical support has dizzy personally given to Ukraine?

    1. The Tories are stuck in their trough. We need a democratically elected Mayor in RBKC

  10. Fed Up With RBKC Tories27 February 2022 at 16:20

    Snouts to trough! Snouts to trough!

  11. Campbell is a Leadership joke. A very bad joke

  12. Retired Chief Executive28 February 2022 at 05:39

    The Leader of RBKC, Cllr Campbell, has come in for heavy criticism and ridicule in this blog for her grandstanding. As it happens she raised two important issues which I happen to agree with. Saying "thank you" when it is deserved and prudent spending of Council Tax.

    The job of the Leader is to make sure that both of these things are carried out by managers in the Town Hall. Better still, to lead by example and personally demonstrate the values. Neither of these things need to be "talked about". They need to "be done".

    Motivating staff and good stewardship of assets is the day to day stuff of good management and Leadership. When it needs to be "talked about" it is, in my experience, a sign of an organisation in need of fixing


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