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Monday 21 February 2022


Dave says bye bye

It seems that the Council is kicking Wimbletech out of our libraries but is going to compete with local co-working spaces on the same unfair basis as Wimbletech.

THINK in this excellent PIECE  sums up the wrongness of putting out of business local co-working spaces who have overheads the Council never has to bear. 

No private co-working space can compete against the Council.

We need answers to these questions

1 Will the Council be providing desk space at below-market rates

2. What type of tenant will be allowed to occupy and is the price being offered at a loss to the Council on a realistic costing basis

3. Is Mr Fletcher being compensated and will he compensate his licensees

4. Will he pay for the removal of licencees' goods

5. Has the valuation officer been informed about the change of use

Support to vacate our libraries

We recently announced our plans to launch K+C Co-works, a flexible co-working space for freelancers and businesses on 4 April 2022. Please join our mailing list here to stay up to date. 

You will need to vacate:

  • Brompton Library by Friday 25 February 2022.
  • Chelsea and Notting Hill Gate Libraries by Friday 25 March 2022.

Please remove your belongings. We understand this may be an inconvenience especially for bulky items. Therefore, we are here to offer some assistance.

For Brompton Library clients who need help moving or storing large items

At your request, boxes, labels and IT crates will be available to clients on Friday 25 February to pack-up large items, such as monitor screens, desktop printers, and chairs (not boxed) for the following reasons only:

If you have booked a fixed desk at Westminster Business Library

Westminster Business Library has no step-free access, so we can transport your large items for you. You are responsible for packing and labelling your IT items and unpacking and setting them up once they arrive. We ask that you use the lockers where available to store your IT.

If you simply need somewhere to store large items until 4 April 2022

We can transport your items for storage to Kensington Central Library. Please note, you will not have any access to these items until they are transported back to Brompton Library for the reopening on 4 April 2022, so please consider this as part of your planning. You are responsible for packing and labelling your items.

We are unable to transport equipment to any other locations.

GovDelivery logo


  1. I would not buy a mobile phone or motor from Dave...he looks well dodgy! Is he a mate of Cllr False Faulks

  2. Cllr Faulks should not be devaluing the RBKC brand, the Conservative Party, and the Town Hall by continuing to behave in this way. The Councillor is a disgrace.

    Another failure of Leadership by dizzy who is more interested in protecting her "friend" than pursuing a well run Borough.

    It seems that no amount of exposure and criticism can change this rotten administration. It is time for an elected Mayor in RBKC

  3. Fletcher is making considerably more from his business of persuading councils to 'give away' space. He has tied in several councils around London. On an aggregated basis I would suggest he has made himself close to £1.5 million at the expense of co-working operators forced by the Council to pay substantial business rates. Whoever allowed this man access to taxpayer owned assets at Poundland prices should be fired....

    1. Clear as mud. Downes has exposed Cllr Faulks for what she is. An airhead.

    2. I think "bird brain" is a more precise description


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