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Monday 28 February 2022


Papa Lebedev and Mr. Putin

The Evening Standard loses millions because it's so bloody awful.

That should be a good enough reason not to read it: another better is because of the mysterious family behind it.

However, the good news is that Alexander Lebedev is a good friend of Mr.Putin so maybe Boris's friend, Baron 'Boy' Lebedev(a newly created 'aristo' like Lordly Moylan) can join his fellow oligarchs in seeking peace.

As Lordly Moylan told the Dame..."we aristocrats must stick together"


  1. The Evening Standard should take a position on Russia and Ukraine. The position of Londoners is clear.

    Where does Lebedev stand? There are obligations with the pretty boy's gong.

  2. He has obviously seen the Hornet because he has done just what the Dames suggested. Bravo, Dame!!

    1. At last the Russian has taken a position re Putin.

      The Ruskies in London are so compromised by their huge exports of money (courtesy of Putin) into secret London property trusts that they are terrified of reprisals and confiscations. To say nothing of the criminal investigations by Western authorities which will anyway catch up with them.

      Young Lebedev is a front for his dad who is still in Moscow - The £ millions in London are being used to propel the sprog into British cafe society. With some success, it must be said. Boris fell for Eugene and gave him a seat in the Lords.

      It is not yet established if the Lord Lebedev and The Lord Moylan are an item. Both are certainly flamboyant.

    2. The Danny and The Eugene LOVE the robes

    3. Person Familiar With The Situation1 March 2022 at 08:19

      Observer is skating over the truth about Boris falling for Eugene. Nothing of the sort. Boris does not give a fig for Eugene. Its business.

      Papa Lebedev is disappointed by his fickle son. No backbone, no business or killer instincts. But papa is a successful entrepreneur and understands that Eugene is "exotic", has money from Papa and "owns" papa's newspaper in London. This combination is irresistible in certain quarters of British society. Just read Tatler

      Papa told the sprog to get one of his British sycophants to approach Boris and promise support in the Evening Standard in return for a peerage. Boris did not even have to think about it. The Tories only have three seats left in London (Kensington, Chelsea and Westminster). And Kensington is gossamer thin. EDC held it with 25 votes and Flikker holds it with 100 votes. When George Osborne was considering a return to politics and was offered the Kensington seat he turned it down as being "unsafe". Flikker got her feat under the table.

      Londoners need to be clear. Papa is the puppet master. Eugene is the puppet. And a deeply unhappy one at that.

      Boris got a good deal. Evening Standard support bought with a peerage. And a frisson for The Danny?

    4. The new Russians certainly know how to fix things. No class, but plenty of cunning.

      Odious lot

  3. With that beard he looks very macho

  4. Oh come on...have you ever heard of anyone of breeding speaking in such an affected way. Moylan's family were down to earth working class Brum Oirish and for most of his life he would like it thought otherwise.

  5. The Evening Standard is but a shadow of its former self since it went free of charged and dumped at tube stations, what was a hefty size paper with various job markets filling pages with different sectors daily is now not much better than a local free sheet with a few pages and lots of ads, how long before it ends up online only . A good paper for jobs and Londoners was basically consigned to history

  6. Young Lebedev is a designed person. Money, newspaper and a peerage. None of them earned. A Moscow construct.

    People like this usually need coke to cope

  7. What’s now clear to me is quite how dazzling this all was; how far the British counterparts were out of their depth; how they were then perfectly happy to look at figures such as Margaret Thatcher, who would turn up to Lebedev dinners to see her friend Gorbachev, and think: well, it’s fine if we now sit down with Oleg Deripaska, with disastrous consequences. The Althorp event was the debutante ball of Alexander’s son, Evgeny, now ennobled by Johnson. Evgeny has long been, as someone puts it, “the oligarch it’s OK to be friends with”. If you listen to his plummy speech in the Lords, it is laughable: no expense has been spared turning this preposterous former party boy into Jacob Rees-Mogg.

    1. Just shows how determined the Russians are to penetrate the British establishment. Long range thinking. Very dangerous for Britain. Very advantageous for self interested and greedy bankers and scoundrels on the make

    2. Worse than the Jesuits

  8. Leave the papists out of this


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