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Sunday 27 February 2022



Lordly tells police to Butt Out

Lordly Moylan has told the Met to butt out of investigations into Boris and his rule breaking parties.

His Lordship said his parties were not 'acid house' and thus ok.

How desperate is Lordly to grease up to Boris in the hope of a job....

Readers in the Daily Telegraph were astonished and comments far from friendly towards Lordly.

Daily Telegraph  and the Daily Mail called his Lordship a dimwit

Daily Mail but the funniest was someone calling this working class lad from Brum a toff!

One reader said Lordly was 'as thick as sack of spanners'!


  1. His Lordship knows all about butts

  2. Sir Merrick Cockell27 February 2022 at 22:11

    Boris give the old bugger an ambassadorship: he's such an embarrassment to you with his 'support'

  3. Voice of Moderation28 February 2022 at 05:30

    The Ukraine war is very inconvenient for the Lord Moylan. It has taken the spotlight off the COVID busting parties at No 10 and deflected attention away from Boris Johnson and his hopeless set of morals and ethics. ie a lost opportunity for The Lord Moylan to butter up and praise the flop in pursuit of the Ambassadors job in Washington.

    Our boy from Brum needs to button it. Boris already gave him a place in the House of Lords. Enough is enough.

    1. Ambassador to Washington! Moylan always aims for the top

  4. Supporter of Moylan28 February 2022 at 05:48

    Onwards and upwards!

  5. The Americans are very strict about who they let past the border. The Lord Moylan might be wiser to concentrate on find a position in one of the smaller posts. Maybe High Commissioner for Barbados or Thailand. He learnt his Foreign Office skills in Cape Town some time ago so should be able to get up to speed quickly

  6. We do apologies Mr Moylan, we totally forgot that Politicians and Lords are separate and distinct from the population in that they are above complying with regulations and laws and indeed you voice your contempt for the people trying to enforce the law just as we expected, full and shock and distain that anyone could even think about investigating such 'cut above' people as if they are the common folk. One little thing though Mr Moylan, why were the public being bombarded with fearmongering propaganda which has stayed with a lot of them causing them harm and taking the joy out of their lives, when the politicians weren't even afraid to have cheese and wine parties? Even Ferguson met his girlfriend, just as Hancock did, without a care in the world about catching anything.


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