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Friday 6 November 2020


When influential This is North Kensington praises Cllr Cyron it means something is being done right!

The Dame hears Cyron doesn't just pay lip service to resident engagement: she rolls her sleeves up and cuts through the bureaucracy to get things done.

This skill is especially required at times like these. 

There is a growing sensation that all-powerful Doc Quirk pays scant regard to the views of the ruling party and that he and his senior officer cohort go their own sweet merry way blind to council politics.

Cyron has an exemplary business career and is more than a match for Quirk.

The Dame, quick to spot leadership material, sees someone able to put the Doc back in his box and make him understand he is but a mere Town Clerk....albeit excessively overpaid and with time to write books even the brilliant Dame cannot understand. 

The Doc is now so self-important and puffed up he rarely deigns to reply to mere taxpayers who pay his close to £300k a year.

This is what happens when you move from Lewisham to our Royal Borough!


  1. LORD QUIRK OF NATURE6 November 2020 at 16:16

    Seems like the Dame doesn't like Fattie Quirk

  2. The books Doctor Quirk writes can only be understood by other local government poseurs.

  3. RBKC deserves better7 November 2020 at 19:54

    Doctor Quirk seems most out of touch with the people he's employed to serve, clearly the role serves his narrative, allowing him to indulge, which must make him very happy indeed. Past his sell by date?

  4. This is a joke post, yes?
    I can't imagine what "resident engagement" you are referring to, except perhaps the imaginary kind.

    By the way, Dame, I wouldn't diminish the role of the CE too much if I were you. Who was it again that was "forced to resign" over Grenfell, while the Leader seriously thought he could cling on?


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