with thanks to thisisnorthkensington.wordpress.com


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Tuesday 23 May 2023


Flattery gets immediate attention. 

The Dame's friend draws attention to the increased fouling of our streets. 

Not just Thames Water spilling excrement into our homes but residents doing their bit by dumping litter everywhere.

One day we might yearn to be colonised by Singapore with its zero tolerance for anti-social behaviour and littering.

Perhaps our once highly disciplined country can now only be run in an authoritarian manner. 

Dear Much Revered Dame,

I have lived and worked on Ledbury Road W11 for 25 years. 
Rubbish dumping and litter has become much worse everywhere, especially on and along mixed residential and commercial streets.

There is casual rubbish dumping mainly from take away food outlets nearby.
Also,  new renters leave bags out on the wrong days at the wrong times allowing foxes to tear into the bags, and once a bag is left out on the public footpath others come along and throw their takeaway food wrapping and drinks on top!
People leave all their shopping’s packaging without flattening it and tying it up with string. Then more rubbish is added by others.
I've been trying to deal with the local councillors but it is a losing fight.
So I have taken up litter picking on some Sunday afternoons along Ledbury Road (South-eastern side) as a white-haired, 'little old lady' of short stature.

The trouble is I am ignored when out and about with my litter picker.
No one sees me and I am not getting any message across.

Would the DAME have some serious, actual suggestions for me how to get noticed? 

A costume that will get attention? Signs to wear?

I fear that our council,  RBKC,  in order to appear to keep our tax down, is not allocating enough financial resources to pay for SUEZ to clean our streets and public footpaths often enough - I feel lucky to see it done once every few weeks in my area.

It is time for public action?

Two days ago I noticed an older white-haired gentleman bend over to retrieve coffee cups dumped in someone's front garden along Chepstow Crescent. I said thank you to him and he straightened up and looked me clear in the eyes with a warm smile.
He told me he cannot stand the dumping anymore and so he, like me, goes out, ignominiously, and does what he can to help clear the rubbish left when people sit on the front garden walls to eat/drink and then chuck the rest in the garden!

I want to appear bold when I litter pick so everyone sees me.  Not being an actor, or having an interesting wardrobe, may I have suggestions (law abiding) please?

Yours faithfully,

Mrs  xxxxxx
Ledbury Road, W11


  1. Perhaps our wonderful council should remember that increasing fast food outlets & stalls in Portobello Rd ends up with increasing levels of littering & dumping . Ask the council for increased rubbish collections,road sweepers & pest control the next time they stick yet another bloody crepe stall or burger van for the tourists round here

    1. Resident of Colville Houses26 May 2023 at 04:23

      They want to turn all of Portobello into a tacky tourist souvenir shop. Residents do not matter anymore. Don't even get me started on arse wipe youre not welcome if you're not yah yah posh cokehead yummy mummy property developer Westbourne Grove.

  2. LOVE THE PHOTO IMAGE, where did the DAME find that!

  3. We need more civic minded persons in the Borough. Thank you dear lady for setting such a good example

  4. Money for old rope.26 May 2023 at 05:10

    What do our Councillors think they get Councillors' Allowances for? To top up their personal housekeeping, of course??

    One thing Councillors are supposed to do is make sure that waste management is satisfactory and streets are clean.The Councillors for that Ward need to start earning their keep. All of whom are Labour! Socialist Squalor!

    1. Colville Resident26 May 2023 at 11:05

      The new Colville councillors are completely useless.


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