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Friday 12 May 2023


The Dame's Chief of Staff asked whether the Dame had time to meet Joe Powell, the Labour candidate for Kensington.

With her usual graciousness the Dame agreed and how pleased she was to have done so. 

Powell is bright, personable and pragmatic. 

The conversation covered many topics of local interest: planning came top of the list of issues crossing political divides.

The Dame and Joe agreed that by the time residents were consulted developers had more or less set their plans in stone. 

There must be a better way for the local community to be involved at the outset.

Joe Powell certainly represents the thoughtful and moderate Labour Party under Starmer. 

This is a good moment, by way of comment, to fire questions at him.


  1. Dear Dame,

    So glad you like Joe. He really is very committed.

    At least Joe Powell is not a dyed in the wool marxist with form for racism and antisemitism idolising a parliamentarian who blames NATO for Putin's war. He will help Keir Starmer to build a decent Britain.

    Did you ever get the chance to put Buchan, Hands and Dent Coad through their paces before they became Members of Parliament?

    1. The Dame's Chief of Staff12 May 2023 at 13:18

      Sadly, no. Miss Buchan and Mr Hands are far too grand to allow the Dame to 'check them out'. As for Mrs Dent Coad...no.

    2. Buchan, Hands and Dent Coad are far too snobbish, rough and rude for The Resplendent Dame.

    3. Ain’t that the truth

  2. As Emma is Party less, who have Kensington's Labour Councillors chosen to lead them?

  3. a breath of much needed fresh air

  4. Monica Press - one of Colville ward's three, excellent former Labour councillors is apparently the new Chair of the local Party.

    Just before the last local election, all three were forced out by EDC's bullies. The replacements are both invisible and silent.

  5. The Dame's judgement is good. Great news that Joe Powell is worthy of the position and of course it is a near certainty that he will be elected following the boundary changes and flicker's less than worthy occupation of the Kensington seat at Westminster. If Monica Press can come out from under the EDC/Lari stone and create a star Labour team to prod dizzy, then there is hope for RBKC. Perhaps the first sign of democracy after 70 years of Tory monopoly.

    1. I do hope and pray that it does happen.

  6. Poetic justice that Monica is now Chair of the local party.

    it comes to those of us who wait and bide our time. It took the NEC a while to see off Emma Dent Coad, the Marxist turncoat.

  7. Good to hear that Monica Press is in the driving seat in the CLP.

    What sort of discipline is she going to impose to make sure that Emma Dent Coad is not stirring up dissent or discord amongst Labour Councillors?

    Emma, like all those on the hard left, is capable of muck raking, dissembling and ingratiating herself with Labour Councillors for own ends. She needs to be kept out on her ear.

    1. A politically dangerous woman.13 May 2023 at 12:17


      There are a number of "Emmaites" serving as Labour Councillors in K&C. These same Councillors are on message with Emma's Socialism and were part of the conspiracy to shaft you, Ian Henderson and Pat Healy from the Council.

      You need to be taking a very strong lead against that woman who will make trouble at every turn. It all depends on how duplicitous these Labour Councillors are.

    2. The combination of Joe Powell and Monica Press are more than a match for the dwindling band of Dent / Lari orcs. Powell's regular canvassing teams are identifying a growing Labour Vote and identifying the issues that local people really care about. Meanwhile the majority of Labour Councillors are collecting their allowances whilst doing bugger all. To be fair Lari & Bakhtiar are, some what unconvincingly, turning up for canvassing and Ali for the photographs

    3. Now that Monica Press is in charge, perhaps there will be a proper investigation in to the homophobia that was denied by those in charge last year.

    4. The homophobia needs to be investigated impartially. If there was no homophobia then that will be established by the investigation. If there was homophobia then there will be consequences for the homophobes.

    5. Emma and her lot would not have dared to pass over allegations of racism in the way that they did when concerns over homophobia were brought up in the Kensington CLP. It is time to be ethical and draw a line under Dent Coad's way of doing things. Investigate all of the allegations of homophobia honestly.

      Come on Monica and Joe - do the right thing so that Labour can be a truly inclusive Party and that means being inclusive for gays and lesbians who are some of the most marginalised in the community.

  8. Ex K&C resident- now living in Australia.13 May 2023 at 15:57

    As we say 'down under,' I think Emma Dent Cod is "done like a dinner."

  9. I would like to join the Labour Party. I am a Lesbian and have quite enough difficulty with the homophobia visited on me by a heterosexist society. We heard assurances from EDC, a while ago, that there was no homophobia in Kensington CLP. Without an independent investigation in to these allegations (with none of the old pals act in play) I cannot be certain that Kensington CLP is homophobia free.

    1. Why not try it & see what your experience is? I have never seen any sign of homophobia ( although many many other failures) in the decades of my membership

    2. Why not try it and see ? Much else wrong with KCLP but l have never come across homophobia locally

    3. The hard left are notorious for being homophobic. Comments from 17.04 and 17.05 make me very suspicious. Probably written by someone who has been involved in homophobia and has much to fear from an investigation. No Lesbian Woman would have written this because Lesbians knows all about homophobia.

    4. I am a Labour Party member. Homophobia does exist in Kensington CLP.

  10. Put that in your pipe and smoke it.15 May 2023 at 09:18

    Did you see Emma's racism in your "decades of membership" of the Local Labour Party? If you did not see the racism or homophobia, others have seen it.

  11. Possibly did miss it due to overwhelming amounts of Racist, Ageist and above all, Class Snobbery in the poisonous atmosphere of EDC/ Lari /Kear's Labour Party . Can we have examples please ?

  12. Dear Dame,

    Have any of your hornets any information about the intrinsic and endemic homophobia in the local Labour Party last year?

  13. If Labour wants to win a General Election, we need to have an investigation in to the HOMOPHOBIA in the local party.

    10.36 comments on the "overwhelming amounts of racist, ageist and class snobbery" in the Kensington CLP. There have been complaints about homophobia and Emma and her shower kicked it in to the long grass and denies its existence. Homophobia will not go away just because one unpleasant person with form for racism and snobbery has left the Party.

    1. Joe Powell needs every vote that he can get.15 May 2023 at 20:27

      The Kensington electorate stands at around 65,000 voters.

      Assuming that 10 percent of male voters in Kensington are gay, then there are approximately 6,500 gay male voters in the constituency.

      Gay Men are unlikely to vote Labour whilst the stench of homophobia permeates the local Labour Party. Gay Women are likely to take a dim view of any un-investigated homophobia; and support their gay male counterparts.

      Those Gay Men and Lesbians who would have voted Labour may well defect to the Lib-Dems if any allegations of homophobia are swept under the carpet.

    2. The excellent & experienced Ben Coleman is the Labour candidate for Chelsea & Fulham. He is already onto the closure of the Under 5's Centre and the loss of quality legal advice. The crass favouritism & expenditure shown by the RBKC towards the wealthiest areas of the constituency can but boost Cllr. Coleman's chances of defeating the unloved Greg Hands.

  14. Any news of who is standing in Chelsea and Fulham? Of course history suggsts that you could pin a blue rosette on to a chimpanzee and it would win, but against Hands, perhaps there's a chance of an upset?

    1. I would like Ben Coleman to bust Greg Hands' arse at the next election. Hands is a Tory yes man; completely useless. But and there is always a but. I live in Chelsea and am gay so it is difficult for me to vote Labour when there are unresolved issues about homophobia in the neighbouring Kensington Party.

    2. The Labour candidate for Chelsea & Fulham is the excellent Cllr. Ben Coleman. He is already fully engaged in campaigning to preserve the under 5's provision in the poorest area of Chelsea and to force the Council to reverse its disastrous actions in cutting the long standing advice service at Worlds End. In acting to provide proper services for residents and opposing stupid expenditures on such things as hideous fountains and unsightly benches he is more than a natch for the unloved Greg Hands . Stand by for a political earthquake in Chelsea & Fulham

    3. I can’t support anyone that would dare work as a deputy under Steven Cowan

  15. It is very worrying that Bruno de Florence, the Kensington Party's LGBT Officer, has not agreed a statement with CLP EC setting out what the Party is going to do about the unchecked homophobia in its ranks.

    1. There is no homophobia

    2. To be fair. As part of the the Emma left over followers who haven’t resigned/ kicked out of the Labour party yet officially, he hasn’t done any work at all!

    3. There's homophobia alright. If there isn't homophobia, have an investigation and put the matter to bed. Emma denied that she was racist. Her artwork was evidence that not even Kensington Labour could scotch.

    4. No homophobia - a likely story. There has been "accent shamming" racism, and antisemitism.

      Are you asking us to believe that the accent shammers and racists are so terribly decent in their treatment of gays?

    5. Why hasn't Bruno de Florence seized this nettle and done something?

  16. We're coming out to Lesbians and Gays17 May 2023 at 19:18

    Kensington Labour needs to have a COMING OUT event for Lesbian and Gay members so that people can discuss their experiences of homophobia in the local Party in a supportive, non-judgmental environment without any of the recriminations from hard line leftist homophobes..

    1. Coming Out Inquiry.17 May 2023 at 21:07

      The "Coming Out Inquiry" needs to be open to straight members who have suffered homophobia. It is no defence to say homophobia is nullified because the victim does not identify as gay.

  17. Dear Dame,

    Joe Powell impressed you. Well bully for him. He has not impressed me with his failure to do anything about the homophobes in the Kensington CLP. There is a price to pay for everything. Emma paid it in the end.

    1. Only a gay person would understand the seriousness of this.

    2. These mysterious allegations of homophobia have never been specific or in any way substantiated, Why should we take them seriously without a jot of detail or evidence. Without any detail they simply remain paranoid,gnostic smears .


    Let's get serious, Joe. You want to win a seat with thousands owning property worth a million plus.Most are asset rich/income poor. Are you going to introduce a property and if so will it be direct or collected via Council Tax. If you refuse to answer I expect the Dame to stick to her word and have a blog allowing you to be questioned.

    1. What evidence do you have that most residents are 'income poor' ? Any wealth tax should not be based on Council Tax - which has more problems than benefits . It's outrageous that all governments have avoided regular revaluations and that the bands are not fairly proportionate. I have always suspected that additional proportionate valuation bands would make a huge difference in RBKC such that lower bands would pay much less

  19. He is running to be the local MP & not ( yet) as Chancellor . You need to address your questions about wealth taxes to Rachel Reeves - not Joe Powell . But you can be confident that , unlike his Labour predecessor Joe will be running in support of the Labour manifesto which will be produced in time for the 2024 General Election

    1. Delighted to hear that Joe Powell will not be emulating Emma Dent Coad.

  20. Felicity Birchington20 May 2023 at 12:58

    Homophobes always deny their involvement in homophobia, 13.24

  21. Labour failing to take homophobia seriously20 May 2023 at 16:49

    Kensington Labour failing to take Homophobia seriously20 May 2023 at 11:23
    I'll tell you why the Labour Party should take HOMOPHOBIC allegations seriously. The last Labour MP for Kensington did for race relations what Enoch Powell never managed to do. She advocated that a Black politician should be hanged. Nothing was done about her vile klu klux klan type of racist behaviour. She went on to endorse a vile antisemitic tweet. How unprincipled of a political party that prides itself on equality - she got away with it because she crawled so far up the backsides of Corbyn and Abbott. Labour's new management is not having anymore of her.

    The homophobic allegations which you conveniently pass off as "unsubstantiated" may well be substantiated if gay people can speak in confidence without fear of being bullied, abused, or singled out by the left wing homophobes. Bullying is a problem in Kensington Labour.

    I'll tell you what. I'll be voting Lib Dem at the next election. Labour's unwillingness to take homophobia seriously is cause for serious concern. If Dent Coad stands as a Independent candidate, and she is mean and vengeful enough to do so, the Labour vote will be split and the Lib Dems are likely to win. Serves you right!

  22. So again repetition of well known - (though very serious) past problems in the party from which many suffered but nothing to indicate the nature of specific allegations of homophobia. You are either a fantasist or paranoid.

    1. Mandy Rice Davies21 May 2023 at 10:50

      No one is going to play out allegations of homophobia on here so they can be denied. Dent Coad and her lot have always denied any homophobia - Well they would, wouldn't they?

      A Socialist Inquiry, please!

    2. If, and it is not accepted that, there was no homophobia in the Kensington Labour Party, you would be welcoming an independent investigation to lay the matter to rest once and for all. Your best defence is not attack: attacking those calling for an investigation by suggesting paranoia or fantasy is nothing but convenient. You would not dare saying that a Black person complaining about racism was being paranoid. Even Emma did not say that about Shaun Bailey AM. Fair enough, she did not hang her head in shame either.

      The Dame knows about the homophobia. Perhaps, Labour HQ should speak to the good lady for starters.

  23. Whatever happened to Labour being pro-gay? Sweep it all under the carpet. Come on Joe, this will not go away. A Lib Dem victory in Kensington is looming.

    Labour did nothing about Dent Coad's racism, she went to make another racist faux pas and she lost her seat in 2019.

  24. Reflections on Burke.21 May 2023 at 21:46

    It is only necessary for good people to do nothing about racism and homophobia for evil to triumph

  25. Am less impressed every time you tweet - no EVIDENCE of homophobia at all. You have been given every opportunity to stand up your allegations & NOTHING emerges .

  26. There is evidence of homophobia in Kensington Labour just like there was evidence that Emma was, and is, a racist. Emma's racism was aired on here and in the mass media and the Labour Party did nothing about it.

    We are not going to allow the homophobes in Labour a chance collude amongst their number to kick this one in to the long grass like the Emmaites did over her racism. We have all woken up to Labour's Dirty Tricks' Department.

    1. Corbyn's Labour Party protected and excused EDC's racism.

      Starmer's Labour Party busted her.

    2. You are a cracked record unwilling to be specific . I think that this thread is now exhausted .

    3. Not exhausted until we are satisfied. This will not be put to bed.

    4. Labour Man and Union Bloke31 May 2023 at 11:23

      Hope EDC does not ever try rejoining the Labour Party. Aristocratic, Upper Class, Racist and Antisemitic values are not the stuff of Labour.

  27. That's told them straight!


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