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Friday 26 May 2023


This is Jackie Tiotto, boss of Caffcass. Caffcass and its social workers advise the very secretive family courts on whether vulnerable children be returned to their parents. One of Tiotto's team overrode Derbyshire County Council and recommended a little baby be returned to his skunk-smoking parents who then put Finley Boden to death by inflicting 130 injuries on his little fragile body.

His murderous parents were well known to the Derbyshire CC as unfit to parent but astonishingly Caffcass pressed the family court to release Finlay. And family courts rarely challenge Caffcass.

the baby killers....

The little boy's Labour MP insinuates that it's all about lack of resources. That is not how the Dame reads it. Derbyshire CC's social workers were against the Caffcass plan so for the MP to politicise the killing is quite obscene. 
What she sees is Miss Tiotto's organisation strong-arming the court into releasing Finlay in the hands of his killers.
No doubt there will be an inquiry and 'lessons will be learned': all a little too late for Finlay.
Tiotto and her people have many questions to answer.


  1. This is what the Government claim the Caffcass "looks after the interests of children involved in family court proceedings. They work with children and their families, and advise the courts on the best interests of individual children." Did not help Finlay

  2. Tiotto is one of the hundreds of State employees earning plus of £150k plus huge pension a year.

  3. This was not about lack of resource: this was about a Caffcass employee deliberately miss advising the Court and ignoring Derbyshire CC social workers.

  4. Allowing social workers this sort of responsibility is madness. Pyscho couples like this pair need to be examined by criminal psychiatrists before be allowed to retake care of their kids

  5. A question? Why would the parents be so insistent in wanting Finlay back? The only answer can be they wanted the child's allowance to further fund their super skunk habit.

  6. Here's another absolutely horrific case & another young child failed


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