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Sunday 28 May 2023



typical offender

This afternoon Brompton Rd was the usual scene of auto anarchy.

A mix of Middle Eastern registered Lamborghinis raced against heavily modified saloons. 

The heavily modified cars all bore UK registrations and were certainly not driven by local residents.

It is difficult to imagine any other European city allowing foreign-plated cars to drive in this way. 

The modifications not just increased speed but injected nitrous oxide into the fuel injection system causing decibel levels far in excess of  permitted and accompanied by a series of explosions.

But the explosive noise is one thing. More importantly, is the risk to human life as these imbeciles accelerate well beyond 80 MPH in bursts of speed. So much for the 20 MPH speed limit normal people have to adhere to.

The council gathers tens of millions of pounds in parking revenue. 

There is no reason why this ring-fenced revenue should not be used to fund a proactive enforcement programme.

It was the Dame who alerted the Council to Acoustic cameras. What is needed now are police-manned speed controls. In this way offending vehicles can be taken off the road.

Whilst careful drivers gets dragged onto speed awareness courses for exceeding the limit by a few MPH the weekend racers are given carte blanche.


  1. Of course the easy way to completely halt this dangerous public nuisance would be to ban the Arabs from temporarily importing their supercars in the first place, or better still ban them themselves from entrering the country, they add little if anything in reality.

  2. This has been going on for far too long. Time for the police and the Council to take a grip. Easy pickings. Why are they holding back?

  3. Johnny Arab has been taking advantage of London streets and breaking the law for far too long. They go home and tell their friends who then send over more road race cars and the noise, danger and nuisance increases. Every year. Year after year. This low life know that if they tried this in Paris or Berlin or Munich, the cars would be crushed and their Passports banned. Boris loved to hob nob with rich Arabs. But time for Sunak to call a halt. He is rich and does not need to indulge the Sheiks


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