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Friday 5 May 2023



The usual political suspects will be spinning things left right and centre. 

The spinner we need to hear most from is Felicity Buchan. 

Every week Felicity sends out a platitude-rich message to residents: it's redolent of John Betjeman saying at the end of the world he hoped to be in Peter Jones's haberdashery department as 'nothing bad could ever happen there'

Reading Felicity one has the feeling she believes everything in the garden is rosy and the future perfect.

The reality is the Conservative Party is on the road to ruin after a decade-plus of incompetence. 

The Dame's friend, Doctor Heffer wrote years back that the Party needed to be out of office for a term so it could rediscover exactly what it stood for. 

No one has a bloody clue!


  1. Look at private eyes rotten boroughs. And remember barry used to be a Labour cllr, many years ago

    1. Kensington Tory7 May 2023 at 19:45

      I fear we are in for a dose of Labour. I hope they do something useful like sorting out the NHS. And perhaps even form a useful opposition in RBKC and deliver a heavy kick up the back side to useless dizzy

    2. Now EDC has quit Labour, let's see what all the new councillors are made of. Which ones do the work and which ones are dummies without the ventriloquist.

  2. Think this very scary thought...Imagine the government was a FTSE 250 company and Grant Shapps was a board member. You would instantly sell your shares

  3. nothing about this government is Conservative. It attempts to be all things to all people and satisfies no one. It is a Party that has not produced a decent leader until Thatcher and until it does the wilderness beckons

  4. Immigration out of control: taxes rocketing; entrepreneurs disincentivised and worse, violent crime out of control. Tory politicians seem only interested in self serving.

  5. In Felicity Buchan we have all that is wrong. Her voting record shows how she blows in the wind.

  6. If you are a criminal or a fraudster this country is paradise. We are now under the control of criminal gangs from every part of the globe

  7. Has anyone seen Buchan in Kensington recently? No sign of her in the constituency at all.

    1. She's at a coronation party in
      Lennox Gdns Chelsea today alongside Greg Hands (who ought to be keeping his head down after Thursday's results).

  8. Wonder why former Tory candidate for Earls Court Stephanie Petit has personally donated £5000 to Buchan this year.
    Wouldn't be surprised if she was handed a safe seat in return. Also wouldn't be surprised if 'cash for councillors' is the way the local Conservatives pick people these days. Might explain why so many of them are career politicians with deep pockets who have been in K&C for 5 min &
    have little to no other life experience.


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