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Wednesday 30 August 2023


The Metropolitan Police is so beyond repair it should be put into Special Measures. 

Years of mismanagement by Cressida Dick and her Common Purpose managers means that it is now rudderless. 

No police officer or Government employee should be a member of anti-democratic Common Purpose

The new commissioner, Mark Rowley, looks as if he is trying to play catch up with the brilliant Chief Constable of Greater Manchester, Stephen Watson.

Watson was asked to produce a business plan when applying. The committee expected a 50-page document: instead they got a one-pager replete with common sense about putting officers on the streets.

Watson is an old style senior police officer. 

He claims his family's tradition of military service is what guides him in managing the Force.

We need Watson in London now that he has taken GMP out of Special Measures.


  1. Absolutely right, enough of the spreadsheet bureaucrats..we need people who know what it's like on the frontline. The Police and the NHS has become a blissful industry for spreadsheet wasters...dictating to the people on the frontline how the job should be done. We need more people doing the actual work.....funding to the frontline.

  2. The government says it's ploughing millions into the police and health...but who ever tracks this money? Who is responsible for its spend and how are the people whose hands its in held to account. Where does the money actually go because it's not on the frontline for police, nurses, carers or doctors. We need 'old style' policing, we need police who know their patch, know the kids that are heading into trouble, who are respected locally because they know local people. And of course a judicial system that stops pushing the rotating door that works for thugs and not for decent law abiding people. With rights comes responsibility its about time thugs were dealt with properly.

  3. Its simple. Bring back community Policing and youth centres. Too much digitization is replacing the human touch , leaving our Police out of touch.

  4. Totally and wholeheartedly agree with every word of this post, and especially about the deeply malign and untoward influence of Common Purpose.


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