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Wednesday 9 August 2023


The Dame has spent years and thousands of pounds on elocution and etiquette lessons to 'bury' her plebian past and mix with aristos like Sir Merrick Cockell and Milord Moylan.

Emma who is far grander than the Dame has managed the reverse and now sounds like the pre-polished Dame. 

Really, the Upper Classes should stop this Estuary Accent nonsense.

Here she is being interviewed by someone called Crispin who doesn't sound at all like a Crispin should.

The world is going quite MAD!

Watch this car crash interview.


  1. The title of this interview should read 'Pol pot shows cuddly side '. What a balloon headed fantastist!

    1. I cannot agree more. Following on from dealings with the person I can only say that if she told me the sky was blue I would have to go and check.

  2. EMMA DENT COAD is not a daughter of the proletariat. Remember that when she slagged off Prince Harry at the Labour Party Conference in 2017, she claimed afterwards in a media interview that she was "one of them." By one of them, she meant "royalty." So let us have no more of her Estuary English.

    She claims to be a descendant of Christopher Columbus and the Borgias. She has dropped her claim to being a descendant of Catherine de Medici. I have never accepted any of this balderdash. We need 800 hundred years of genealogical evidence to verify this woman's specious claims.

    Her first husband was called Hadley. Cheps called Hadley are not proletarians, they are Hooray Henrys. He is a Baronet, not a lower order of the proletariat.b When she was with her first husband, Sir Hadley D'Oyly, she had pearls like every good Sloane must. She spoke in beautifully modulated tones with his upper class parents.

    Trying to talk like a a girl from Sauf London / Kent to pick up votes from the working classes impresses no one. I would not mind but she does not do Estuary English well. She doesn't drop her "t's" enough but "I'm gonna stand' is pathetic. I did pick up "I fank you."

    This woman is one massive fake from aristocracy to prole and from snobbish Sloane to socialist.

    Will the real Emma Dent Coad stand up.

    1. Beautifully expressed - Chameleon

    2. Lets not forget Margaret Dent's claim to be descended also from the assassin of Spenser Percival. Or was this too but an attempt to polish her radical antecedents ?

    3. I thought she claimed that her Auntie Carmen married Perceval.

    4. Whenever I think of Emma, and her Great, Great, Auntie Carmen, her descent from Columbus and the Borgias, a song comes to mind,

      I danced with a man, who danced with a girl, who danced with the Prince of Wales.

    5. Her Auntie Carmen? She is a Great Aunt, three times removed. Positively antique

    6. You are a wag, 15.07

  3. Confused identity?9 August 2023 at 08:56

    Did "the real" Margaret Mary Dent change her name to Emma because it was posher and more upper class? In Hadley's parents' Drawing Room and Morning Room, Emma blends in nicely with the carpets and very expensive furnishings.

  4. EDC said she is "not a wealthy person." She has gone from twin sets and pearls in the seventies to the sartorial 1980's London Transport Ticket Collectors' Serge Grey Overcoat today.

    1. Her fundraiser is up to over £22,000. Candidates only require a deposit of £500 to stand. Perhaps she's planning to spend the rest of the money on having a major fashion overhaul & fancy new wardrobe.

    2. She's thinking of employing workers nearer election date.

      Cannot find a contribution from Abbott, Corbyn or Dr Blott on the list of donors.

    3. Most of those supporting EDC don't live here. The
      penny hasn't quite dropped for the few local EDC supporting hypocrites who shouted at Mete Coban to 'go back to Hackney' has it?

    4. It sounds like Emma's lot were telling Mete Coban to go back to Hackney as aggressively as Lee Anderson told Asylum Seekers to go back to France.

      Emma's Hard Left mates and the Far Right have much in common.

    5. 20:26 Quite. See Spiked & Living Marxism, Brexit, the Alice Bragg from Corbynista to Conservative article below & now EDC & her mates preferring Buchan to stay on as MP for another 5 years instead of Powell. Whose side are they on? Not yours if you are a pro-EU centrist that's for sure.

  5. She's from Stepney not North Ken.

    1. People from Stepney do not speak like Emma did on the video. She spoke with an educated accent in the House of Commons. Is she trying to con people that she is one of the common people? She doesn't have the "common touch" with people.

      In her primary speech in parliament, she said, "The constituency (Kensington) is in my DNA." For years she gave the impression she was Chelsea born and bred, we now know that she comes from Stepney; one of the Tower Crumblets.

    2. She grew up in Paulton's Square Chelsea which is why the Tories always make a point of posing there every election.

    3. Stepney, one of Tower Crummilets

    4. Rumour has it that her birth date has been altered as well.

    5. Nothing about that one would surprise me.

    6. 10:56 ‘Rumour has it’… you mean you just pulled that rumour out of your old hairy arse?

    7. She makes so many claims and most of them do not stand up to scrutiny.

      Could Margaret Mary Dent who now goes under the name of Emma Dent Coad send her birth certificate to the Dame.

    8. Finished in Switzerland12 August 2023 at 07:00

      I wouldn't be surprised if EDC were to claim next that she had been "finished" in Switzerland at a top Finishing School. No Estuarine English allowed there. Noughts just rolled off Daddy's pen in those days when she spoke with such elan.

      I just love her doing, "Fank you" when she says how much it means to her that people are giving her a fiver when they haven't got it. All part of her fake socialist act.

      But what I'll tell you what she wants, what she really, really, wants is more people donating £2,500+ that what counts in the mind of someone who is "royalty" who has been known in posher settings calls herself "one of them."

    9. 23:14 EDC's birth date has been variously given as 7th November 1954, 3rd November 1952, 3rd November 1954 and 2nd November 1954 which she says is the correct one. That is the same as her Wikipedia entry for Margaret Mary Coad born in Stepney but EDC says Margaret Coad is not her, says her name is real and she was born in Chelsea.

    10. She was born in Stepney alright. If anyone wants to check Birth Certificates are obtainable upon payment of the fee to the Register Office where the birth is registered or to the General Register Office.

  6. If Jeremy Corbyn MP and Diane Abbott MP really had such a high opinion of Emma, they would have both given her a couple of Grand for her election fighting fund. They both have considerable sums of money having sat in parliament for the best part of forty years.

    Sad that our Emma has to ask those on the Social and Old Age Pensioners for money by cultivating a rough accent.

  7. Emma's Poverty Pie.9 August 2023 at 10:10

    This is the woman who sent her children to one of the poshest and most expensive Public Schools; with a very pretentious. She had the money for that. How do we know that she is now a pauper? Just because she says so?

    She is now grubbing around for money from the working man and woman - pleading the poor mouth - to indulge her ego by standing for parliament for a third time.

    1. Did you see the pretentious uniform.

    2. Margaret Dent is seeking to stand as MP out of ego and a desire for revenge rather than to actually help or represent anyone but herself . As 'the Grenfell MP ' she was entirely ineffectual and before that she was a useless Councillor for Grenfell ( Both she & Sina Lari thought that doing casework was beneath them and left the work of assisting those in need entirely up to Pat Mason ). I really hope that bogus Margaret Dent does try to run on her record - nothing better to show up the contrast between her and Joe Powell

  8. Will everyone please stop giving this woman the attention she craves . She is yesterday's news . Can we please sll move on ?

    1. She's not yesterday's news until she stops trying to get in to parliament. I know there is no such thing as bad publicity, or so they say. But exposing her as a sham is purposeful, I am sure of that.

    2. You mean the Independent Candidate at the next Parliamentary Election. Nothing to see here. Do me a favour.

    3. No I don't mean the Independent Candidate. Controversy and chaos is her middle name

  9. EDC had the money to pay post graduate PhD fees to the University of Liverpool. Why is she so hard up?

    Can anyone say how many people from Grenfell have donated?

    1. She has, apparently, been doing that Ph.d for frigging years. She finds the University of Liverpool's money but resorts to "crowd fundraising" to indulge her ego. Those donations would have been better spent with a charity.

  10. I could only watch the first few minutes before I felt sick and turned it off.

    1. Rough and Ready Emma.9 August 2023 at 16:46

      The video is nauseating. Emma is a desperate woman. The class conscious Emma trying to speak like a working woman. Whatever next? Will she be wearing Crimplene outfits?

      "Fank you."

  11. House of Hartnell.9 August 2023 at 17:38


    With Estuary English, white Stilettos with a denim mini skirt and no tights is de rigueur.

    1. If l think about it - l guess that mocking this entirely bogus woman is a form of public service after all .
      A pertinent question is perhaps- How much of the money that she has now raised has actually come from working class voters in Kensington ? Far more from her architect 'trustiferrian ' friends than from her electorate l suspect.
      This thread had already exposed her conflicting claims to be both 'a Chelsea girl' and 'Kensington - born and bred ' when in fact she was born Margaret Dent and hails from Stepney .
      More damaging is her claim that she has played a significant role in helping the casualties of Grenfell. I have yet to hear a single person claim that she actually helped the survivors and casualties of Grenfell. Despite the attention and extra resources she was given as the 'Grenfell MP l have yet to hear any Grenfell casualty express gratitude for the help that she claims to have given Before that as a Golborne Councillor she was rubbish at doing casework . Both she and co conspirator, Lari left the a boring business of trying to help Golborne residents up to Pat Mason . One can only hope that Independent Parliamentary candidate Margaret Dent

    2. Brilliant 19.37. Sums that one up perfectly.

    3. Judith Blakeman played a significant role helping Grenfell people. I have heard people from Grenfell sing her praises so often.

    4. Sharon and Tracey10 August 2023 at 10:37

      No tights 17.38. Corn beef legs with the denim mini skirt and white high heels is de rigueur for every speaker of Estuary English.

  12. Plebby McPlebface9 August 2023 at 20:02

    Crispin 'Partridge' Flintoff is the other half of Lord Melvin Bragg's daughter & one time N Ken resident Alice Bragg who once had ambitions to be a Labour Councillor but was last heard of admitting she voted Conservative in 2019.
    Maybe that's why her partner is promoting EDC because its Flicka's only chance. Vote EDC get Buchan.

    1. This Alice Bragg? 'From Corbynista to Conservative'

  13. Flicka is pretty dam certain to win with Emma splitting the left wing vote.

  14. The saddest thing about all is is that all Emma will achieve is to ensure that Felicity Buchan gets to represent Kensington for another five years. That is unforgivable and smacks of pure self interest. Emma has made a crushing mistake and she will be not be remembered kindly for this folly.

    1. Too true. She knows what she is doing. She will go down in history as "vengeful and egotistical."

      Labour's Kensington and Chelsea social housing mouthpiece, who was on the TMO Board for four yearswho did nothing for Council tenants.

    2. If labour can’t get enough votes that’s not Emma’s fault.

    3. Egotistical Deluded Clot10 August 2023 at 17:06

      Labour WILL get enough votes & Powell WILL win. Have you been anywhere outside the few safe Labour held wards in the seat? Not many Corbynistas to be found there. Ever thought that in a seat with high turnover of people most of them will be voting for parties of Government or potential Government? They're not going to vote for a powerless waffler.
      Your bad joke of a Prima Donna candidate will be sent packing with egg on her face & look a complete fool after chucking £30K away on a wasted ego trip of a sideshow shitshow & causing more division in the community that she falsely pretends to care about so much. Good luck with singing "ohhhh Jeremy Corbyn!" down South Ken & explaining to people on the doorsteps exactly all this silliness will achieve. You'll need it.

    4. The only reason that this woman got the votes she obtained in 2017 and 2019 is because people were voting Labour and she just happened to be on the Labour ticket. People will vote Labour again at the next General Election. She may be a darling of hard left marxists and racists but that does not have much appeal to voters in Kensington. Some of us who did not want her, like me, still voted for her just because she was Labour. I suppose I would vote for a trained fox if it had a Labour rosette.

  15. You are awful but I like you........10 August 2023 at 08:51

    She is so pitiful. It feels wrong to take the rise out of her. She must have a thick skin being held up to ridicule, repeatedly.

  16. She stopped calling herself, "a proud antiracist campaigner" on her Twitter profile!

    Does anyone know why? Is it significant that she stopped giving herself this highly favourable accolade shortly after the Labour NEC banned her from standing?

    Does she now accept that she is as racist as any other racist?

  17. Fank you but I want more.10 August 2023 at 11:07

    Dent Coad says in her video that.....................................


    Give the money to a housing charity for god sake.

    Stop this self aggrandisement, Emma.

    1. Emma is so greedy, 11.07.

      When her money runs out, she admits she will say,

      ......... "Please donors, I want some more."

      She claims to be a socialist. A socialist would have been more tuned in to people's finances during "the cost of living crisis." Typical upper class - easy come, easy go. As long as she does not have to put her hand in her purse, let everyone else pay the cost of indulging her marxist ego.

  18. She was triple dipping at one point, picking up money as an MP, Councillor and Leader of the Labour group. She did this despite promising that she wouldnt do that. Thats over 100k. Poor Emma how did she make ends meet. Why doesnt she use the proceeds from her book ' i am the only one in Kensington ' the royalties must have been......

    1. Whatever she says, she is a Monetarist not a Socialist.10 August 2023 at 16:24

      I remember Dent Coad's Double Standards too.

      Emma criticised Lady Borwick for being a Councillor, a GLA Member and a Member of Parliament at the same time and, for being paid three times from the public purse for representing the very same people. Fair dos to the highly principled Socialist.

      According to Emma, it was not possible to do the job of Member of Parliament with any other paid employment. Being an MP was a full time job in itself with no time to do any other paid work. She always stated that she would never do two jobs at the same time and get paid for representing the same people twice over. What a load of deceitful poppycock that turned out to be.

      When she was returned to the Commons, she failed to give up her seat as a Councillor in Golborne Ward. All of a sudden, she could do the impossible: she could do two jobs at the same time - one in parliament and the other on the Council; something that no other woman on this planet had ever managed to do.

      Corbyn decided to use this Dent Coad to make points about Grenfell in the Council Chamber. She became Corbyn's puppet on a string saying whatever left wing point he wanted made about Grenfell.

      Emma then made a big fanfare that she would not be paid twice for representing the people of Golborne. She gave up her Councillor's Allowance and stated that her parliamentary salary paid for her to represent Golborne voters adequately. During the last twelve months of her parliamentary reign, she realised that she would not be sitting in parliament for the full five year parliamentary term with five years' pension rights. She anticipated that she would be kicked out of parliament at an early General Election, so she started claiming her Councillor's Allowance again, to coin in all the money, for the last twelve months of her time in the Commons. Greedy and deceitful!

      She's a Corbynite hypocrite!

  19. Your Ladyship,

    As of this moment, 220 people on two different pages of From The Hornets' Nest have commented on Ms Emma Dent Coad over the last ten days.

    Does this achievement qualify Emma Dent Coad for some sort of extolment laudation or possibly excoriation from the Glorious, Gracious and, most Resplendent Dame?

    1. "Excoriation," I should imagine, because she is very popular indeed.

    2. 220 comments does not equal 220 people. Chelsenomics in action.

  20. She is a very greedy woman.

    Double dipping - responsible socialism and citizenship that's EDC for you

  21. The greedy socialist has only raised £ 23,000 so far.

    The donations have now dried up.

    But don't worry, the egocentric socialist will be asking people for more money when she wants it. She hasn't got a bottomless purse but everyone else has.

    This is the one who pays public school fees and then asks everyone else, Benefit Claimants, Old Age Pensioners, people with £2,500 to burn, to chip in to pay for narcissistic attempt to stand for parliament in Kensington. God love her.

  22. Emma Dent Coad, when she racially abused Shaun Bailey AM, said,

    . "Where will he ever fit in,"

    Bailey was accepted by Cameron, Osborne and Johnson and now sits in the House of Lords. Whereas, Emma sits in Hornton Street Town Hall, all on her own without a Party.

    When it comes to fitting in where will Emma ever fit in. She's not comfortable being Mrs Average of St Mark's Road so she claims to have Royal blood. Remember, she claimed to be "one of them' when she slagged off Prince Harry. So on the one hand she wants to abolish the monarchy, fair enough, but on the other hand she wants us all to accept without question that she is " Royal;" something special and different. This is nothing but pretentious dross and detritus which shows just ridiculous she is.

    She does not want to fit in with us Commoners. So she tries to distinguish herself by claiming to be a cut above the rest of us "with knobs on" - hence descent from Columbus, and the Borgias. We have not seen the evidence to substantiate any of this nonsense. In any event, I was not aware that the Italian /Spanish Columbus was "Royal."

    She fitted in with Marxist Corbyn and she crawled around Diane Abbott to gain acceptance. But, there again, Corbyn and Abbott have never fitted in until they gained control of the Labour Party and that ended in tears for both of them - they are a pair of misfits. Corbyn, Abbott and Dent Coad are longer acceptable to the Labour Party for their racism towards Jewish people.

    Do left wing control freaks ever really fit in? Look how Emma controlled the Kensington CLP insistent on everyone fitting in with her.

  23. The Dame has decreed no more comments unless absolutely pertinent

  24. Speaking Estuary English has not increased her donations by much.

    Fank u

  25. The Dame has spoken - Blessed be the Dame !

    1. Estuary English Girl.20 August 2023 at 11:46

      Dent Coad's sister, Ann Dent, has just donated £50 to Emma's campaign. The Dents dig deep in their pockets but others dig deeper.


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