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Monday 14 August 2023


Multi car smash on Exhibitionist Rd

Lordly Moylan's 'folie de grandeur' was the £30 million Exhibition Rd  built using granite transported thousands of miles away from China(yes, the Dame is aware that the same granite could have been bought from Scotland but Danny has a thing about Asia)

Moylan was warned by experts the layout was a grave danger to pedestrians.

The idea of mixing cars and walkers was madness but many feel Lordly is a bit bonkers. (His other  bonkers idea was to remove dustbins throughout the Borough)

As predicted the road is  causing a multitude of problems highlighted here. One such is its unconventional grey-tiled layout and low-drop kerb is confusing for some people, 

One 71-year-old said: “I almost got skittled when I was standing out here talking to someone"

“I stood back and didn’t even realise I was on the road.”

Another said that a woman was knocked to the ground by a taxi performing a U-turn “right in front of us” earlier this year. 

A member of a nearby church claims to have seen a schoolgirl hit by a taxi.

Others say tourist coaches also park on the pavement, forcing people into the road.

In February one K&C councillor claimed supercars sped down the road because its lack of high kerbs and unique grid patterns made it “look like a video game”.

The road is also a hotspot for “rev heads”, according to Alan Thomas, who manages 59-61 Princes Gate.

He said “hundreds” of people had turned up with cars outside a block of flats to rev engines until late at night, and added: “Everybody has moaned and groaned when they park their cars here and they are all different types of cars.

He added: “This road is dangerous. There are many run-ins and people walk down this road and have no sense.

“We have had accidents over the years with cars colliding into each other.”


  1. The Kensington Trio, Moylan, Sir Pooter and EDC, are a gas.

    1. Politics, god help us22 August 2023 at 09:03

      It says a lot about the Tory Party and the Labour Party that their star turn acts in Kensington for many years were Sir Pooter Cockle, Danny Boy Moylan and Emma Columbus Dent Coad. As Dominic Cummings said, "How did we end up with Jeremy Corbyn and Boris Johnson being the electorate's choice in 2019?" A shower!

    2. Kensington's finest, Merrick Cockell, Daniel Moylan and Emma "Columbus" Dent Coad. God help us!

  2. The Lord Moylan RIBA Hon14 August 2023 at 11:54

    May I, through the courtesy of your blog make certain points in relation to Exhibition Road. Point 1. It did not cost £30 million: the figure was £27 million. In any new road scheme there are likely to a few accidents. My final point is that the decision was a collective Cabinet decision. If there is blame to be shared Cllr Campbell should hold up her hand.

  3. Exhibition Road ‘ruined by tourists - they're blocking traffic’: The Sun (5 Aug 23) https://www.thesun.co.uk/motors/23363520/uks-most-famous-streets-ruined/

  4. Too many Councillors, too much money to spend and not enough to do

  5. Doubtless at considerable cost, his ludicrously plummy accent has recently been modified into something that vaguely resembles human speech. But there's nothing of humanity about him. There never will be.


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