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Friday 14 April 2023


Over the years the Kensington constituency has generally been the home of charismatic senior politicians...Rifkind, Portillo and Clark(awful social climbing type, though) spring to mind.

These are leaders rather than 'the led'. 

Having achieved much they can take constructive shots at their peers without the vulnerabilities and frailties clinging to the lesser 'greasy pole climbing' breed.

Felicity Buchan is intelligent, honourable and honest but being ambitious is highly conscious of the need to keep her nose clean.

Is she constant in her loyalties? 

No, like the Vicar of Bray, she seems not to have many scruples in switching loyalties.

How anyone could have thought that Truss and Kwarteng were leadership material beats the old Dame.

The fact that Felicity Buchan employs a PR person rather defines her. Can one imagine Rifkind employing a publicist?

How Buchan got selected is no great mystery. 

She paid her dues as a long-term Association member and a protegee of Cllr Campbell.

This powerful constituency should not be in the gift of Cllr Campbell.



  1. I seem to remember Michael Rifkind invited the old Dame to tea at the House: she refused as he was trying to lobby her to lay off Pooter.

  2. Do we pay for this publicist?

  3. When the selection took place Con HQ tried to put forward candidates but Campbell told them to butt out.

  4. The Lord Moylan RIBA Hon14 April 2023 at 08:20

    It is doubtful she will retain the seat. In my view a Party 'Big Beast' needs to carry the torch for the seat. A man with ample experience of senior positions within the Council. Perhaps even a man who had advised a past Prime Minister?

  5. Sir Merrick Cockell14 April 2023 at 08:22

    So typical of Daniel Moylan to shove himself forward. He has no dignity. For many years I was Leader of RBK&C. There can be no greater claim than mine. Felicity Buchan should step aside for me.

  6. Rishi Sunak is bright and capable. He would be capable of running a FTSE 100. So how does he feel when he looks at those in his Cabinet knowing that were he back in the real world of work he would never give them a job. There is not one member of the Cabinet fit for purpose. As for Gove...the image of him dancing away in a gay Aberdeen nightclub....the guy is a prick.

    1. Gove commented on the small size of Mick Jagger's penis when he saw it in a loo in Oxford. Gove is supposed to be massive; a big prick.

      Jagger refused to give Gove a lift back to London.

  7. Hmmmm not so sure those on that supposedly "illustrious" check list of former MPs can really be so fondly remembered as being a great MP for Kensington by most constituents (unless you've only been talking to a few blue rinse Tory ladies on the "Kensington Garden party circuit")

    Now Labour have a credible and worthy alternative in Joe Powell, sensible reasonable voters will do the right thing at the next General Election, break with the past vote him in and say goodbye to Dizzy's protégé.
    Here's hoping.

    1. How Dare You, I have never 'blue rinsed' my hair

  8. The Dame is too trusting of ‘young things’ like Flick. She was a committed supporter of Brexit Central. Before the General Election, knowing that Kensington was strongly ‘Remain’ (and how right they were) resigned, deleted all her posts and told anyone who would listen that she was entirely ‘neutral’ on Brexit. Good try.

  9. I wonder who Flicka's PR person is. The likelihood is that it's the drinking partner she often boozes with at The Enterprise. No doubt the drinks get ********* also. Flicka would be better to employ a secretary given she isn't even capable of responding to constituents' letters. Shame on her.

  10. 14.27 gets it exactly right. Not since the Days of Brandon Rhys Williams has Kensington had an MP who genuinely cared for the constituency & its residents. The succession of supposedly 'charismatic senior politicians' all came to the constituency after failing or retiring elsewhere. They were all passed their best when they came to the seat and did nothing for it in the years that they occupied the seat.
    The Dame was very wise to hold herself aloof from this procession of fading carpetbaggers. But lets hope that she can let herself 'go for a final canter round the course' with the dashing, young and thoroughly honourable Mr Powell when he comes into his kingdom in 18 months time

  11. The Dame will bring young Powell in to check his fetlocks and see if he is fit to race. If he's a 'good 'un' you will all be told. The thing about the old Dame is that she is only impressed by what politicians do rather than what they say. She will always remember with great affection her dear friend, Ernie Bevin. Ernie would have had no truck for the affectations of Cllrs Lari and Dent Coad. Good Radstock miner stock...

  12. Certainly its a good maxim to judge a man by his deeds rather than fine words . But, in ousting Emma & the Emma-ites from their total control of the constituency party and instilled disciplined & effective , twice weekly ,canvass sessions has he not already proved himself a good- deed-doer?
    For all their decades of experience the old guard of Labour Councillors lost control of the party and left the ordinary membership confused and inactive.
    Powell has not only organised the Parliamentary selection for himself but has galvanised the membership into an electioneering machine rather than a declining & bitterly divided marxist debating society. Not forgetting that he had also restored Monica Press to Chair of the Constituency Party
    Oh happy days for democracy in RBKC .

    1. Lab voter fed up of crap Lab councillors16 April 2023 at 13:27

      At least half of the councillors that were brought in last year are either untrustworthy or hopelessly out of their depth. There's been enough said already on most of the ones who stayed on. It won't be "happy days" unless Press, Powell and the party do something. The disruptive and the hopeless councillors are letting North Ken down and it can't wait until 2026. By elections after GE please.

    2. What exactly has Mr Powell done for Kensington ?

    3. What exactly has Ms Dent Code done for Kensington? (Apart from letting her ego get carried away with her, haviing an entire political career out of pure posturing than genuine real campaigning, makiing her party divisions worse, encouraging hatred & bullying in local party, ensuring that RBKC oppostiion does nothing to challenge the Tories & remains an absolute joke for the foreseeable future by picking people barely fit to flip burgers to become councillors.)

    4. So what has he done for Kensington ?

  13. 23:54
    Nice try to deflect criticism but
    Joe Powell has neither been a Kensington councillor nor MP. Unlike the person/persons you are desperately trying to defend!

  14. So he has done precisely nothing. All hot air.

  15. 19:13 What point are you trying to make exactly?
    So you would prefer the Labour Party had adopted EDC or heaven forbid Ali for Kensington?

    1. Both are highly divisive & have been deeply damaging to Kensington & its residents. Or maybe 19:13 prefers Buchan who has been in office for nearly 4 years & done sod all for the constituency.

  16. My point is that Mr Powell has not done anything for Kensington.

    1. You're like a broken record with the needle stuck.

    2. Pathetic. Kear ought to find something better to do with his time.

    3. Like joining the socialist workers party where he belongs. He is welcome to take EDC with him.

  17. Rifkind and Pooter Cockell operated an unspoken closeness that only Jewish people understand. It is an instinctive preservation mechanism during times of frequent persecution.


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