with thanks to thisisnorthkensington.wordpress.com


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Friday 21 April 2023



Dear Dame
I am part of the group determined to halt the further wrecking of our beautiful King's Road.
The never-ending re-developments in King's Road for pure financial gain do nothing except make life hell for residents and future generations.
It seems that the planners work hand in glove with developers leaving us residents to fight hopeless one-sided battles.

The demolition of Marks& Spencer and the unwanted site development is a real slap in our faces. 
The planners are quite deliberately 'going slow' in adding objections and we know that those now number over well over one thousand.
The fact that most of the planning staff still work from home is no excuse for failing us.

We, residents, are second-class citizens. 
We pay massive council taxes to fund the salaries and pensions of RBK&C planning officers only to find them working against our interests.

So, we plan to make democracy work for us. 

We will set up a Resident Ist group in Chelsea.
We are even considering putting up a parliamentary candidate so Mr Hands are you with us or against us?
We are deadly serious and are going to seek the views of resident associations. 
Even the Chelsea Society's damning critique has been ignored!
Councillors....you have been warned.
(Dear Dame, please redact our names)

Yours  sincerely 


  1. If you redact your names, how do you expect people to join you? How do we get in touch with the "Resident Ist group"? How do you position yourselves with the Save King's Road group, also campaiging to stop the M&S redevelopment?

  2. 9:25 thanks. if you email the Hornets Nest they will pass on our contact details. We are in collaboration with Save King's Road but are concerned over general disruptive development on or near the Road.

    1. Thank you 09.46. I will do that.

  3. This sort of opposition is well overdue. Councillors seem incapable of standing up to officers

  4. The Conservative grip at national and local level is dramatically loosening...now is the time to have a change

  5. We are all fed up with old fashioned types moaning about the loss of Marks&Spencer. Frankly, there are too many old buildings in King's Road and too many old farts trying to protect them. I would like to see much taller buildings. Why not have a limit of 40 storeys and encourage go-ahed developers to modernise what is a really boring bit of London full of snobs.

    1. And we are all fed up of developer apparatchiks like you who only have the best interests of property speculators at heart. What a dufus.

  6. I live behind M&S21 April 2023 at 20:30

    This man Geo spends hour on Nextdoor. He is quite odd and just a little crazy.

    1. George Geo Bevely Hills21 April 2023 at 20:36

      It's my job I'm a sort of low rent Bimgle really.

    2. I live with me Mum and she don't like M&S. She thinks there should be a Poundland there. Chelsey is full of snobs

    3. Lord Draycott of This ilk22 April 2023 at 08:35

      My dear fellow, are you quite right in the head? A POUNDLAND in Chelsea. Horror of Horrors. What is the country coming to.

    4. I wish people would stop bullying my friend, Mr Geo. He is perfectly entitled to be boring. We bores need to stick together. King's Road is full of snobs who live in the past and want it all to be 'quaint'. We don't do 'quaint' in Paddington Basin...we like futuristic.

    5. Dearest pompous ass George Gio what you lack in debating skills you make up for in humour!

    6. Nina, I thought we were on the side? Your comment was quite below the belt


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