with thanks to thisisnorthkensington.wordpress.com


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Thursday 13 April 2023


"The temperature is rising and the flowers and trees are coming into bloom- so it must be time to hand over the centre of Holland Park over to Holland Park Opera for the whole of the summer?"


  1. Why is the superstructure & bars to facilitate the Opera season up already when l believe it is still 6 weeks to opening night ? Let them use rehearsal rooms elsewhere and leave we residents the run of our park fir at least another spring month. The Council repeatedly states that it has stopped giving the Opera Company privileges and access to the borough's funds but this expensive 'cuckoo' continues to starve other less elitist arts projects in RBKC of support whilst squatting in the centre of the park throughout the summer

  2. Here we go again. RBKC allowing Holland Park Opera to take over our public space without the the support of the local community and nothing provided such as concessions/freebies for the less privileged local residents

    Nothing about the way this rotten council works has changed.

  3. The scandal is that the Opera pays no rent for the land nor rates. And council tax payers were tricked into spending £1 million to create a new foundation for the tent on the basis that it is a "sitting out" area for Park users. But only in the winter.....


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