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Thursday 16 March 2023



Residents have beaten off 'Khan't do anything right and his dimwitted plans 



  1. What a silly headline . The removal of the High St cycle lanes were not a victory for residents but rather for the motorists who wish to traverse the borough without regard for local residents. And silly Dizzy was foolish enough to be bounced into it without the protection of knowledgeable highways offices - who should have analysed the source of the campaign for untrammeled motoring

  2. I greatly enjoyed the pathetic whining, both in that article and the comments on it, from the over entitled but tiny militant cycling lobby, including their utterly false claim that the cycling lobby group that brought the legal challenge was a local residents group and enjoyed massive support within the Royal Borough, neither of which claims are actually true. It really is time to pout the cycling extremists back in their lycra clad box.

  3. Indeed! And now it’s time to bring back the old speed limit and get rid of speed bumps too! What’s the point of working hard and driving a nice car if you can’t enjoy it where you live!! Infact RBKC needs to deal with the motorcyclists too especially the L plate drivers.


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