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Tuesday 14 March 2023



Once again the wishes of residents are ignored and a monster 33-storey tower will dominate this enclave. Khan hates RBK&C but in this instance RBKC planners have endorsed the scheme: unsurprising as our planner love and vote for Khan.

You can read about it here LINK

The firm will build 462 apartments across seven new blocks for joint venture developer MARK and Seven Capital.

The tallest block on the corner of West Cromwell and Warwick Road, will rise up to 33-storeys, making it one of the tallest buildings in the Royal Borough of Kensington and Chelsea.


  1. Absolutely unbelievable. In one of the most polluted areas where there is no infrastructure, no police, the area is lawless, no schools and what about healthcare? Clearly this Council has lost the plot yet again. We listen? Clearly NOT.

  2. Another way to bury local people even further in pollution, already the area is gridlocked, how are these morons going to get these buildings actually built...fly their materials in? And of course the Council who 'serve' us...allow this to happen. Why should the leaders care they live in Chelsea!

  3. I believe it was the Mayor of London and not RBKC who granted this monstrousity?

    1. Could we have clarity on this Dame?

  4. "A statement said that, since the application was considered by the planning committee, the council "has since endorsed the revised scheme following changes secured by Greater London Authority planners".

  5. Both as bad as each other. Corrupt, wasteful and over-self absorbed - and people wonder why our voter turnout is so low?

  6. RBKC has been planning a massive 'gateway ' tower block on this site to my certain knowledge for at least 20 years. If it brings more people to live year round in our fast disappearing borough it will be worth it . Our useless Tory Council seems happy to be the only area of London to be losing residents . Most developments in RBKC are not for people to actually live in but are simply stores of wealth in the form of bricks and mortar.

    1. What makes you think that this development is going to be any different from all the others?

  7. Friend of Lord Moylan18 March 2023 at 14:13

    Not high enough!

  8. Lets be fair . This is one of the few areas in the borough where a tower block will NOT cause great harm to existing residents . And there is a new (sadly one form entry only ) close by to take the extra children. You may have a point about needing additional medical services .But the huge space & volume of traffic on Cromwell road can certainly absorb the building vehicles & supplies without anyone noticing. It is important that we are selective & precise in our objections to developments . Otherwise we can simply dismissed as nimbys. The Warick Road developments were 'lost' years ago & this cannot possibly make it worse !! ( Unlike the Corner heights already agreed by our supine Council for the key site opposite Brompton Cemetery. Here there was a battle worth fighting but the Council capitulated immediately )


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