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Tuesday 7 March 2023



The Dame's friends know behind the expensive Heathfield veneer she is really very vulgar. 
However, even the Dame had to admit this strange-looking fountain was just the height of vulgarity. Exactly the sort of hideous thing Milord Moylan would treasure. 

Talking of treasure let us look at the cost of this folly....yes, £500,000....the cost of a house and the Dutch built benches behind were another £100,000

It is not just the vulgar abuse of our money but the fact that 'place making'(ghastly term) has aroused universal scorn and hatred.

The comments here on NEXTDOOR prove beyond doubt that a very serious and expensive error has been made here.


  1. A touch of class.7 March 2023 at 16:51

    Indescribably vulgar!

    The sort of thing one finds in towns controlled by a Labour Council.

  2. Yes, disgusting waste of money and no one to blame, councillors are keeping their heads down!

  3. The District Auditor7 March 2023 at 17:09

    One fears to make accusation but I hope that my team does not need to interview officers concerned

  4. What a funny place to drop a £500,000 fountain !

  5. The Lord Moylan RIBA Hon7 March 2023 at 17:14

    I actually find it rather imposing. I am considering acquiring something somewhat similar for my home in Bongpat. Those who know will appreciate the fountain stone is similar to the granite blocks I acquired for Exhibition Rd. Those I acquired from my Chinese friends: one was not able to achieve the same 'hue' from British granite.

  6. The Chelsea Vulgarian7 March 2023 at 19:23

    Municipal and vulgar.

    1. The Lord Moylan RIBA Hon7 March 2023 at 20:40

      I may be 'municipal' but surely not vulgar?

    2. Rarely has there been such outrage at this flagrant waste of money. The whole thing must have cost close to a Million. Add another two and you could build a primary school. This is a council bereft pf priorities

    3. A graceless and vulgar statue, I say.

  7. John Betjeman.8 March 2023 at 08:24

    "A Bird Bath in the Heart of Chelsea."

    Whatever next.

    It is the sort of thing that Labour politicians commission when they take over a Council from the Tories.

    Tasteless, vulgar, uninspired. Not for Chelsea Green. It will be covered in carcinogenic pigeon sh*t soon.

    1. Common and Vulgar9 March 2023 at 08:55

      Dear Dame,

      Was The Chelsea Society consulted about this vulgar monstrosity being placed on Chelsea Green?

      Most of us in Chelsea's polite society prefer something less showy and conservatively understated.

  8. Emma Dent Coad is the Council's expert on Architecture. Will she please tell us her opinion of this ornamental masonry courtesy of B&Q or Homebase?

  9. I saw a Hooray Henry pee in the fountain last night. He was trying to impress a nearby Sloane Ranger who was encouraging him. He was hell bent on showing the size of tackle.

    1. 'Personal friend' of the Dame8 March 2023 at 21:32

      I am afraid the young Hooray Henry is rather a throwback. He's Ludo, the Dame grand nephew and a great trial to the Dame.

    2. Ludo has a big one. The Sloane liked it.

    3. So Ludo had a slash in the fountain.

  10. Pride of place of anothe vulgar statue.8 March 2023 at 19:05

    Dear Dame,

    Did you know that the Kensington and Chelsea TMO spent good money on a statue to indulge the whims and fancies of a high profile member of the TMO Board?

    Yet, they skimped and scraped on unsafe cladding for Grenfell.

    Statues are very much in keeping with the beauty of Council Estates. This statue occupies pride of place on a Kensington Council Estate.

    1. Pure Class on a Council estate9 March 2023 at 02:56

      Maighread Condon Simmons, Elizabeth Campbell, Quentin Marshall and EDC were all serving as Council Nominated TMO Board Members when this expenditure on a statue for a Council estate was incurred. The TMO would not say how much they spent on this statue. How profligate!

      I expect that Sir Martin Moore Bick has found out that the TMO was a law unto itself.

    2. Moore Bick knows all about the TMO. Dent Coad thought that she was the one to tell him and he did not want to hear from her. She was devastated by the Inquiry seeing her off. He knew that Corbyn, the Marxist, would be pulling Dent Coad's strings and he did not want a left wing evidence bias so he sent for the very sensible Judith Blakeman instead. It is a pity that he is not looking in to all the shenanigans at the TMO including Board Members getting preferential treatment and the Audit Commission's three star rating in 2006.

    3. Moving from the ghastly vulgar statue on Chelsea Green to the Grenfell Enquiry is quite a stretch but it provides an opportunity to pay tribute to Judith Blakeman's excellent evidence and testimony given to the enquiry . Some would say that, despite the pressure it placed upon her, it was her finest hour.

    4. Vulgar statues courtesy of the Council and the erstwhile TMO.12 March 2023 at 07:53

      Spot on 15.51. That's why I brought it up. The interconnectedness of the vulgar statue on Chelsea Green, the TMO's profligacy buying a statue for someone who became a TMO Chairman, and Grenfell Tower all came together very nicely. Judith was marvellous not only at the Inquiry but in what she did to help Grenfell people.

    5. Judith was good at the Inquiry. I think Moore Bick deprived of us of a classic by failing to send for Maighread Condon Simmons. Lol.

    6. Can you just imagine it, Maighread appearing before Moore Bick?

    7. Emma Dent Coad was on the TMO Board when the TMO purchased the statue for a prominent Board member; and the Council estate where he lives.

      I think EDC's priorities were wrong just as the Council's priorities were wrong in purchasing the fountain for Chelsea Green. EDC's left wing bent prompted her to devote all her energy to getting the TMO to adopt the term "Chair" instead of "Chairman" at meetings of the TMO Board.

      Does this really matter?

      I suppose given the substandard work that the TMO carried out to people's homes, the TMO's bullying and blacklisting of tenants, the FRAUD which Maria Memoli identified, and the sheer incompetence of most TMO officials did not concern our faithful socialist, Emma Dent Coad.

      But.......changing the TMO's nomenclature from "Chairman" to "Chair was what really mattered to her and her left wing mates.

  11. Oh nooo peeing with lion - I am embarrassed x


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