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Thursday 1 December 2022


A question anyone would ask...where do you come from dressed like that...especially at Buck House

The Dame and her zipped lips

The Dame was at a 'function' last night.

She met up with a Brit with Indian heritage. 

After chatting about mutual friends the old Dame asked S**** about his family origins.

He told a fascinating tale of his family originating from Rajasthan before moving to Kenya and then being violently expelled by the hideously racist Idi Amin.

In the future, the Dame won't be asking anyone about their family origins in case it causes a traumatic offence.

The Dame has met many members of the aristocracy(including Lordly Moylan)

She has never met Lady Hussey. If she is like other members of the Waldegrave family she would be someone fascinated by people and where they come from.

The 'offendee' is a total idiot.

A reader makes this persuasive comment..


    If Lady Hussey is such a dreadful racist, just what did she think she was doing striking up a conversation with three Black women in a group, on their own, at a social function? It seems to me that she was being inclusive; not exclusive. But alas, the Race Commissars think differently. 

    Lady Hussey's use of language was clumsy and cackhanded but not racist. When one is told that someone is British that is a statement of fact. I think people who embrace others of different cultures are genuinely interested in acknowledging differences because people who are different are often interesting. Difference is legitimate!  

    If you want to look at racism, in all its vileness, look no further than the Leader of the Labour Group on the Council of Kensington and Chelsea. Drawing a picture of a Black person being hanged and thinking that she is suitable to represent Kensington for the Labour Party in parliament is very worrying. 


  1. I was going to ask Ian Henderson which part of Scotland he's from but won't now in case he gets offended and says 'Chelsea'

    1. If you are white and attend any public function then do not look at or talk to black people. It could be dangerous.

    2. If Lady Hussey is such a dreadful racist, just what did she think she was doing striking up a conversation with three Black women in a group, on their own, at a social function? It seems to me that she was being inclusive; not exclusive. But alas, the Race Commissars think differently.

      Lady Hussey's use of language was clumsy and cackhanded but not racist. When one is told that someone is British that is a statement of fact. I think people who embrace others of different cultures are genuinely interested in acknowledging differences because people who are different are often interesting. Difference is legitimate!

      If you want to look at racism, in all its vileness, look no further than the Leader of the Labour Group on the Council of Kensington and Chelsea. Drawing a picture of a Black person being hanged and thinking that she is suitable to represent Kensington for the Labour Party in parliament is very worrying.

    3. Point taken about racism and Emma Coad.

  2. Seeker after nonsense1 December 2022 at 12:03

    Evidently, the woman was in traditional African address so one can assume Lady Hussey was genuinely interested in which part of Africa her family were from.

    1. Furious Resident1 December 2022 at 12:43

      Sarah (Hussey) is a forthright person (like the late Duke of Edinburgh) with a curiosity about those around her and especially those that she meets for the first time. When a dickhead person dresses up in African gear and barges into a Buckingham Palace reception the idea of "shrinking violet" is not on her mind. She wants to be noticed. She wants to be talked about. She is seeking attention. The first thing she does is to bleat to WOKE journalists that she has been racially abused by a member of the Palace staff. Guaranteed headlines.

      What a nasty piece of work this little cretin is. She says she is from Isleworth. Why was she not wearing an M&S twin set? The people from Isleworth do not go around dressed up in witch doctor rags. Nasty little attention seeker

    2. Duke Hussey, Lady Sarah's late husband, was my very good friend. We were at school together

    3. Rugby, Milord? You must be quite an age, sir.

    4. The runt Fulani is form Hackney, not Isleworth

  3. This country is fucking MAD

    1. This whole episode has been manufactured by a mischievous person of black heritage who saw her opportunity for fame. All at the expense of an 83 year old lady who has given a lifetime of service to good causes.

    2. Observer, I see that her father in law was one of the most aggressive promoters of proper education for Nigerian and Ugandan people when head of education. He stopped the mission schools from educating above kindergarten because he said they were not capable of providing a high enough secondary education the young.

    3. I speak with an English accent. Whenever I am introduced to people, my Irish first name is mentioned. People ask me where I am from and I say, "I am British" or "I come from London."

      I am often asked, " Are you Irish?" to which I explain that my mother is Irish. I have also, on occasion, been asked, " Where are you really from?" I am not offended by people enquiring in to my background or heritage even if they use awkward and inpet language. I have never formed the view that anyone making the enquiry in such terms was being deliberately nasty (or had nasty attitudes towards the Irish) in their heart. We all say silly things from time to time, or use phrases which express ourselves badly. It is very easy to take offence and declare such language as racist.

  4. My wife is Japanese. I thought I had better check in case she ever got 'offended'. I asked how she would have felt if Lady Hussey had asked where she was from. Her reaction was, "I would have felt it odd had she not"

  5. It is clear this Royal Hanger On deliberately traumatised the black lady. If I were still an MP I would be raising the matter in House of Commons and demanding an Emergency Debate. Lady Hussey or the Royal Family should be paying multi-million damages. I see Felicity Buchan has not made any comment in support...typical

  6. Good piece here https://www.thesteepletimes.com/editorial/lady-susan-hussey/

    1. Thank you for sharing my article. I sometimes get asked where I'm from... People have suggested everywhere from Denmark to Canada with a bit of Italian in between. I'm English, but do I get offended Ngozi style, hell no.

  7. Why is it anyone’s business where someone else is from? If someone says they’re ‘from Hackney’ why the fuck do you need to keep asking over and over again till you get an answer you’re happy with? Can’t black people be ‘from Hackney’?

    This is clearly a case of a racist old lady who saw a black person and couldn’t satisfy her insatiable need to be racist by asking where said black person was ‘from’. She has moved in racist circles her whole life, working for an infamously racist family. Ngozi Fulani is completely within her rights to be offended. She said she was from Hackney, born in Britain. She’s lived here her whole life and shouldn’t expect to tell people she’s from anywhere else if she doesn’t want to. Stupid pathetic cunts

    1. How do you know she did go on asking? Stop being a dimwit and ask the question as to whether she asked just once and Fulani decided to lie about it?
      You have no fucking idea have you? You just want to take the word of a woman who loves attention.

    2. Fulnani is a pathetic whiner. She turns up wearing African dress and wonders why people ask her where she is from. If I wear a kilt I might get asked where I am from...stupid woman.

    3. so now we hear she wore a hidden mike

    4. 16.05. If you ask Emma Dent Coad, she will understand Lady Hussey's point of view.

  8. The people on this racist blog love to preach about equality and second hand faux offense regarding certain people they don’t like. But this post and all of its comments prove that FTHN has some very bitter, racist readers and is a breeding ground for the white people of RBKC to project their horrible views onto the internet. The Dame and all of her hornets are racist.

    1. Oh do shut and stop being a silly 16:08

    2. If you care to repeat the allegation I am racist I will certainly sue you. So why not repeat the allegation with your contact details and see what happens.....

  9. She wasn’t wearing an African dress. And other people witnessed the conversation. Racist wankers

    1. She was and the other 'witnesses' were her friends...boring, lying wanker

    2. Read and learn wanker “I had on a red, gold and green headband, a cowrie shell necklace and the ankh (an ancient Egyptian symbol meaning “life” that some Black people, and Rastafarians, wear in recognition of its sanctity). I think that’s what drew Lady Hussey because there were so many people in the place.

      “Any time I go to these spaces, I must bring my history with me; I walk with my ancestors without apology. And that was what, I think, was under attack.”

    3. 17:15 this is what she said in the Inde Royal race row: "Charity boss says her authentic African attire led to ‘attack’ from palace aide". So stop fucking lying to us.

    4. I thought leopard skin print in the body of her dress was very common.

    5. Looks as if she was promoting the killing of endangered species

    6. Leopard skin, like any animal print is sh*t common. It is like wearing red knickers under a white skirt. Or a white woman wearing a black bra under a white blouse. Years ago. John Lewis wrote to its women workers about Black bras under white blouses

  10. She went to an international event with attendees from many nations. Although British, unlike others many following their national dress she dressed as from an African nation in 'solidarity'. She was simply asked where she was from (a question likely asked there many times between many people). She even admits to attending with pre-conceived notions of racism. She also admits to being more attuned to Africa - so no surprise her responses needed a follow up. She has besmirched the event, her charity, and herself. Clearly not a person to enter into any meaningful dialogue with; certainly not with an elderly lady making polite small talk. This entire event was about violence against women - and she has taken away from that message. It is she who lacks empathy, integrity and personal honour. She then labels the entire Royal Family as racist - which is as far from the truth as possible. There are indeed a number of ethnic groups represented at senior level at the Palace and supporting services. She and her charity should be avoided. There are plenty of others that are more worthy of support.

  11. Moderatecentrist1 December 2022 at 17:54

    She’s very proud of her culture and background, and says that she walks with her ancestors without apology. She wore something she describes as authentic and at some stage of the past changed her name to something more reflective of her African roots. Yet when the lady-in-waiting tried to engage her in conversation on the subject, using admittedly dated but almost certainly well-intentioned language, she deliberately avoided answering the questions having already decided to take offence. In so-doing she’s put a very dark cloud over what remains of this elderly lady’s life. That’s really not a very nice thing to do.

    1. Hear, hear. She was encouraged to take offence by two other Black women who were in the group.

    2. Why in the love of god, did Ngosi attend an event hosted by the Queen Consort when she had previously stated that Meghan Markle had been "abused" by her in-laws?

      Did Ngosi forget that the so called abuser to whom she was referring was the Queen Consort?

  12. Her real name is Marlene Headley and she is of Barbados heritage, she chose a fake Nigerian name and wears authentic African clothes so she can engineering situations like these.

  13. Her 'charity' which she capitalistically describes herself as Chief Executive Officer is funded in ways which bear close examination. It is a charity which seems exclusively orientated to black people so is it right that the taxpayer should it?


  14. Her real name is Marlene Headley and she's from Willesden. Her identity is a sham as is her choice of language to describe how she felt after she was asked where she was from. Turns out she invented the name and turned up in fancy dress hoping something like this would happen so she could cause racial division between black and white people, with the help of Nadine White and the Independent, of course.


  15. Buckingham Palace has now “spoken directly to” Ms Fulani and suggested it was willing to “work with her” after she offered to deliver anti-racism training.
    So, the manipulative ex registrar of Hackney Council who has adopted a new identity has won the day. This country is fucked.

  16. I would be interested to know why Ngozi Fulani whose parnets came from Barbados not Nigeria changed her name from Marlene Headley to her now used name of Ngozi Fulani

    1. A bit like our Margaret Dent becoming EDC.

  17. JohhnyFlashingblade1 December 2022 at 20:24

    I've heard she wore a hidden microphone. If true, why would someone do that?

    1. She wasn’t wearing a hidden microphone. Farage is lying. The conversation was heard by others who were in the room.

    2. Yes, heard by her co-conspirators...a real set up

  18. It’s harder to be white here as the woke left make some areas and topics no go areas.

  19. Her Late Majesty's ADC was a hugely talented colonel in the Blues and Royals. I often ask people about their family origins and have never found anyone to be offended. In fact, the cousin of this particular former ADC is a good friend and once when I pressed him about his family history in Ghana told me a fascinating story about one of his ancestors and a rebellion against British rule. I congratulate Mrs Fulani for her cunning in using Lady Hussey to promote her charity because that was always her intention. Lady Hussey, like me, thought she was showing a profound interest in another human being who might have felt overwhelmed by where she was. Little did she realise that she would be a tethered goat for a rather unpleasant fomenter of trouble. You are a nasty piece of work, Mrs Fulani

  20. Racism is a belief in the superiority of one race over another or a negative stereotyping of racial groups.

  21. Prince Harry has stirred up a Hornet's Nest at Buckingham Palace with his wife's claims of racism.

    Prince Harry wore a Nazi Uniform in 2005 - a Uniform symbolising antisemitism, homophobia and mass murder. Emma Dent Coad held him up to ridicule in 2017. A few months later, we found out about Emma's racism to Black people and in 2019 her support for antisemitism.

    Emma Dent Coad and Prince Harry have racism in common

    1. Emma Dent, formerly Margaret Dent, is no better than Prince Harry when it comes to racism. She is as nasty as Ngosi Fulani, formerly Marlene Headley.

  22. Dear Dame

    How the high and mighty have fallen on From the Hornet's Nest!

    Prince Harry,
    Emma Dent Coad,
    Ngosi Fulani,
    Sir Pooter,
    Lord Moylan.

    The top echelons of the Kensington Tory and Labour Parties have been reduced to a fag end being flushed down the loo.

  23. As bad as it gets.4 December 2022 at 15:48

    Prince Harry putting on a Nazi uniform when there were so many people at the Palace who would have advised him not to wear it, is as bad as it gets.

    Emma Dent Coad publishing a picture of Shaun Bailey being hanged is about as bad as it gets when she could have sought advice from all her Marxist comrades who would have told her not to do it- is as bad as it gets. Why is she still a Labour Councillor?

  24. Why is Emma Dent Coad still a Labour Councillor?

    She should not be going under the Labour banner. Expel her.

  25. Where is the Labour Party's backbone?6 December 2022 at 15:22

    Lady Susan Hussey was let go by Buckingham Palace over Ngosi Fulani's complaint about Lady Hussey's "racism."

    The Tory Party complained to Jeremy Corbyn about Dent Coad's racism. Dent Coad suffered no disciplinary action under her Marxist mate's leadership for drawing a picture of Shaun Bailey being hanged.

    The NEC shafted Dent Coad as the next Labour parliamentary candidate for Kensington but has allowed this racist woman to continue being the Leader of the Labour Group on Kensington and Chelsea Council. This is an illogical position and defies description.

    If Lady Hussey can be let go by the Royal Household, why can't Dent Coad be kicked out of as the Labour Party. She would be entitled to serve as an independent councillor until the next local council election but she would not be Labour any more,

    Signed - A Proud Anti Racist Campaigner

  26. And the moving of NF's hair to see her name badge? Who on earth would have the bad manners to do that to someone they have just met? Just makes LH seem very eccentric and its probably right she has now been put out to pasture rather than embarrassing the new King.

    1. Ngosi Fulani deliberately dressed her hair so that it fell over the name badge she was wearing so that it could not be read by anyone. Surely, Ngosi, a highly intelligent woman, should have worn the badge so that it could be easily read by those participating in the function. Let's face it, this the is reason one wears a name badge - so people can read it. Lady Hussey comes from a generation where a woman touching another woman is not a faux pas.

      As a "Companion" to the Queen Consort, Lady Hussey's remit at a function of this type is to talk to people to establish information about their backgrounds, their work, their interests and a host of topics so that she can brief the Queen Consort later about various interesting individuals. The Queen Consort cannot possibly have time to speak to everyone at every functiuon that she hosts. Approaching three Black women on their own at a function, to strike up a conversation shows that Lady Hussey is not a racist but someone who embraces diversity and inclusion. A lost opportunity for those who were quick to take offence, methinks.

      I can only repeat what an earlier contributor has said, if you are looking for racism, antisemitism and homophobia pay more honest attention to the Kensington Labour Party to see what real racism, antisemitism and homophobia is.


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