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Wednesday 7 December 2022


Monstrous tower dwarfing neighbours

This highly active RA leads the charge against unwanted developments in the area including this neighbour defiling monster planned for Sloane Avenue.

THE NEWSLETTER demonstrates the hugely important work MISARA does: if you live in the area then do join.

MISARA also alerts us to the growing menace of air source heat pumps. 

It claims these are just not suitable in a densely populated urban area where the houses (as in RBK&C) have not been purpose-built to accommodate them. 

Air source heat pumps require insulated walls and roof, double glazing, underfloor heating, new radiators (two and a half times normal size), a new (larger) ASHP-compatible water cylinder, and possibly new pipes. 

This would require substantial capital expenditure for building works and is unlikely to make financial sense. 

It may be true “air source heat pumps are significantly cheaper to operate than direct electric heating” as the RBK&C Household Guide to Greening says but this ignores both the up-front capital expenditure and the fact that (at the time of writing) electricity is, per kWh, more than three times as expensive as gas!   


  1. The Lord Moylan RIBA (Hon)8 December 2022 at 08:59

    I see that MISARA has taken up the cudgels over the hideous and vulgar 'planters' Cadogan propose 'planting' in Sloane St. They look very B&Q. Did Lord Cadogan get them at a discount?

  2. Excellent newsletter


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