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Tuesday 5 November 2019


Jo Swinson wants to be Prime Minister: in fact, she told us she would be better than both Johnson and Corbyn(well, she may be right about old Steptoe).
But if she wants to be PM she needs to organise her little flock better. 

It seems that self-styled superwoman, Nicola Horlick's leaflets are finding their way into Battersea homes and Sam Gyimah thinks he's standing in East Surrey-at least that's what his website tells us today!
Come on, Jo...make up your mind who you have standing in Kensington and C&F!


  1. Hilarious....yes, I heard that Horlick's leafelets are appearing in Battersea

  2. It would help Ms Swinton to smarten up and add some polish to her act. LibDem leaflet came through the door to show her in what looked like a vertical slash red polyester disco top and full frontal smile! This did not inspire politician confidence.

    I don't know much, but have heard her liked to a "fish-wife"! Mr Blobby and Steptoe are bad enough but not another one please!

    We need world class politicians that appeal, with a bit of class and a taste - exemplary role models.

    Looks like Ms Swinton urgently needs a makeover and some lessons from Kate Wales.

  3. Jo Swinson needs to be Prime Minister: indeed, she revealed to us she would be superior to both Johnson and Corbyn(well, she might be directly about old Steptoe).
    In any case, assuming she needs to be PM she needs to arrange her little run better.


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