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The Dame’s 'Bench' correspondent reports that the Council’s Housing Management Department under the wise and courageous guidance of Councillor Kim Taylor-Smith is working hard to restore the Daniel Moylan Memorial Bench to its rightful place on the Cremorne Estate.
The bench had been a gift from the TMO to ex Cllr Daniel Moylan's former housekeeper, who just happens to live on the estate. The bench was originally installed behind her flat, in a locked garden, where she could gleefully point it out to passers-by, most of whom proceeded to walk away slowly.
The Council relocated the bench last year after the Residents Association pointed out that it was in a fenced-off part of the estate’s gardens where no one could actually reach it, let alone sit on it.
In a rare bout of common sense the bench was moved to the communal garden of the Cremorne Sheltered Housing Scheme where many of the elderly residents have, rather shockingly, taken to using it as a bench. It is now often being sat on.
But following a strenuous campaign of vigorous lobbying by two of the estate’s residents the Council have decided to move the bench back to its original location.
A Council spokesman explained: “We are indeed working hard to restore the bench to its rightful place. It is to be admired from afar and gazed upon lovingly.
It is not meant to be sat on. It will take us the best part of three months to move it but we'll get there in the end.”
When it was pointed out that this was the kind of nonsense the TMO spent far too much of its time on the spokesman replied: “Yes, it is the kind of thing the TMO would do. But the Council is not like the TMO. There are seven letters in Council and only three in TMO”.
When it was pointed out that this was the kind of nonsense the TMO spent far too much of its time on the spokesman replied: “Yes, it is the kind of thing the TMO would do. But the Council is not like the TMO. There are seven letters in Council and only three in TMO”.
The word on the street is there's intimidation and bullying of Cremorne residents by controlling forces within RBKC, sad days indeed.
ReplyDeleteThe Council spokesman's reply is just as good as someone from the TMO would have said. Business as usual then, smashing!!
DeleteThose controlling forces being the characters seen going in and out of Hilda's flat.
DeleteThey know who they are.
And so do we. We're not blind.
Chelsea Riverside - the most rotten ward in the most rotten borough.
Matt Lucas?
Delete@22:26 - Sadly it is much more serious - bullying, controlling forces of RBKC are rewriting the rules allowing them to remove residents voices, by any means possible, in so doing RBKC are turning a blind eye to reported intimation and abuse.
Delete@23:29. The ward could certainly do without Matt Lucas. Why do we always get the dregs of the Tory party? We put up with that corrupt Irish woman for years. Now this.
DeleteMaighread Condon-Simmons is still around!
Delete@23:29. Matt Lucas is definitely part of the problem. Roll on 2022 and the boot.
DeleteA webcam aimed at the front of Apollo House would do local democracy a great service. We'd all be able to see just which of our local politicians turn up to kiss the ring.
DeleteA great idea but no need. Think of a local Tory. Any local Tory. They've all been round to kiss the arse.
Delete@22:26 Funny you should say... I've come acrossed a tenant whom I met in then TMO reception...back in the day you know.... She was saying someone has been entering her flat and documents have been stolen etc... Her name wasn't Hilda so it's interesting to hear same thing has been happening to whoever this Hilda is. I also know of another case.
DeleteLittle voice @07:21
DeleteYou are right. Abuse and intimidation reported but they do nothing.
@22:21. Hilda isn't a victim. Hilda is a perpetrator. She makes the lives of her neighbours a misery. First in Hortensia, now on the Cremorne.
DeleteWho is this Hilda character?!?? Does she deserve so much attention? Granted that the Council buying a Christmas tree is wrong but....nothing compared to thousands £ that has been funnelled.
DeletePlease raise this issues in the TCC meeting and report back. I am keen to hear what Doug will say. He's been given a list of criminals?! Why has he not actioned? Are the named all dead and cannot be prosecuted?
Hilda is not the real problem. Hilda is merely evidence of the real problem.
DeleteThe real problem are the inappropriate relationships between certain members of staff and certain residents leading to the situation where the staff do the residents "favours" and the residents do the same for the staff. This is, to put it politely, an extremely questionable arrangement. But it was endemic at the TMO. And sadly hasn't been eliminated with the transfer back to the Council. The Council inherited a load of TMO staff. And those members of staff are pretty much carrying on as before. Doug Goldring has quite simply failed to address this problem. At all.
The added dimension in the case of Hilda is that introduced by the involvement of certain Councillors, known to be on very friendly terms with her. The obvious question then arises as to whether both the ex-TMO Council staff and certain Councillors are doing her "favours". The tree, the bench, the dodgy housing regeneration bid, they're all pretty good evidence that they are. Which means we've gone from the questionable to the downright corrupt.
Hilda Keene was the political canvasser for Cllr. Hargreaves, Cllr. Adrian Berril-Cox and her best friend ,deselected Councillor Maighread Condon-Simmons.
DeleteIn return she has had many favours at the cost to the public purse.
Private garden with key, extra cleaning outside her home, 3 million pounds was spent on her block without any resident consultation some time ago, her block used to be painted every three years, 50,000 pounds were due to be spent on a private gate at the back of her house without any resident consultation, etc, etc
Maighread Condon-Simmons Gerardand Hargreaves are the driving force with the gardening man, Dominic Davies.
@08:39 I have a perfect example which I am not going to reveal the detail here but let's say the police was involved and arrest was made yet the individual was let off the hook. The tenants that do 'favours' for the staff are protected by the staff.
ReplyDeleteThis story is rather amusing but the sad thing is that it is entirely plausible. Giving a favoured resident a park bench for their own use and sticking it in the middle of a communal garden is typical of the kind of favouritism, nepotism and corruption that was rampant at the TMO. And the TMO staff who would have been responsible are now working at the Council. Should we really expect any different?
ReplyDeleteThose members in staff had been behaving themselves for a while following Grenfell. But they've worked out they're at no real risk from the likes of Doug and have been back to their usual antics for months. The TMO cancer has taken over the Council.
DeleteWe need to think about the next step... I thought an accident as big as Grenfell might just put them in line but how wrong was I....
DeleteIs it a case of... we can never remove evil from this world and we need to learn to live with it e.g. they slap us, we slap them...
Are we REALLY back to this rubbish?
ReplyDeleteWell done Kim! You've managed to balls everything up again in record time.
If there's any truth to this story and Kim is aware of any of it he needs to go.
DeleteThe rubbish never left the borough... It was an illusion.
DeleteNothing changes.
ReplyDeleteTMO = Council. Council = TMO. Who could have guessed?
DeleteThat is what happens when you tupee all KCTMO officers into RBKC Housing Management, they carry on regardless - NO CULTURE CHANGE - HELLO!!!!!
DeleteThe TMO is alive and well !!!!
DeleteDoh: Even Doug has stopped talking about a culture change. 'nuff said.
DeleteIt was always a pipe dream. Pity those who swallowed the bull.
How apt Shane's comment is.
DeleteThis Keane woman is the one who locked up the children's playground on the Cremorne when she did not want children playing in it.
Did Keane also gets some prize from the TMO's Gardening Chief in spurious circumstances.
Yes. She kept on winning a prize for "best garden" and would feature prominently in the TMO Link. The problem was: she had no garden. She was being given an award for a garden maintained by a contractor!
DeleteDid the TMO's Gardening Chief get hauled up on disciplinary charges for allowing someone who had no garden to win a prize for gardening?
DeleteNo. Dominic Davies is protected by Cllr. Hargreaves, Cllr. Berril-Cox and definitely deselected Councillor Maighread Condon-Simmons and... Hilda Keene.
DeleteKeep Hilda happy you keep the counsellors happy...new bench, private rose garden with keys, especial cleaning outside her house, Christmas tree, etc. etc
In return Dominic Davies has been promoted from gardening officer to departmental manager in charge of millions of pounds in public budgets.
DeleteI had a letter from the Council telling me the Residents Association would be holding their AGM in two week's time. Why are the Council telling me this? Why aren't the Residents Association writing to me? It's never been like this before.
ReplyDeleteIt's a coup. The Council have taken control and are now making decisions and calling meetings. The only surprise is that they're doing it openly and not bothering to pretend they're the RA. Which is what they did on the Sir Thomas Moore a few years back.
Delete@7:54 - And what bright spark at the Council has put his name to that?
DeleteLet me guess there's the "right sort" of candidate lined up for election?
DeleteThe "right sort" being particularly friendly with certain members of staff and perhaps even local politicians?
And perfectly happy to play "I scratch your back if you scratch mine"?
As Shane said: nothing changes.
Oh yes. They've already been scratching his back. Extensively.
DeleteThey replaced his front door in the Summer. Not cheap. If all his boasting is to be believed it was all arranged by Ward Councillors. Why are Ward Councillors arranging for his front door to be replaced but no-one else's?
What's worse is that now the Council have announced they will be installing new front doors across the estate for fire safety reasons he's going to have his front door replaced a second time. Again, not cheap.
@12:02. Always nice to see tax payer's money being put to good use!
DeleteFor the benefit of your wider readership it should be pointed out that when commentators talk of replacing front doors on Council properties they are describing replacing both the door and door frame.
And this won't be your typical front door from the likes of B&Q. This will include a completely new door frame, door, door furniture etc, and involve the complete removal of the old door and door frame and the installation of the new. And it won't be cheap. The Council were talking of their new front doors costing £2,000+.
A resident that has their front door replaced twice over a period of just a few months has effectively benefitted from £4,000+ of public funds.
Any Councillor who proposes or condones such expenditure should consider their position. They will have known that the Council had new front doors on order for the Cremorne Estate for well over a year.
What purpose does it serve to pay for someone to have a new front door fitted at a cost of thousands when it is obvious that door will only have a useful life of just a few months?
If it couldn't be justified for the rest of the estate then it certainly can't be justified for this one individual, whether they're a party worker, supporter or anything else.
Oh what a rotten tale they've weaved in Chelsea Riverside!
Blimey Lemon! It is called front door set and costs £2K and over?!!! But I can top your case.
DeleteThere has been a complete renovation job elsewhere twice within two years and that ain't cheap either!! I know whose fault that is.
Back to the front door story.
This door changing malarkey has happened before, back in the day when estates were going through the Decent Home programme. Walnut Tree Estate front doors were changed at a cost of around £500 each. Lo and behold, within two years they changed the door again! The reason being something that the police wouldn't be able to break in case of an emergency. They should have checked the suitability of the door set before hand.
@9:18. The bright spark in question is Iago Griffiths. He's one of Doug's new hires.
DeleteHe's been brought in to lead the "Community Investment" team, formerly known as the "Resident Engagement" team. Suffice is to say that this team does very little investing in the community and only ever engages with many residents in the most negative ways imaginable. They were probably partly responsible for the ostracising of the residents in Grenfell.
The odds of Iago achieving much are rapidly diminishing by the day. For example, at the last TCC he apparently bemoaned the fact that certain invitation only meetings were poorly attended. His solution: simply hold less meetings so that each meeting has more people in it! The idea that it might be better to actually invite more people doesn't appear to have popped into his head.
The residents association has been
ReplyDeleteintimidated and threatened with the blessing of Cllr. Kim Taylor-Smith, Cllr.Gerard Hagreaves and Cllr.Adrian Betill-Cox.
They have put up their own candidate with a history of threatening and aggressive behaviour, placing comittee members at risk.
ReplyDeleteSomeone who has had repeated warnings from the police for aggressive and threatening behaviour towards residents. He has been banned in the past from approaching teaching staff at the local Primary School due to aggressive behaviour.
ReplyDeleteHe is very friendly with Cllr. Gerard Hargreaves, Andrian Berrill- Cox and deselected Councillor and Mayoress Maighread Simmons. All supported by Cabinet member for housing Cllr. Kim Taylor- Smith !!!!
ReplyDeleteThis story is true. That woman used to boast about that bench for years. We were glad to see the back of it. If it comes back we should take it and dump it outside Taylor Smith's house. He only lives up the road.
ReplyDeleteI think Oxford Gardens would be a more fitting setting for this bench.
DeleteWe should claim back the money from the public purse that paid for a beautiful Christmas tree delivered to her door as a present from RBKC !!! Her friendship with Cllr. Hargreaves, Cllr. Berrill- Cox and Maighread Simmons has stood her in good stead.
ReplyDeleteOkay, that is taking the piss. Can someone supply photos of this tree? I think we all need to see what our taxes are paying for.
DeleteJust wait for this year's to turn up. Can't be long now. I'll drop the Dame a note when it does and we can all pop round to the Cremorne and hold a vigil around it.
DeleteIf a tree does turn up there are going to be serious questions to answer. This is clear misuse of public funds.
Delete@Pissed off - If a tree does turn up I will definitely email a photo to the Dame.
DeleteThe Council will probably surround us with security guards in the hall like before. They were so many of them. Remember?
DeleteShe has been the political canvasser for them for years. She has been getting special favours from Cllr. Hargreaves, deselected Cllr. Simmons and Cllr.A Berrill-Cox for years from the public purse. Kim Taylor-Smith is turning a blind eye !!!
ReplyDeleteQuite a few people are turning a blind to all sorts by the sound of it. Including many who really should no better. Who could have guessed that the far end of the Kings Road was so rotten?
DeleteThe likes of Moylan's ex-housekeeper have never brought anything but misery upon the residents of the Cremorne Estate. If they had their way every penny of Council funding would be spent on them and them alone. They are selfish and uncaring and manipulative. And it is a disgrace if the Ward Councillors are going along with it.
ReplyDeleteThis is shocking !!!
DeleteHilda learned well from her paymaster!
DeleteIt wasn't always like this. But we had that awful Irish woman for a Councillor for years and everything she touched just rotted. She was corrupt to the bone!
DeleteDeselected Cllr. Maighread Condon-Simmons
DeleteHer best friend and local ward canvasser Hilda
DeleteI have come to a conclusion that rotten cancer like this has to come to an end of its own. Like the Prince who dug his hole so deep that he can never come out...let's see how deep this Council will dig its own grave. Everything comes to an end one day.
DeleteIs it true that Amie Dascombe, a former Senior Officer of the TMO, had to resign owing to some jiggery pokerie with Hilda Keane and Maighread Condon Simmonds.
DeleteLet's have it all out in the open.
It seems Doug and the Council have their favourites just like the TMO always did.
Yes! See the brilliant summary below. It is absolutely spot on.
DeleteShe is still up to her old tricks. Special cleaning orders for her block, paid for by all residents. A private garden for which she only she holds a key, paid for by the public purse.
ReplyDeleteI don't know how much of the stuff in here is true. There's just so much! The bench. The tree. Special favours. Giving someone two new front doors. The Council running the Residents Association. And now something about cleaning and a private garden. Bloody hell! If I were a local Councillor there wouldn't be a barge pole long enough.
ReplyDeleteYou're far too sensible to be a local Councillor. No one with any sense would go anywhere near any of this rubbish.
DeleteOh there's much more...
ReplyDeleteDo spill the beans... I mean 'share'.
DeleteI hear that when the residents association tried to combat this corruption, RBKC and Riverside Councillors thought the right response was to intimidate and take over the residents association and put up their own candidate. A man with a history of threatening and aggressive behaviour who has broken every TMO and RBKC code of conduct ever written !!!
ReplyDeleteThe Council does not support real Resident Associations. It supports patsies and sycophants. Always has. Always will.
DeleteThis is dreadful !!!
ReplyDeleteAlso a friend of Cllr. Hargreaves, Cllr. Adrian Berril-Cox, deselected Cllr. Maighread Condon-Simmons and their canvasser Hilda !!!
ReplyDeleteThey all need to think very carefully about who they befriend. They're in with the wrong crowd.
DeleteThey can all be seen in and out of Hilda's house !!!
ReplyDeleteWard Councillors and their new aggressive friend, with a new door...
Do tell us Cllr. Kim Taylor-Smith why you think it is acceptable for an independent RA to be taken over and intimated ? Is this your idea of a post Grenfell era ?
ReplyDeleteThe mask has finally started to slip. We can see you for what you truly are. Soon everyone else will too.
ReplyDeleteI know that Councillor Ian Henderson is not a Councillor for this ward but he would be interested in hearing about oppressive housing management practices and the disempowerment of the Residents' Association.
ReplyDeleteTaking control of the Residents Association is the first thing social landlords do if they have plans for an estate and want to ensure "resident backing".
DeleteLoad it up with the "right sort of people" and you can then go around claiming your nefarious scheme has the support of the residents with a straight face.
The only surprising thing is the fact that social landlords, whether they be a Housing Association or a Council, seem to think anyone believes this guff.
Don't the Council have a bit of form here?
DeleteDidn't they do something similar at Grenfell?
Which is how that group of residents led by that Eddie Dafarn bloke came to be?
The group the Council and TMO then tried to ignore?
The Council have form.
DeleteThe TMO staff now at the Council have a great deal of form.
TMO staff treated the residents of Grenfell appallingly before the fire. Some are now working at the Council. As far as I know none have been disciplined or dismissed as a result. Why not?
I hear that the chair is in hospital with the stress.
ReplyDelete"Ann Lane" above mentioned jiggery pokery involving Hilda and Maighread. There was indeed lots of jiggery and much pokery to boot.
ReplyDeleteHilda and Maighread were involved in the preparation and submission of a bid for housing regeneration money. The amount mentioned at the time was of the order of £40,000 or £50,000.
The money was going to be used to fence off part of the Cremorne Estate, effectively creating a gated community at the heart of it.
The bid claimed that it had the support and approval of the estate's Residents Association and the local Police. It had neither.
Word has it that they had even forged signatures, notably that of the local Police Sergeant.
Several members of TMO staff then signed off on the bid, effectively guaranteeing that the bid was valid and correct. They knew it was not.
The bid was approved by the TMO and then the Council and the money awarded. TMO staff instructed contractors to start work fencing off part of the estate.
And then the estate's residents discovered what they were up to. They were up in arms and lobbied the Council. Greg Hands got involved on the side of the residents. The Council got the hint and withdrew the funding. The house of cards came tumbling down.
By the time the dust had settled three members of TMO staff had left in mysterious circumstances - Alasdair Manson, Amie Dascombe and Terry Guppy.
They were the unlucky fall guys. Everyone knew that other members of staff had been involved, most notably within Terry Guppy's team. They got off without a scratch. They remained at the TMO and many are now at the Council, having been TUPEd across last year.
Maighread went up before the Council's Standards Committee and was sent off for "re-training". This had no effect whatsoever as within months she was back to her usual antics in the ward.
Hilda's involvement was simply hushed up. Everyone knew that not only had she been involved but that fencing off part of the estate had been her idea. An idea Maighread and the TMO had been happy to run with.
And that is how, as a Ward Councillor, you can get up to all sorts safe in the knowledge that your colleagues will clear up your mess should it all go horribly wrong. Even if you put lies to paper and repeat them in public. Even if you forge a Police Sergeant's signature.
If anyone doubts any of this is true they should note that much of it is a matter of public record. This was a bid for housing regeneration funding. The TMO's paperwork remains a secret (one of the perks of not being the Council) but the Council's is not. There's a significant paper trail at the Town Hall and online. It should serve as a gentle reminder of how the likes of Maighread can turn a little corner of Chelsea into a cesspit of corruption.
And it is extremely disappointing that some current Councillors appear to be following her example.
Because there does appear to be something going on again on the Cremorne.
Hilda is once again boasting of her power and influence to anyone that will listen.
Ward Councillors are planning and scheming in the shadows, lying and deceiving any who dare ask any questions.
Council staff, most originally from the TMO, are a hive of activity and excitement.
The Council have taken over the Residents Association and called their AGM.
A favoured resident, beneficiary of thousands of pounds of Council largesse, has been lined up for election.
Doug Goldring is silent and says nothing.
Something is most definitely up.
We're watching closely.
Don't forget Crossrail.
DeleteMaighread openly and repeatedly stated that she was perfectly happy to be see the Cremorne Estate bulldozed to the ground so that a Crossrail station could be built on the site.
Perhaps the Council have something similar in mind?
Yes, and with an effective RA that will be more difficult.
DeleteSo bully the RA, threaten their physical safety and then you will have no transparency and no accountability.
Then you can sell prime public land paid for by all of us.
@11:21. It was certainly very noticeable how the Chelsea Riverside Ward Councillors kept a very low profile during all that Crossrail stuff a few years back. They didn't exactly leap at the opportunity to support their constituents. Perhaps everyone needs a gentle reminder of just how helpful they really are?
Delete> Doug Goldring is silent and says nothing.
DeleteSilence is often much louder than words.
And that statement says a great deal.
So much for the new culture at the Council.
So true @12.30.
DeleteCan someone have a quiet word with Doug, strictly off the record conversation so that the reps of RAs might be able to form a future plan for all of us? Even with his good intention to turn the ship around, his power stretches only so far and if his power is capped by the Council or other adversaries then we need to think of a future plan.
I must say that the new lot of housing staff are better and Doug tells us that the remaining ex-TMO staff are minority. Yet those minority are determined to stay and hoping to 'carry on' infecting others. One member told me in the past that she would have had to be removed for her to go...obviously she loved her job for the power she held and illegal activities. Thank goodness, she's gone now though.
As for the police, interesting that the Sergeant didn't investigate the members that were involved in forging his signature. Corrupt and those that steals should be arrested...but oops...oh they are protected, aren't they? It is us who would have to make noise and demand prosecution though. If you keep quiet, it will be brushed under the carpet.
So true.
DeleteWhole front line departments are full of TMO staff who disengaged the Grenfell Action Group. Blocked their emails and worked against them whilst they complained about the refurbishment.
These same members of staff are still there working to disengage communities and silence those who speak the truth in the best interest of the most vulnerable in society, the poor, the elderly and the disabled.
Still far too many ex-TMO staff at the Council. And two years after Grenfell they clearly believe they are untouchable and can go back to behaving just as they did before.
DeleteYou can't change others, only you can change yourself. So... WE need to get rid of those ex-TMO staff if they consistantly under perform. It is our job to bring those issues to the forefront otherwise nobody else will. Also we need to forget that we might be able to change the individuals who behave badly, have no empathy for the vulnerable tenants. A leopard does not change their colour. But we can change our approach and let them sing to our tune. I stopped complaining, fed up complaining every single time I need to contact the Housing dept. Start demanding what you want. You know if you complain, you will only end up go round and round in circle anyway.
DeleteHow interesting these revelations from Watching are!
DeleteWhy did the TMO not report all of the officials implicated in this disgraceful fraud to the police?
Did you know that the TMO reported three old age pensioners to the police for fraud and they were arrested. The police found that no crime had been committed. I believe that Amie Dascombe made the complaint to the police on behalf of the TMO.
How pathetic it was of this Tory Council to bring Condon Simmonds up before their Standards' Committee and to retrain her. She should have been reported to the police for Misconduct in a Public Office.
Why did the Labour Councillor on the TMO Board fail to report this matter to the police?
Why did Robert Black not call in the police?
It is never too late to report a crime to the police.
I did hear that Amie Dascombe carried the can for this situation and that she had a class one showdown with Alasdair Manson before she departed.
Doug has been given a list.
DeleteA list of staff and a list of what they were up to at the TMO.
He's sat on it. For "historical reasons".
The Council have no wish to face up to the reality that was the TMO.
They're in the process of repeating it as a result.
Has any member of staff that previously worked at the TMO actually been dismissed?
DeleteI suspect the answer is no.
If anyone out there really believes that you could clear up the mess that was the TMO without dismissing anyone they are beyond naïve.
And I have a bridge for sale.
I have always been rather surprised that anyone believes the Council have changed anything. Objectively it clearly hasn't.
DeleteJust look at the figures:
Number of ex-TMO staff dismissed: 0
Number of ex-TMO contracts terminated: 0
Where's the change?
@Cesspit at 08:53
DeleteTrouble is, most of us are witnesses of crimes so unless a victim himself/herself report it, you are just a witness. Unfortunately, the Council/the organisation is the victim in this case and it is not bothered to prosecute these individuals. Whether WE, the tax/rent payers are classed also as the victims in a round about way is not clear. Perhaps someone with more legal knowledge can tell us.
What we need to do is to find out if any cllrs are willing to support the witnesses and push the problems to be judged by the legal system.
We need to show to the Council that we are no longer prepared to let things go the way things have been and those that are hiding should clean up their act or be afraid.
"Cesspit" is too polite. Let's call it a shit hole
DeleteDominic Davies
ReplyDeleteAnd don't forget former Cllr Condon-Simmonds dealings with the Chelsea Houseboat owners-and Hargreaves just sat on his backside (as Chief Whip) knowing that she was launching attack after attack on them.
ReplyDeleteTwo nasty pieces of work. One of them still there. One waiting in the wings waiting to come back.
DeleteThat is why they want to get rid of the Cremorne RA !!
ReplyDeleteThey have put up a candidate everyone is frightened of. He has been threatening and aggressive to residents and some comittee members.
ReplyDeleteOn one occasion it was in front of Cclr. Gerard Hargreaves and council officers. The police had to be called. He was given a warning.
Yet Cllr. Hargreaves and Doug Goldring are playing it all down so that he can stand.
This will place us all at risk.
This man has a repeated history of threatening and aggressive behaviour.
We are all so frightened.
The TMO liked thugs. It looks like the Council does too. Of course it's likely to be the same ex-TMO staff involved now as then so it comes as no surprise.
DeleteOh yes - Hargreaves, don't be deceived, he's not fluffy or fey as he likes to pretend. Hargreaves is used as a hatchet man to protect top RBKC brass in Q&A sessions and any other potentially difficult situations. Horrible and weird.
The likes of Hargreaves need to face the real possibility of not being elected.
DeleteThe last time he faced any real opposition from Labour was when he was originally elected in 2010. And he won by a handful of votes. Just 19 I believe.
Since then Labour have given him a quiet life. He's never faced a proper election campaign. Time Labour gave him one. Time they made him shit his pants.
That is what they are frightened of, that their majority on the Cremorne will make them loose their seats.
DeleteThey don't deserve to be our Councillors. They don't help vulnerable residents or support the RA.
They only support their political canvasser - Hilda Keene.
They divide our community and live off the public purse.
Truly support residents associations.
ReplyDeleteBe transparent, accountable and engaging.
Restructure the RBKC departments that are full of ex-TMO staff.
Environmental services headed by Dominic Davies and the engagement department including Samantha Dehaan.
These departments have been guilty of questionable practices for many years and are carrying on the TMO culture of intimidation and the disengagement of residents.
Nothing has changed !!!
These ward Councillors don't care about the residents living in social housing in Chelsea Riverside.
ReplyDeleteThey would like Social Cleansing to take place.
Redevelop the land and socially cleanse Chelsea of the poor.
ReplyDeleteI have heard Cllr. Gerard Hargreaves say that why should we live in Chelsea when he can't afford to.
ReplyDelete... Well Councillor it's because we are part of a community that has existed in Chelsea since the middle of the 1800's.
We were born in Chelsea, we have bought up our children in Chelsea and most of us work in Chelsea.
We are not for sale !!!!!
@13:56 SHOCK HORROR - what a disgrace
ReplyDeleteWhere does Cllr Gerard Hargreaves come from, Chelsea?
Money and power corrupt - GET HIM OUT
They use us for votes and show nothing but disdain towards us.
ReplyDeleteCllr. Hargreaves, Cllr. Berrill-Cox and deselected Cllr. Maighread Condon-Simmons.
ReplyDeleteThe worst ward Councillors.
Would not put anything past Hargreaves, he is straight out the cast of Dads Army!
ReplyDeleteOh yes, he is fully involved with inthe following in removing the legal right of the RA to exist.
ReplyDeleteCllr. Hargreaves, Cllr. Berril-Cox, deselected Councillor Maighread Condon-Simmons, Cllr. Kim Taylor-Smith and Doug Golfing (RBKC Director of Housing).
Following the Grenfell Tragedy 22 residents associations requested the dissolution of the TMO.
ReplyDeleteCllr. Kim Taylor-Smith promised that things would change and improve under RBKC.
We were promised that residents would be listened to.
Doug Goldring was appointed Director of Housing and we were all so full of hope for the future of our communities.
Two years later we are full of disappointment and dispair.
The same TMO culture of intimidation, disengagement and deceit persists throughout RBKC housing management departments.
Most of the TMO staff are still employed by RBKC reaking revenge on those residents who have tried to hold them accountable.
Cllr. Taylor- Smith you have learnt nothing from Grenfell.
@16:32 agreed on every point - its just a 9-5 and officers don't care, why would they, main concern is taking home their salaries and gold plated pensions to where they reside - out of town?
DeleteWell, it is very lucrative to be a special friend of Riverside Ward Councillors.
DeleteEx- TMO staff members who are now employed by RBKC have risen through the ranks from a gardening officer to a manager in charge of millions of pounds in budgets extremely quickly.
It pays to keep Hilda happy and do as you are told by Councillors.
The gardening man.
Dominic Davies
DeleteWhy hasn't Doug, the man, shafted this Dominic.
DeleteDominic Davies is not bad at all, in fact he is one of the better ones.
DeleteHow is he one of the "better ones" when the residents are always complaining of the contracts his team supposedly "manage"?
DeleteThe only thing he's proven good at is somehow managing to cling on when many of those who worked for him did not. For example Mr. Guppy the fall guy mentioned above.
DD = a plague on all our houses.
DeleteDominic Davies is the henchman of the Councillors in Chelsea Riverside.
DeleteHe spends public budgets on residents who are favoured by Councillors, are party workers, such as Hilda or in social housing areas where votes can be gained, such as The Thomas More Estate in 2015.
In return he has been promoted well beyond his technical qualifications from a gardening officer to Environment Services Manager with budgets that exceed millions of pounds.
He is untouchable. He knows too much.
Kim Taylor-Smith and Doug Goldring turn a blind eye.
He has been kept as manager of Environmental services Department
ReplyDeletewith an almost intact team of ex-TMO staff with their questionable practices of pandering to Hilda's wishes.
Spending public money on a private garden for her, especial cleaning orders outside her house, a Christmas tree, a costly bench for her sole use, a 50,000 pound gate to privatise the back of her house ... and now there is talk of moving the children's playground from behind her house at a great cost to the tax payer because she can hear the children play.
All sanctioned by Cllr. Hargreaves, deselected Cllr. Maighread Condon-Simmons (her best friend) Cllr. Adrian Berril-Cox, Cllr. Taylor-Smith and... Doug Goldring (Director of Housing)
Repair our playgrounds Dominic, clean our communal areas and look after our precious green spaces in the same way you look after Hilda's garden !!
ReplyDeleteYou deprive our children of safe spaces to play and our elderly housebound residents of reasonably maintained gardens to enjoy.
Our communal areas are not being cleaned properly.
We pay for these services Dominic.
You siphon off the budgets to benefit Cllr's friends.
The disabled are housebound for years until their death on Ann Land.
DeleteDoug Goldring refuses to install a small stairlift on the advice of his TMO staff.
I know a lady who spent seven years housebound until she died.
Now Doug Goldring is doing the same to other disabled residents.
Doug can't be blamed on the matter from 7 years ago. However, if someone is in the same position, they should or a social worker on behalf of the tenant should make an appointment at the CAB because a disabled person should be provided with their needs should the criteria matches. It's the duty of the social landlord.
DeleteI want to put this state of affair in perspective because this thread has been quite negative but I'm not bashing everyone since the Council has not been delivering.
ReplyDeleteJust look at this short video of a 3-year old.
This toddler is intelligent and compassionate. If 3-year old can say such thing, then you know what we are up against. Can the housing management top this level of intelligence and compassion towards its tenants?
No compassion, bullying, deceit, intimidation.
Dear Dame,
ReplyDeleteThis is all absolutely true and just the tip of the iceberg of the corruption, intimidation and bullying that residents are being subjected to by those we have elected to represent the interests of the most vulnerable in society.
Shame on them !!!
Cllr. Hargreaves, Cllr. Adrian Berril-Cox, deselected Cllr. Maighread Condon-Simmons, Cllr. Kim Taylor-Smith and... Doug Goldring.
DeleteThe TMO is truly alive.
DeleteThey truly don't care about the elderly, young families and disabled residents.
DeleteThe author deserves an award for so eloquently summarising how little has actually changed in the last two years:
ReplyDelete"There are seven letters in Council and only three in TMO."
Quite right. It's the only real difference. And we must assume that's how the Council want it.
The TMO is very much alive and kicking
ReplyDeleteReaking havoc, intimidating, bullying and silencing residents' voices.
Has anyone noticed that your communication to the housing management either stops without any conclusion or your emails does not get a reply? I wonder what they do all day long? It is rather convenient because they don't have to answer anything if they ignore your communication.
ReplyDeleteI think the way forward from now on is that you tell them what you are going to do including a statement that should you not get a reply, it is deemed that they agree to your proposal.
The good old "engagement" department is full of ex-TMO staff.
ReplyDeleteSomeone should rename them the "disengagement department".
They have been instrumental in the demise of residents associations in social housing across RBKC.
Intimidation and bullying.
Samantha Dehaan
ReplyDeleteA TMO member of staff and now working for RBKC.
Has been instrumental in the shutting down of many resident associations.
An expert.
The grim reaper of resident associations.
ReplyDeleteThey intimidate and bully any resident who holds them accountable.
ReplyDeleteThis is sanctioned by Cllr. Kim Taylor-Smith.
@17:20 It's all very well you mention KTS but do you have a proof other than people's experience. It's one thing to moan about 'sanction' and actually having proof of him stating that. If you can prove it, may be it should be brought up in the Council's meeting.
DeleteWhat we need is people taking action on it. No point in complaining about it here other than airing your anger.
KTS knows precisely what is going on because it has been pointed out to him repeatedly. If he's about to claim ignorance he'd better start deleting the contents of his inbox!
DeleteIf someone points out an issue to you, goes to great lengths to explain it to you, and you do nothing about it are you not, in fact, actually sanctioning the problem?
You can't plead ignorance. Someone has told you of the problem.
So what do you plead? Bone idleness?
If you are a Councillor, being paid handsomely out of our taxes, and are made aware of a problem you're either dealing with it or condoning it.
There is no middle ground.
Inaction is not a defence.
Inaction = condoning it.
11:25 - That applies to both Doug and Kim.
Delete@11:25 I hear you.
DeleteAt the same time, I can understand Doug's position. I think he wanted to change the organisation when he arrived but slowly realised that there are those above him e.g. the Council who has the final say. So you could say that Doug is not doing anything but I feel that the matters aren't that black and white.
What about the tenants then? Many come here to complain but has anyone been successful making change? You could say that the tenants are also agreeing with the way the Council operates.
Anyway, this point that we are discussing will get us nowhere. Only our action to force them to do their duty will.
@22:34. Some people say the same thing about Robert Black. That when he arrived at the TMO back in 2009 he thought he could change things and turn the organisation around. And that the Council soon put a stop to that. End result: an ever more toxic organisation and culture. And then Grenfell. If Doug really is in the same boat he'd be well advised to look for another job ASAP.
DeleteSadly there's very little Council tenants can do about any of this. And the Council know it. If you're a tenant there's a great many hoops to jump before anything resembling an independent body will even look at whatever problem you might have.
And that is setting aside the fact that most tenants are quite simply too scared to complain. They fear the kind of spiteful retribution that was commonplace under the TMO. And given how things have gone over the last two years they are quite right to do so. The Council is proving to be no different.
Leaseholders are in a slightly better position. It's cheap enough for a leaseholder to take an issue to an LVT if they want to and LVTs aren't minded to spare local authorities even if they are incompetent. Given the manner in which the Council appears to be approaching the relationship it has with its leaseholders I suspect LVT cases will only become more commonplace. But perhaps that's no bad thing.
ReplyDeleteCllr. Taylor-Smith is sanctioning the intimidation and bullying of residents who hold him and other Councillors accountable.
Wants to silence residents' voices.
Some of the most recent comments on here are very worrying.
ReplyDeleteThey suggest that there is much going on that is clearly wrong, that Council staff and Councillors are aware of it and that they are doing nothing to deal with it.
Isn't this what Rock did? Ignore anything and everything anyone ever told him about the TMO?
Is Kim simply doing the same with all the ex-TMO staff he's inherited? Ignoring their questionable behaviour because it would be too much hassle to deal with it properly?
It really does sound like they're up to their old tricks. What's he doing about it? Something? Nothing? Pretending it isn't happening?
Has nothing really changed following Grenfell?
Is this Council well past the point of no return?
"Has nothing really changed following Grenfell?"
We thought we were being listened to but even with improved policies, if it gets ignored by the staff then all the new policies are pointless.
I email staff and they don't even reply. If you are lucky, you get a reply saying "I'll get back to you" and that will be it!!
ReplyDeleteCllr. Taylor-Smith, we have the right to hold you to account on behalf of the most vulnerable residents.
ReplyDeleteYou have plans to remove district heating from RBKC Social Housing under the pretext of environmental concerns yet...
You drive a Ferrari.
You are the cabinet member for housing, yet you show the poorest nothing but disdain.
The disabled, the elderly will not be able to afford to heat their homes.
Your answer is not to listen to residents,but to silence them by refusing to address the intimidation and bullying that is taking place.
Take over the residents association.
ReplyDeleteWarn off anyone who tries to help.
Just wondering, has anyone noticed an increase in needing to book yourself in at a B&B due to a disrepair? Currently I have no heating or hot water, on £40 per week living wage, I would have to rely on bank of credit card.
ReplyDeleteJust found out. This is what they do. I had an annual gas check booked and they came on earlier date and couldn't get in of course so they cut the gas off. The room is like 12C and having a cold water shower is no fun. How cruel this council is?!
DeleteSo this is how it goes. Very typical and I'm sure you are familiar with these. I called the CS and they told me that the emergency service has been logged and an engineer will be here before 5pm. At 4.30, I rang again to ask what time they were coming and was told that now they will comeby 7pm. If they don't turn up I should call the out of hour service which I did, only to be told that they can't chase the day job and that was the end of the conversation. I don't want to go down the solicitor route yet again so I've decided that I'll have to do without gas from now on.
DeleteOff to buy a paraffin heater so that I can have some hot water ready.
One thing I've learned from dealing with the Council is that it's important to accept the EVIL. After all you cannot force them to change even after Grenfell fighters been pushing it, demanding it. Most importantly, you do what you like to keep your sanity and to live as best you can under such circumstance. Let's face it, they can't be bothered with your requests, surely they are not interested in what you will decide to do. If they find out, say a magical word 'sorry'. That's what they do and move on as nothing has happened. It's always someone else's fault....remember. You are in their game as long as you have the tenancy agreement so you play their game.
DeleteRBKC compensation policy will cover cost where they are at fault
ReplyDeleteNot many people know what the actual compensation policy is. It's not on the website and I think there is a cap to it making it doesn't cover the cost. They've revised most of the policies which nobody can look. Clever that! lol
DeleteWhen you call the CS, one of the three will happen.
ReplyDelete1. You are in the queue for a long time and gets cut off.
2. CS you were talking doesn't know the answer so even though you don't live in the Lancaster West estate, they will put you through to that CS. Happened on two separate occasions! lol
3. Just as you get through to someone who mumbles their name because they don't want you to know, and before you get a chance to say hello, it gets cut off.
When you call a bank, the above never happens. Funny that.
I think RAs should produce an aternative tenants' handbook, a separate one from the one the Council's version. It should contain an input from the tenants "how to cope and deal with the Council" when 1.2.3. happens.
DeleteA chapter on a list of dirty tricks they play would be interesting and plentiful.
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