This bizarre email has been sent far and wide by that paragon of virtue, Mr Suresh Gupta. The Dame challenges him to identify her by name......
Mr Gupta is a good friend of Pooter Cockell, our Prime Minister. The Dame hopes that Miss Gupta who runs the Rotten Borough Cabinet office will have a quiet word with Pa Gupta and suggest that emails such as these discredit him and embarrass Pooter
Mr Gupta accuses the Dame of bribing councillors saying, 'Only people like you will support an organisation like WCT. May be you get commission from their large Grant?'
Mr Gupta accuses the Dame of bribing councillors saying, 'Only people like you will support an organisation like WCT. May be you get commission from their large Grant?'
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Subject: To the Hornets Nest - Unfair Attack on Suresh Gupta
Dear Sir/Madam
Subject: To the Hornets Nest - Unfair Attack on Suresh Gupta
Dear Sir/Madam
I acknowledge your e-mail dated 27th January, 2013 which is a very unfair attack on me. Constructive Criticism is good and healthy in a democracy. But you have once again attacked me without fully knowing the facts in the matter. You ought to learn to get your facts right before you mention anything. Perhaps it is too much to expect that you behave courteously and treat everyone with respect. You launch unfair, anonymous and dishonest attacks on good people who are doing their best to serve the community at large. If you do not respect others, then no one is going to respect you.
When a Charity like Westway Community Transport (WCT), which is getting lots of grants from all sorts of sources quotes twice the commercial rate going, for a job from another charity that is not getting any Grant, then it should be clear to any right thinking person that WCT is not properly managed. Only people like you will support an organisation like WCT. May be you get commission from their large Grant?
I am actively involved in two Charities which do not get any grant from any source and are self sufficient. Kensal Community Association is a unique and well run Charity which has 42 User Groups with a combined Membership of over 25000 persons, all of whom benefit from our premises. They can sit comfortably 11 A.M. to 11 P.M. every day, read free newspapers, watch television, socialise, play indoor games and have a free drink of water. If they want to, then they can buy the cheapest hard drinks in London. We are keeping lots of people out of trouble, thus reducing crime in the area and help our Wonderful Police.
Royal Borough (RBKC) whom you falsely call Rotten Borough is lead by a very good person Sir Merrick Cockell and has some very devoted, honest and sincere councillors from both Conservative and Labour Parties, who play their part to the best of their ability in serving the Community and thereby making it one of the best Local Authority in the Country. Unfortunately RBKC has its share of some crooked Councillors and Officers who steal confidential information, twist it and use it to their advantage through you. I understand that you have lot of illegal money from dishonest sources and use it to pay these corrupt officers and councillors. Sooner or later, the long arm of the law will catch up with you and them and then they will face due consequences.
I am a successful International Businessman who goes about his business in legal and honest way and pays lots of tax in number of Countries, with my head held high not like you, who has to hide himself because of your illegal, dishonest and criminal activities. You are misdirecting your energies in a wrong way. If you were to play a constructive role, then everyone will admire you. However you choose to play a destructive, dishonest, unfair and a criminal role. The choice is yours. May God give you good sense and bless you with excellent manners.
Suresh Gupta
Director & Treasurer - Kensal Community Association ( K C A )
President - India Welfare Society ( I W S )
Managing Director - India Investments PLC ( I I P )
Kensal Club
177 Kensal Road
North Kensington
London W10 5BJ
Tel: 020 8960 2637
Do we really want 25,000 people in North Kensington for 12 hours each day buying the cheapest hard drinks in London? Are these just local residents benefiting from premises provided by our Council Tax, or are they coming from far and wide? After twelve hours of drinking cheap hard drinks, do they leave quietly?
ReplyDeleteThe comments here and the previous article about Mr Gupta is just more abuse at local resident by the Hornet.
DeleteTells you something about the Hornet, its editors and those who post comments.
but then this is a Labour blog
And here is the India Welfare Society's income and expenditure (income first, then expenditure). So how does this fine fellow make a living exactly?
Financial summary
Financial year end (FYE)
Income Spending
Accounts received
Annual Return/Annual Update received
31 Dec 2011
£8,256 £7,822
Not Required
14 Apr 2012 **
31 Dec 2010
£8,480 £6,127
Not Required
20 Feb 2011 **
31 Dec 2009
£8,134 £6,231
Not Required
07 Jul 2010 **
31 Dec 2008
£9,333 £6,213
Not Required
29 Jul 2009 **
31 Dec 2007
£9,394 £5,241
Not Required
28 Jan 2008 **
** Annual Update received - charity below Annual Return £10,000 threshold for this financial year
The guy is bonkers!
ReplyDeleteThe guy has been rumbled. Another failure of Leadership by Pooter who employs the daughter. No doubt a charming girl, but damaged goods by association
ReplyDeleteMad rant by a silly guy. He obviously thinks he is in Bombay with all these bungs to petty Officers and Councillors
ReplyDeleteNever trust a man who wears a paisley tie with a pinstripe. Worse than brown shoes
ReplyDeleteGupta and Cllr Barkhordar both have awful dress sense. Just awful. No other word for it
DeleteIf I was asked by Gupta to quote for a minibus ride I would ask four times the going rate. "Not interested" comes in many forms
ReplyDeleteWhy did Gupta want the charity minibus to take him to Scarborough? Weird
ReplyDeletePeople like Mr Gupta do themselves no favours with this type of meaningless ranting (maybe a case of no smoke without fire). It also does Sir Merrick any no good whatsover to be associated with the likes of Mr Gupta.
ReplyDeleteAn organisation with income of £8000 per year in central London (with building, staff, light, rates etc)cannot be making money. In fact the economic loss must be relatively huge. A classic front for covering the activities of other organisations on the cheap. In this case "on the rates" ie the tax payer. The District Auditor needs to cast his eye over the India Welfare Society
ReplyDeleteMr Gupta's inferiority complex obviously outweighs his common sense. By showing the need to puff himself up as the "Director of Charity", "President of Welfare Association" and "Managing Director of Investment Company" he exposes just how many organisations the squalid little charity is fronting for. It brings to mind my personal driver in Delhi - a charming chap whose business card describes himself as BSc London (failed)
ReplyDeleteI wonder what this "successful international businessman" who "pays tax in many countries" gets up to when he is not in his Kensal Green Charity doing good work for the poor and homeless. We should be told
ReplyDelete'India Investments' is £18k in the red. So much for being a 'successful international businessman'.
'The latest Annual Accounts submitted to Companies House for the year up to 31/12/2011 reported 'cash at bank' of £5,228, 'liabilities' worth £23,606, 'net worth' of £-18,159 and 'assets' worth £5,447. India Investments Public Limited Company's risk score was amended on 31/01/2012.'
Any self associate of Prime Minister Cockell needs to be handled with a barge pole. Preferably a very long one
ReplyDeleteWhat on earth can be going on inside the Gupta head??
ReplyDeleteThe Council should investigate how much is earned by sub-letting parts of this building to outside, non-charitable organisations - and the destination of this income.
ReplyDeleteI think this getting very unpleasant and I do not approve of hounding people unless they are ovepaid and under qualified councillors.
ReplyDeleteThere is history here. Some months ago when Gupta was criticised he worked with Cllr Plamer to attempt to damage the Hornet. Now the Hornet is a force for democracy so it has to be defended.
ReplyDeleteThe Dame. has I believe, an elephantine memory and cleverly constructed an elephant trap that Suresh Gupta has fallen right into.
The other thing is her piece the Dame only made a criticism of his attempt to get a discount rate from a charity. In her response Gupta accused the Dame of making and taking corrupt payments and being a criminal. As you you reap
'Wayne's World'.
DeleteYes, that is precisely Palmer's level.
Palmer. Take a hike. Most of the commments seem to come from you.
DeleteHave a look at Gupta's website:
- then check his user groups. Some no longer exist. Others are more mysterious:
The Masonic Society (USA)
Kensington Masonic Council (which has no internet presence)
International Order of St Stanislaus (Grand Priory; check their site!)
S Gupta Financial Services (which is not a registered company)
SKG Advisory Services (likewise)
So the question remains - how does Mr Gupta make a living, given that India Welfare Society barely ticks over, and India Investments plc is broke?
'You ought to learn to get your facts right before you mention anything.'
Concerns are being expressed by senior Conservative councillors. They find the whole business deeply unedifying. Sir Merrick is most unamused at having his name dragged in.
ReplyDeleteFrankly this is the least of Cockell's worries.
DeleteOne in his Office and two in North Kensington. The Prime Minister Cockell is cornered
DeleteOh my Gupta!
ReplyDeleteMight end up with a couple of resignations,fingers crossed
ReplyDeleteHardly Draycott! More like, keep their heads down until it blows over.
ReplyDeleteCowards without integrity. Very sad.
Another reason not to vote Tory (and this is coming from someone who has been a lifelong Tory)!
ReplyDeleteSo who will you vote for Draycott?
ReplyDeleteThe only alternative is UKIP!
DeleteWCT is a well run charity it does not get the large grants Gupta refers to. This man is bonkers. "They can sit comfortably 11 A.M. to 11 P.M." I think if they sat comfortably from 11am to 11pm every day drinking water Gupta would not be very happy.
ReplyDeleteKCA is known locally as a den of t***ves.
ReplyDeleteAlso drunks I imagine.