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Thursday, 29 August 2024


To bastardise Burke and later Cromwell....

"The only thing necessary for the triumph of mediocrity is for good men and (women) to do nothing

There are good and competent people on the Leadership Team. Thalassites, McVeigh and Kemahli spring to mind. 

Addenbroke and Rendall are also in the pack. Sadly, Taylor-Smith has probably had enough!

They take their roles seriously and attract little flak. 

Each could lead this council with elan and skill.

When Elizabeth Campbell announced she was carrying on they would have realised- had they been close to the history of that time-this was a re-run of the Cockell saga.

Campbell was a shoo-in at that time when there were no willing candidates. Those days are long past. 

Elizabeth Campbell is the final link to those troubled times.

Cockell was determined to hang on.

Why would he not? 

With a lush lifestyle on the back of the council and various allowances peaking at £125,000 a year it was a 'good number'.

Campbell has different reasons for not wanting to step down. Time for a fixed term of office to avoid this cuckooing.

The leadership team needs to do its duty by the people of the Royal Borough and demand the leader step down.

To miss-quote the great Cromwell, "In the name of the people of RBKC, go!"

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