with thanks to thisisnorthkensington.wordpress.com


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Tuesday 30 January 2024


The Dame raised the question of a paucity of declarations on the part of Cllr Husband. 

The councillor has assured the Dame that he is a sort of 'Jamie No Mates' and has never been entertained or given any gifts apart from a biro.

No freebies from DP 9 or Ballymore or the Middle Eastern developer behind M&S in Kings Rd.

However, 'one who knows' did make this observation...

"James is an excellent Chairman of Planning. He always does what the officers tell him. The officers do what the developers tell them. So everyone is happy.

There is a constant sensation amongst residents and associations that there is more than a grain of truth here.

Residents are handicapped by the long lead times that developers and their agents have in cosying up to planners and their huge budgets to 'buy' advice from officers.

That, combined with the miserable amount of time given to objectors, ensures that unwanted developments get steamrollered through.

The Council needs to stop this partisanship.

Residents have to fight with hands tied behind their back.


  1. Perhaps it's time for voters in areas suffering from developer/officer 'deals' to place their cross elsewhere on the ballot paper.
    RBKC councillors truly believe they 'own' the borough and its residents. Developers truly believe they 'own' the council.
    Why should councillors listen to residents, when there isn't the faintest risk of them losing their seat? A council seat in most of this borough is literally a job for life.
    The sense of entitlement among recent Horton Street crews knows no bounds. Time to give RBKC a good kicking; starting with the general election. A vote for other than deep blue is not a vote for revolution; but for very long overdue change.

  2. RBKC Planning is rotten. It's always been rotten. Nothing changes, because K & C is essentially a one part state. Power corrupts and absolute power ...... etc!

  3. "Spineless, Tub of Lard, Waste of Oxygen" and these are what his friends call him


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