with thanks to thisisnorthkensington.wordpress.com


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Saturday 27 January 2024


 The Dame was raised to be modest and unassuming but she cannot resist showing off about record views yesterday of over 4000.

click to enlarge 


  1. So, who will The Dame support at the GE. She is a king or queen maker with this number of views. Time to toady to her

    1. Those who crowed about the Dame being put out of business must be disappointed. She's back and her hornets are stinging mode.

  2. Anthony Trotman.27 January 2024 at 22:11

    4, 000+ views.

    The Dame will not be silenced, nor should she be.It did not take our glorious lady long to get back in harness.

    You have been warned.

  3. I have noticed that the latest trend for those who have been involved in disreputable behaviour is to assert that they or someone else has PTSD and will be re-traumatised if a particular blog thread is developed. This is a pathetic attempt to close down a particular line of comment; nothing to do with anyone's mental health.

    Well, if reading FTHN is a problem that will cause trauma then don't read the blog. That is the prescription and it does not cost £9.65 at a pharmacy.

    This PTSD malarkey is as despicable as those sick people who participated in the Jeremy Kyle Show telling people with whom they were involved that they had cancer, when they did not.

    1. Hornets without Trots.28 January 2024 at 15:05

      I thought it very mean of Dent Coad's camp to assert, a few months ago, this page is not about EDC, it is about Buchan and her failure to back the redevelopment of St Mary's Hospital. How dare you not allow EDC carte blanche to control things.

      The trouble with these Trotskyite factions is that they are obsessed with being in CONTROL. When the narrative does not play out as they anticipate, they seek to control others with their manipulative ways. Well, no one controls me not even Rent a Trot.

  4. good lord, dame. the election hasn't even started. Can you imagine how many people will be reading this when the election gets going?

    1. Dear Dame,

      4, 117 views in day with the evidence to prove it. Wow!

      Those viewers, collectively, have many friends who live in Kensington and Chelsea. They will tell their friends and relations about the Hornet. The power of Hornet in this General Election campaign will be huge. These parliamentary hopefuls are worked up about the Dame and Hornets despite any dismissive sentiments they express publicly.

      Which page on that 4,117 viewers' day received the most visits?

      Woe betide any politician who upsets any of the Dame's Hornets. I hear that one local politician has called this blog a "hell site."


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