with thanks to thisisnorthkensington.wordpress.com


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Monday 29 January 2024


Xi...Biden...Trump....Erdogan...Modi...Putin: all dangerous old men thinking about their 'legacy'.

The Dame is in her '90's but her days of ruling the world are long past.

Maybe there should be a global rule that when you hit 50 you retire.

The interests of the young are not in the least congruent with these strange, aggressive old men with their 'legacies'.


  1. Biden is too old; but he's not Putin, or Modi etc. He's a good and intelligent man with a speech impediment. He has trouble walking. Elton John has the same issue; but he can still perform like a 27 year old.

    1. Biden clearly has dementia and is wholly cognitively unfit for the office he holds as a result. He cannot even control his own bowel movements, let alone world events.

  2. Yes, maybe...but Elton John is not in charge of our lives. Biden is not well and though he may be 'good' that is not good enough.


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