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Monday 13 November 2023


Lord 'Dodgy' Dave arrives

'Dodgy', Tory prime minister from 2010-16, was recently at the centre of the biggest lobbying scandal in Britain for decades when the Financial Times revealed he had secretly lobbied former colleagues in government on behalf of his employer Greensill Capital.  


  1. Rishi Sunak promised ‘change’ and he gives us this toxic has-been. Cameron’s lobbying for Greensill was disgusting. His ‘Austerity’ was a failure - it cut growth, made us underprepared for Covid and many cuts have since been reinstated (e.g. police numbers). The new foreign secretary turned Libya into a failed state. He also called and lost the Brexit vote.

  2. This is getting beyond a joke

  3. Felicity, what do you think about it all? madhouse stuff or what

    1. Don’t you know climbing off the fence is too difficult for our Felicity!

    2. In today’s reshuffle housing minister Rachel Maclean, appointed just nine months ago by Rishi Sunak has been asked to stand down. For the moment everyone else keeps on sitting on the fence or in othe words junior minister Felicity Buchan and secretary Michael Gove remain in post. The awful Lee Rowley will now do Maclean's job.

  4. David Cameron insists Greensill scandal is ‘in the past’ so that is ok then. Shut up, little people.

  5. Lord Cameron of Upper Fraudley14 November 2023 at 07:47

    They all come out of the wood work, don't they. Jealous naysayers who have done nowt( as we say in the Cotswolds) for their country. No one accuses my Oxford pals, Osbourne and 'Bounder' Boris of being on the make yet when I tried to do an honsest job working for an Aussie entrepreneur I get jumped on. What a country. makes me wonder if it was worth my coming back to save it.

  6. Don't you get it? In a year we'll get a pink stameroid government whether we like it or not. In the meantime we get the Tory party like, what do they call it.... ah, yes... Rats in a sack. Hilarious

  7. Sunk Sunak also appoints: Greg Hands as a minister for Susan (rather than a minister for London). At least, he won’t be in the job long, Chelsea & Fulham isn’t entirely secure.

    1. Don’t you mean “demoted Tory chairman” Greg Hands as a minister for Susan?

    2. It is to be hoped that Hornets will work hard and sting Hands and Dent Coad so badly in the run up to the election. They both deserved to be shafted.

    3. By all means please continue to expose the oily Hands - but best to just ignore Mrs Dent ( she will hate that ). Despite her illustrious ancestry she was never very inportant


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