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Thursday 2 November 2023



a couple wearing paragliding images as used by Hamas to sail in and murder innocents

Looking at the Hamas-supporting hordes clogging the streets of London it is easy to get the idea that they don't actually have 'proper jobs'....you know the sort of job that gives you a taxable income in order to do your little bit for the country...like paying for education, healthcare et al. And what normal company would give time off in support to Hamas?

To put it crudely, they look like like a mass drag on the country.

Their main occupation seems to be Jew-baiting. 

Without being discriminatory they don't look the sort you would give a job to.

How different from the Anglo-Jewish community who have made such a massive contribution to the British Isles in every field of endeavor...medicine, the law, business....the list is endless.

One cannot help but feel this hatred of Jewish people is in the greater part down to envy at their intellectual prowess and energy.

The Hamas supporters seem like a sad bunch of losers with nothing to do all day because they are unemployable. 

They don't look too well washed either....

Some things never change. When the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem met Hitler in 1941 they both agreed the Jewish race should be obliterated 'from the river to the sea'


  1. A sea of pungently bad smells

    1. Is the dame a 4 by 2? Deranged, moronic, to abuse 200,000 calling for peace

    2. Are you a complete dimwit....look at the f****g placards.....these marchers were supporting Hamas and their terrorist activities.

    3. Use of the term '4x2' labels you for what you are....a vicious anti-semite

    4. The Hornets Nest5 November 2023 at 08:54

      The writer of this comment is known to the Dame. The use of the term 4x2 is highly offensive. Its used by anti semites. Why did the Dame allow the comment? The writer claims the demonstrators were marching for peace.
      In fact these marches are, in the main, organised by those who would like Jewish people obliterated.

    5. I have heard 'Four by Two' used as Cockney rhyming slang.

    6. We all know it is Cockney rhyming slang: it makes it no less offensive

    7. The words "Four x Two" were “highly offensive” to The Hornets Nest 5 November at 08:54; they even call out the Dame for allowing the content. Anonymous 5 November 2023 at 11:52 pointed out ‘Two’ was a rhyme of ‘Jew’. Surely, the word Jew (or its rhyme) can not be the problem? So I therefore presume it’s the “context” and possible “intent” that was problematic. However, if the Dame starts removing words that might be offensive then it will only be her imagination that is the limit. I do hope the Dame does not give in to the “inconsiderate as******" who try to turn normal words into insults.

    8. The Hornets Nest5 November 2023 at 15:38

      The Dame has not removed anything

  2. For years Corbyn wore that old brown tweed jacket that looked like it needed to go to the cleaners with a mop of hair and a scruffy beard to match. Why do these left wing people think that a bag of rags a socialist makes?

    Look at how immaculate Dennis Skinner was- well pressed black trousers, polished shoes, shirt, tie, and a grey Harris Tweed Jacket with a well scrubbed face.

  3. The war has claimed thousands of lives caught in the crossfire. Israeli and Palestinian children have been killed. So far and there seems no end in sight to this mayhem. This war has given birth to orphans and widows. The warmongers should hold their heads in shame. The murder of innocents and bombardment of hospitals and schools should open our eyes to the horrors of war.

    1. All agreed but when you continually provoke your neighbour with rockets; storm a rock concert and behead innocent kids there will be a reaction. Best to ask Hamas to cease poking the Hornets Nest

    2. Sympathetic to the Palestinian cause but opposed to Hamas.2 November 2023 at 21:02

      Since 1948, Israel has subjugated the Palestinians. 700, 000 Palestinians were driven off their land in 1948 by Israelis- nothing to be proud of. In the first Arab- Israeli war, one day after the state was created, Israel raised to the ground 360 Arab Villages and 14 Arab towns- so much for there was nothing there - the Palestinians were there.

      Israel's claim that this is our homeland does not wash. No where in the world is like it was 3,500 years ago. The homeland claim is a bit like saying that modern day Italians can come over to England take over because the Romans ruled here 2, 000 years ago.

      A further 300,000 Palestinians refugees were created in the Six Day war in 1967. Territory taken in wars is contrary to International Law. An apartheid state has been created in the West Bank on Palestinian land with Israelis creating settlements that Netanyahu has entrenched in law not to mention restricting the free movement of Palestinians on their own land.

      The truth is the USA bank rolls Israel- the IDF is financed by the USA Foreign Budget. It gives Israel military might but might is not necessarily right. Netanyahu has always sought to teach the Palestinians a lesson with harsh reprisals. But no lessons have been learned. There needs to be a political settlement in the Middle East not a military one. The UK Government managed it in Northern Ireland and the collapse of apartheid was achieved in South Africa.

    3. Partisanship blunts our feelings. It can mean, for those rightly appalled by lack of sympathy for Israel, downplaying the fate of civilian Palestinians.

    4. You should not be opposed to Hamas: you should be utterly condemning them. They have made it their strategy to vanquish the Jews.

    5. 21.02. Opposing Hamas is condemnation. Less semantic games more attention to detail.

    6. Let's hope to read this from you then: "I oppose Hamas because they deliberately target, murder, torture and kidnap the innocent; I consider them terrorists" I thought not!

    7. I have no problem agreeing with what you say, 23.30. I do not and have never supported terrorism or terrorist organisations. I worked in Harrods when the bomb went off in 1983. I walked past the offending vehicle outside just ten minutes before that explosion and have never forgotten it.

      There have been plenty of terrorists who became respectable Israeli politicians- Menachim Begin, Ariel Sharon to name just two but I suppose that is alright. If it wasn't for terrorism, Israel would not exist.

    8. Begin and Sharon were not driven by the idea of racial destruction based upon religion.

    9. 07.39 So terrorism to create a National Homeland for the Jews is OK. I see.

      No matter how you slice and dice it, Begin, Sharon and countless others committed terrorist atrocities in Palestine and later became members of the Knesset. Begin and Sharon were driven by a political ideology to commit terrorist atrocities after the holocaust. That is just as grotesque as anything Hamas does and as I said, I do not approve of any terrorist activities. The Palestinians were not responsible for the Holocaust that was a caused by the Nazis genocidal mania.

      I remember the late Shirley Williams referring to Irish terrorism and she made the point that Irish terrorism was more about politics than it is about religion. Just like the troubles in Ireland, it is possible to analyse the terrorism in the middle east in religious terms but the terrorism in the middle east is more about politics than religion.

      The reasons for terrorist attacks NEVER makes it acceptable. I am lucky to be alive after the terrorist attack at Harrods.

      Just for the record, I detest everything about Hamas. They would kill me because I am gay.

    10. Those atrocities were directed at the British...not infants

    11. I am sorry but no matter how you slice and dice it, all terrorism is wrong regardless of to whom it is directed.

    12. The rules based international system is under unprecedented strain and the only winners from the current situation are those Regimes round the world who seek to ignore the laws of war and the rights of civilians to life.

    13. Civilians must be safe, must have the means to both survive and rebuild their lives, and have the opportunity to exercise their rights under international law

  4. can anyone name an Arab country that has managed to drag itself of its medieval mess

    1. We desperately need a cooling of rhetoric. The only side we must take is that of the people – of all faiths and persuasions.

    2. So, you think you can cool down Hamas? That is like trying to 'cool down' ISIS

    3. The Dame could unequivocally condemn all forms of terrorism and violence, from wherever they emanate. There has been devastating loss of life on both sides of the Israeli-Hamas war. No cause or grievance justifies the targeting of innocent civilians.

    4. The only side we must take is that of the people – of all faiths and persuasions – who, through an accident of birth, have found themselves in this unspeakably horrific situation.

  5. I shall now unsubscribe from this 'sewage pipe'.

    1. I am sure there will be huge disappointment as you flush yourself away

  6. Any and all support for the bestial muderous terrorists of Hamas makes you a racist Jew hater and you really should toddle off back to the cess pit you call home because you are not wanted here.

    1. The plight of Palestinians and Israelis has drawn Islamophobes and anti-semites like moths to a light. ‘Don't get mad, just drink a glass of water’, suggests the pope.

    2. Gaza death toll tops 10,000; UN calls it a “children's graveyard“


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