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Thursday 16 November 2023


a couple of wise guys with desert friends

According to The Dame's friend, James Hurley on the Times, Cameron received $10 million for 2 years of work at Greensill Capital. What sort of work is worth $5m a year?
Cameron also gave Lex Greensill, his boss, a Downing Street office.

Greensill is now being investigated by the Insolvency Service.....rather late in the day. Typical useless Insolvency Service.
If Lord Cameron had a sense of honour he would give the money back to help those defrauded by his friend.


  1. I'm sorry Dame but I fail to see why Cameron should give back money that a private business chose to pay him for doing, well we don't really know what, but they seemingly thought he was worth it. I'd much prefer that he stay way out of politics myself.

    1. Yes, 'we do know really what'. He gave an entree to a crook into the highest levels of government and was rewarded with money gained by fraud. Go figure, as Ludo would say

    2. Yes, if David Cameron had a sense of honour he wouldn’t keep the money.
      No, do NOT give the millions back to Lex Greensill!

  2. The Dame slags off the Insolvency Service calling them ‘typical useless’. But they have been investigating the conduct of Greensill (including the directors of the company) in the wake of its collapse, which seems fair enough to me. Now, It has decided, after a couple of years, to press forward with disqualification proceedings against Greensill. Perhaps the Dame could share the information that shows the Insolvency Service is ‘typical useless’?

  3. 22:33 You need to keep up and behave yourself. Read this carefully https://fromthehornetsnest.blogspot.com/2023/06/a-bank-prime-minister-and-couple-of.html In doing so you will understand why the Dame considers the Insolvency Service useless. The crooks behind Inc&Co have been reported on many occasions to the Insolvency Service with no action being taken despite Mason and Dylan being well known for activities that defraud creditors. Before you opine learn

    1. The ‘Insolvency Service’ is not mentioned in the article http://fromthehornetsnest.blogspot.com/2023/06/a-bank-prime-minister-and-couple-of.html so I remain unclear why they are being called out as ‘typically useless’.

    2. Concentrate or the Dame will get cross. The Dame reported these people to the Insolvency Service and nothing was actioned despite people, pension holders and the HMRC losing millions. Satisfied that IS is typically useless now?

    3. Well done Dame for reporting potential crime. However her readers, even those who ‘concentrate’ hard, will find it very difficult to ‘catch up’ if she has not informed them beforehand.

    4. Just read the comment from the press links she posted: it is all there

    5. 11:29. I took the trouble to read again the blog. It is full of links to papers fully reporting the breaches of insolvency law that have gone uninvestigated by the Insolvency Service. So read the links

  4. another dodgy co Cameron connected with https://www.thisismoney.co.uk/money/markets/article-11750903/Disgraced-founder-AI-firm-accused-offering-secrets-Chinese.html

  5. Dominic Cummings posted on X: "There is ZERO chance that Sunak, a weak broken & deluded PM - who has just appointed Cameron Foreign Secretary who left UK wide open to Chinese intel penetration then headed over there to collect cash from China Gvt! - will grasp this.

    "(And Cameron shd be barred by the deep state from *all STRAP relating to China* as he's a clear security risk at the v least) Even if Sunak tries (he won't) he'll be told that a load of Gvt lawyers will resign and say he is 'undermining the rule of law, embracing fascism'. But he'll fold long before this is necessary."

  6. This Tory Government is floundering all over he place. Half a dozen examples:
    1. We are the party of choice / We are the party bringing back the past (Cameron).
    2. We are the party of get rid of IHT now / We are the party to say we will get rid of IHT sometime (not specified) in the future.
    3. We are the party of low tax / We are the party that brings the biggest tax burden.
    4. We are blue-greens / we cut the green crap.
    5. We are the party of business/ F*** business.
    6. We are the party of law and order / Break the law!

  7. David William Donald Cameron, Baron Cameron of Chipping Norton sworn in to the House of Lords on 20 November 2023. It would be fitting if he sat next to Michelle Georgina Mone, Baroness Mone.


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