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Saturday 8 July 2023



The Dame has been sent the 2,500-word email which very professionally impugns the honour of the Rt Honourable George Osborne: in fact, it makes him seem like a right dishonorable bastard.

The email has been written by someone with a deep knowledge of this unpleasant ex-Chancellor.

It really is the death knell of a corrupt, self-serving and ultra-greedy Tory Party.

Still, unless Blackrock fires him he will still be picking up his daily £13,000 plus all the other fees so he won't be on the streets.

But the Dame doesn't suppose he will be on the lucrative Speaker Circuit...... unless to speak at some seedy Salesman of the Year Dinner Award. 


  1. Don't be shy. Give us a taste of its contents

    1. "Because Luke’s been telling everyone what happened that night in 2019. With you and that girl in a toilet cubicle. That girl who couldn’t even stand up. Remember her?"

  2. The Dame is a robust old thing and has doubtless been a bit of a 'player'. If she is shocked then it must be disgusting.

  3. The Lord Moylan RIBA Hon8 July 2023 at 12:34

    Oh dear, is this a 'young boys's' story?

  4. The Rt Dishonourable George Osborne8 July 2023 at 12:35

    It is most certainly not, Daniel. The girl in question was over 16 so I don't understand all the fuss. On the QT do you know who wrote the email.

  5. "Now, Thea’s temper’s old news-we all know she’s a bully. But did Thea know about your friends asking you to cancel the wedding, George? Because of that temper of hers’? Did you tell her? Because everyone else knows about it.

    Don’t worry….just because it’s George and Thea’s turn today doesn’t mean the rest of your circle have been forgotten about. There are a LOT of skeletons dancing in all your closets….Just got to choose who’s next.

    So, congratulations, George and Thea. It was thought your wedding guests deserved to know the real truth about you-all nicely sourced and backed up. Now, Thea, you get to walk up the aisle knowing that every single person in there knows the truth about how your relationship started-that you were only ever the second-choice mistress who got upgraded. But now every one of them knows George has cheated on you the whole time-and you’ve put up with it. So much for that pitbull reputation of yours. So much for you being the love of his life."

  6. STINKER SPOTTER8 July 2023 at 13:18

    Another extract ow about that little girl in Bruton you came across that night? Remember that? Did you know she’d only just turned 16? How old were you then, George, 49? Thea was pregnant at the time, wasn’t she? November 2020, wasn’t it? That girl made some very interesting posts about it....

    Same age as your daughter Liberty, just about. The one who worked at At The Chapel? Was it just a coincidence that your baby ended up with the same name?

  7. Fancy calling your baby Beau...ughh

  8. Decorum Please9 July 2023 at 08:33

    A man married with young children marries his mistress and decides to have a high profile 'white wedding' in a church. I cannot imagine the distress it has caused his ex wife and children. Osborne has a heart of stone. I, too have read the email. He has questions about his behaviour to answer.

  9. A gentle reader ask the Dame to publish the email in all its salacious detail. She fears in doing so the Rt Dishonourable Osborne might report her for 'bullying'

    1. Decorous Behaviour.13 July 2023 at 18:35

      Dear dame,

      Do publish.

  10. From PopBitch

    >> Wedding hell <<
    We all got mail
    ********* EDITOR’S NOTE *********

    We have been contacted by George Osborne and Thea Rogers’ lawyers who inform us that ‘The Email’ alluded to below is “full of false information” and subject to a legal complaint and police investigation.

    Pointing out – as we did – that most of London’s media and much of Westminster had been sent an extraordinary/unprintable email is perfectly accurate and in no way suggests that we endorse the actual contents of the email.
    There’s going to be some awfully awkward chatter in the pews at George Osborne’s wedding on Saturday. Yesterday, the bulk of the happy couple’s guest list (alongside a number of national newsdesks and a handful of Westminster power players, who were helpfully BCCed) received an eye-popping email from an anonymous sender.

    Running to 2,500 words, with multiple attachments and links for further reading, most of the allegations it contains about George’s personal conduct are absolutely extraordinary (and absolutely unprintable). Suffice to say, they all fall under the header of “Bombshells”.

    It’s led to some feverish speculation as to who would do this in the run-up to the big day. A disgruntled former colleague? A disgruntled former wife?

    Whoever it is, even the most hardened hacks on Fleet Street were left open-mouthed at the nerve required to send such an incendiary email. It’s certainly not the most dignified way to air your grievances with the groom, but at least they had the good grace not to leave it until the vicar asked if anyone had any objections.

    >> Big Questions <<
    Who’s asking what this week?

    Was the author of the infamous Osborne poison pen email really rubbing shoulders at the Politico summer party this week? Suspicions that the author moved among their number were raised early – and only deepened as the night went on and they watched the suspect showing off what they claimed was a legal letter they received about the whole thing as an icebreaker…


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