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Tuesday 25 July 2023


Today, Dame Rose issues a deep and groveling apology to Nigel Farage. She says she was wrong to gossip about Mr. Farage's banking arrangements with a journo. 


Davies tells us despite his CEO breaching banking secrecy rules he has every confidence in her. Davies is leaving the Board shortly but maybe the Government-a major shareholder should kick them both out now.

One perceptive commentator said this: "A CEO of a bank has absolutely no business engaging in conversation with a journalist, or anyone else, about any of their customers not even to acknowledge that they are a customer, let alone infer they didn’t meet the bank’s wealth criteria, by pointing to the eligibility criteria on the website. She knew exactly what she was doing, she knew exactly what Jack would infer from it. She has to go. End of."

What happened to Farage could have happened to any one of us and even companies we own and run.


  1. Completely agree that Dame Rose’s behaviour is utterly reprehensible and it does raise alarms (if any more were needed) about the rest of the banking industry.

    Farage has been treated badly but I find it difficult to have any sympathy for such an odious character. Allegedly (from a number of sources) sang Hitler Youth songs at school and boasted how his initials also stood for National Front. One of the architects of the infamous BREXIT NHS bus lie and the Breaking Point poster lie.

    What goes round comes around.

  2. 'Allegedly' 'Allegedly'? Are these just allegations by those out to destroy the man or, are you, just repeating lies. You have no idea do you?

    1. Allegations from many separate sources. No smoke without fire. As for lies - are you denying the bus was a lie? The refugees poster? Farage is the expert on lying.

    2. We are all fed to the back teeth with waves of refugees crossing multiple safe havens in the EU and choosing the UK illegally because we are a soft touch. Boats should be intercepted and towed back to France.

    3. Where to draw the line and strike the right balance has always been difficult.26 July 2023 at 18:23

      I agree with 07.29. Farage does not invoke my sympathy. I also think he is an "odious" man.

      I would not like to have an account with a Bank that provided banking services to the National Front or the British National Party because these political parties stir-up racial hatred. I suspect that many people agree with me and would be pleased if the banks with which they have business closed such accounts. But.......... there again, there will be those who say the National Front and the BNP are entitled to bank accounts.If I am being "woke," I make no apologies.

    4. I am sure Mr Farage will care about your opinion of him. Would you mind having an account with a bank that banks the Communist Party of GB. You are an expert at introducing idiotic red herrings.

    5. 18:23 Don't you mean evoke?

    6. 18.23 here.
      You are absolutely right,18.33. I find extremist views on the right or left of the political divide, (and by "left" I include the CPGB) abhorrent. I found Corbyn's antisemitism repugnant.

    7. Don't think the Communist Party of Great Britain stirs up racial hatred 18.33

    8. Don't be ridiculous: Farage nor UKIP strirs up racial hatred. Do you think Ben Habib would be involved with Reform UK or UKIP if it were. For goodness's sake stop pumping out lies. The Communist Party certainly stirs general hatred

    9. “The only people I do have problems with are negroes and I don’t know why,” - Rozanne Duncan, UKIP Councillor for Thanet. She went on to explain in a BBC documentary that if she was invited to a dinner party wherein she “had to sit next to a black person” she would decline the invitation.

    10. and Labour MP's have never been accused of being anti semitic?

    11. .............and Farage has made unpleasant and offensive remarks about foreigners. To defend these charges of nastiness, Farage stated that his wife is German. When he did so, Mrs Farage made a statement disassociating herself from Nigel's bile. Mrs Farage made it clear that whilst it was true that she was still married to Nigel Farage, the marriage was over and she did not agree with her husband's disgusting views.

      A former UKIP MEP applied to re-join the Tory Party and the Tory Party refused to allow him to do so because of his racist remarks.

      And yes, antisemitism in the Labour Party is vile and it is no excuse for racism in the eurosceptic camp.

      and 08.22 is right, Roxanne Duncan of UKIP is the scum of the earth for her hatred of Blacks.

    12. Regarding Ben Habib. It would not be the first time that a Black or Asian person has palled up with racists to achieve a political goal. Habib repeatedly banged on that BREXIT would be an opportunity for his business to profit. As Brexit was important to him, he became easy bedfellows with Farage et al.

    13. " Palled Up" says all we need to know about a twot like you!. If you knew anything which you don't you would know Farage is of German descent. Now stop being a bore

    14. Farage's German descent does not preclude him from being the best little englander and xenophobe in history. His wife agrees with me about him.

    15. "Little Englander" so boring...I suppose you are going to call anyone opposed to Brexit as a Gammon. There should be laws passed to stop bores like you!

    16. No, 18.35. I accept that everyone has a right to their point of view and that includes Brexit.

      Unlike Diane Abbott MP, I do NOT believe that the 17 million people who voted to leave the EU are racists; just some of them.

      I think Nigel Farage would be proud to be described as a "Little Englander."

  3. Say what you like about Nigel Farage and his spat with Coutts.It’s a joy to see him “taking a wrecking ball to corporate wokery”

  4. UKIP is a racist organisation touting lies and Labour has a real problem with anti-semitism for which it should be held thoroughly accountable. Two wrongs don’t make a right. If I were boss of Coutts, I wouldn’t want to associate my organisation with either Farage OR Corbyn.


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