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Friday 21 July 2023




In her update, Felicity Buchan talks about her trip to the French Embassy to celebrate Bastille Day. 

I expect, dear Dame, it's a day when your bejeweled fingers touch your elegant neck thinking of your noble ancestors who 'took the blade'.

Felicity claimed the celebrations were "a reminder of the enduring friendship and collaboration between our two nations. I extend my warmest wishes to all of my constituents, both French and non-French, as we celebrate Bastille Day recently."

I suppose she's trying to get the French vote here but what arrant nonsense the woman spouts. 

And why would her non-French constituents celebrate Bastille Day?

Over the years the French Government has gone out of its way to damage British interests in every possible way.

How dare Felicity claim that the French Government collaborate with us. 

They may 'collaborate' with the Germans but they certainly don't collaborate with us.

Yours fuming....



  1. They need to invite me to next year’s celebrations with her. I’ll bring the guillotine (and the wine for after!)

  2. Every week her Update bores on about some LGBT function she has attended. Obviously things she can harvest votes there.,...getting very tedious and patronising. We all have many more financially serious issues to worry about like paying the vast mortgage rises that her former hero Truss created

    1. Nothing wrong with being pro gay.

    2. Dimwit Spotter22 July 2023 at 14:12

      What a dimwitted comment! If there when you are constantly pro gay on a weekly basis in order to increase a majority. Intelligent gays feel patronised by it all.

  3. Polling is showing clearly that the new boundaries for Kensington are hugely beneficial to Flicker and she is certain to win at the next election. After the scare last time she has been told to concentrate on minority groups (eg Frenchies who like Kensington and live here and gays who like Kensington and live here) and she is working her stockings off to attend niche functions and say nice words.

  4. Boundary changes have worked in Flicker's favour. She is confident that she will keep Kensington at the next election. She has been told to concentrate on niches like the gays and the Frenchies who like Kensington and live here. She is working her stockings off to attend niche events and rub shoulders.

    1. Get facts right24 July 2023 at 12:03

      The boundary changes have added two Westminster Labour held wards in Bayswater to the seat so not hugely beneficial to Buchan at all

    2. Bayswater calling25 July 2023 at 16:28

      2 wards. Bayswater and Lancaster Gate. 6 councillors. 5 Labour 1 Tory.
      Really disappointed not to be having Karen Buck as our MP anymore. Felicity Buchan doesn't have a scooby doo about our area and community.
      We'll get rid of her just like we got rid of the Tories who used to ru(i)n Westminster Council.

  5. I was at the LSE with George Allison who is Buchan's case worker. He was appointed by CCHQ to Buchan's office. He is a noted gay campaigner so can throw his weight behind winning the gay vote in Kensington. But what he fails to understand is the gay community in sophisticated Kensington really does not need to be treated as vote fodder. Quite patronising.

  6. Her case worker linkedin https://www.linkedin.com/in/george-allison-384b31137/?originalSubdomain=uk

  7. Was `Tory now Labour24 July 2023 at 11:24

    Flikka's Chief of Staff Jessica Zbinden Webster is also a CCHQ plant working to grab the gay vote. I hope Joe has seen through all this nonsense. So cynical https://www.linkedin.com/in/jessicazbindenwebster/?originalSubdomain=uk


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