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Thursday 20 July 2023


In days of yore a CEO of a major quoted company would have been asked by the chairman to resign for allowing a Farage type cock up to happen.

It matters not a jot whether one loves/ hates or is indifferent to Farage. What happened to him could happen to any of us.

What about the Dame? She could find herself unbanked and reduced to joining the Co-op Bank...

Anyway, Dame Rose decided to ask her PR department to draft a statement of such awfulness that most normal CEOs would have torn it up.

Rose is now putting lots of blue water between herself and the perpetrators instead of carrying the can.

"I am writing to apologise for the deeply inappropriate comments about yourself made in the now published papers prepared for the Wealth Committee." 

It is the bit in red that is telling....in other words, someone in HR will carry the can.

Rose? You are an utter disgrace.

"I would like to make it clear that they do not reflect the view of the bank."


  1. Profound apologies to the noble Dame; but while one is aware of the wider story, please remind us - who exactly is Dame Rose?

  2. Boss of Nat West

  3. For an individual to be de-banked in this extreme left wing/right wing way is a disaster but imagine if Nat West decided your company did not adhere to 'its values'( the idea of a bank having values is risible) your company would be in serious shit.

  4. High time the banks are called out. Coutts is a disgrace. Has been for a while

  5. Looks like Farage agrees with the Dame here, "He later added in a tweet that Dame Alison “needs to take responsibility as CEO, and is wrong to say the views of her own committee’s report don’t reflect the bank.”

  6. Her boss at Nat West is Howard Davies. Davies is, like Rose, a diehard remainer so ganging up against Farage was a natural course to take.

  7. When Chair of the LSE Sir Howard Davies, now chair of Nat West, accepted money from Ghadaffi...of course, he never knew about it. A bit like Rose saying she did bot know about Coutts's action.

    1. Get your facts straight.29 July 2023 at 08:22

      Sir Howard Davies has never been Chairman of the London School of Economics. He was the School's Director, not Chairman of the Governors.

      Signed by one who knows

  8. A decent CEO and Chairman would both have resigned by now and the fact that they haven't, and still have not promised not to do this, or something similar, again, clearly demonstrates that NatWest & Coutts cannot be trusted as business partners or bankers and that customers should beware or go elsewhere.

  9. Whatever the rights and wrongs of Nigel Farage having his elite bank account cancelled, let’s remember who he actually is. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mfyiSk8Rjc8

    1. He's a bigger man/woman than you and a patriot too

  10. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mfyiSk8Rjc8

    1. Farage disposed of all that idiotic propaganda: it all turned out to be lies

  11. The Co-op and a Dame23 July 2023 at 08:28

    Dear Dame,

    I cannot imagine you queuing up in a Co-op Food Shop to cash a cheque with the Checkout Operator. I don't think the Co-op issues a platinum debit card; like Coutts does.

    You will be pleased to hear that the Co-operative Bank is now 100% owned by Venture Capitalists. It can no longer proclaim any socialist principles - a socialist bank, I ask you fervently.

    The Co-operative Bank is now classier than Coutts - Coutts along with its parent company, Nat West, is shackled to the State - 40% owned by the Taxpayer.

    Do you remember Dame Thora Hird DBE, the actress? She once said that one of the voices she did as an actress was based on the voice of a woman who worked in the Morecambe Branch of the Co-op when she was a girl.


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