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Thursday 22 September 2022


We all moan about the lack of democracy in local government but often do nothing to use the machinery to have our say.

The blog has described the proposed infliction of a massive LED 24/7 advertising hoarding that will dominate Portobello Market. 
Multiple objections are required to avoid officers using delegated powers to wave it through.
Looking HERE there are just 2 objections!
We have only ourselves to blame if this gets passed by default.
We need to object now!


  1. Campaigns against outdoor advertising - Carla Denyer




  2. It should just need councillors to raise an objection to get it reviewed. What do our Labour Councillors do with their time nowadays ?

  3. How well publicised were the applications ? did enough people know ?


    It should noted that the Planning Dept had listed Hillage Village Residents Association as that of Highgate Village which says much about planning officers' grasp of the area! More people need to object.
    "the addition of a large LED advertising scree is inappropriate in Portobello Rd, which will not benefit from this intervention. The planning gain provided by new railings does not represent justification for the visual intrusion of a succession of advertisements.
    The special nature of Portobello Market is already under threat;this trashy addition will do nothing to preserve the atmosphere of the market.
    We hope this application will be rejected."


  5. At a recent local meeting, RBKC announced yet another attempt to “improve” Portobello Market to destruction. It’s a third BIDs (Business Improvement District) project. Local businesses agree to invest. Each has a vote and if 70% approve, 1% is added to all local business rates to fund the improvements; via private consultants. In RBKC, BIDs have been adopted in neglected areas such as Knightsbridge; King’s Rd; Kensington High St plus Earl's Court Rd - where it may make sense.

    The key issue is that BIDs fundamentally benefit commercial landlords by encouraging higher rents.

    Portobello is complex and world famous. There are about 250 commercial properties plus 10 antiques arcades, each with about 50 businesses; plus 300 street traders equalling 1,000+ businesses plus 2,000 residents and 3million visitors a year.

    The street traders will have a vote. Yet when asked, RBKC failed to confirm that each trader will have a vote; much less 500 antique dealers; many of whom pay business rates.

    Before Covid, a shiny new RBKC “culture & place” officer appeared. A draft report on Portobello Culture duly followed. It failed to include a definition of “Culture.” The report has since disappeared.

    For the umpteenth time, RBKC has paid consultants a princely £15,000 to consult residents; businesses and multiple other interested parties on the future of the Market. Their report is currently available. Drivel in. Drivel out.

    RBKC's BIDs project will inevitably rid the area of its delightful, shambolic, street market. Portobello Rd will become another Westbourne Grove; known locally as Westbourne “Grave;" a place where retailers go to die. There’s no footfall; but rents are enormous.

    Portobello needs investment. It's the ugliest street in England, leading to two of the poorest wards in Europe. It serves a uniquely varied local population. Without the street market, the remaining multicultural communities will disappear. RBKC is already the only borough in England with a reducing population. BIDs will ultimately further reduce it. RBKC will have yet more beautiful, empty, Victorian houses owned by money launderers; indistinguishable from the rest of RBKC.

    Nice new Cllr Josh Rendall is currently responsible for the Market. He’s keen to learn and will welcome residents' views of this plan. RBKC only listens to residents from the “better” areas, so please contact him.


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