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Friday 9 September 2022


A reader drew the Dame's attention to Jeremy Corbyn's eccentric tweet about the death of Her Majesty. 

He tells us he enjoyed chats with her: she is not able to give her side. It would doubtless be laconic and amusing!

Will Emma Dent Coad follow the example of her guru in this perhaps unexpected tribute?


  1. Without doubt the Queen would not enjoyed meeting this loser chiefly because of her hatred of the dictators around the world who Corbyn was friendly with. Poor Queen imagine having to be friendly with this jerk

    1. The unpleasant Emma Dent Coad had no problem being friendly with the Corbyn "jerk." The jerk who blames NATO, not Putin, for the genocide in Ukraine. I always thought Corbyn looked dirty in that old brown jacket he wore for years.

    2. The Queen would have been pleasant to Citizen Corbyn. Be in no doubt that Dent Coad is as close to Corbyn and Marxism - as close as Thatcher was to Reagan and Monetarism.

      God save the Queen.

  2. It seems that meetings are being cancelled left, right and centre. Her Majesty was known to be a workaholic. Not illness nor fatigue would slow her down. She was of a lost generation that believed hard work was the rent you paid for life. She would be shocked at how her death was being used to slow down the life of the country.Back to work GB and don't use our sovereign's death to idle.


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