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Sunday 24 April 2022


James Latham has been appointed Principal Flood and Water Management Officer at RBKC on a near £50k a year salary. We need him to comment on the latest news on negligence by Thames Water as described by this victim below....

We also should bear in mind that Latham once worked for TW

"I was a member of the team ensuring the limitation of damage to Thames Water supply and sewerage assets by works associated with Crossrail, the largest construction project in Europe. I was mainly focussed on the prediction of ground movements around tunnels and deep excavation and their corresponding impact on the utilities, in order to validate the assessments carried out by Crossrail."

Dear Dame

As ever, the Dame is correct. The severity of the July floods was NOT a natural event, but due to Thames Water’s systemic failures and total negligence on the day. 

Weather forecasts at the time repeatedly warned of flood risks; but Thames Water failed to put basic precautions into action and then failed to act to minimise the damage. 

Consequently, thousands of London homes were flooded with TW's sewage. Many victims have no insurance because they can’t afford it. 

As ever, RBKC has retrospectively leaped into “action.” 
There’s a dedicated new officer to address flooding issues. 
There will be meetings, consultations and paperwork aplenty; but will we see any substantive action? 

History is not encouraging.

Signed: Flooded & Furious”


  1. Council Watcher24 April 2022 at 19:36

    James Latham looks like a teenager. Nothing wrong with that. But he is being thrust into the spotlight of a political hot potato. Teenagers do not have the experience, judgement or wisdom to cope with such matters. It is essential that he has a mentor. An older and more experienced Councillor. Who is this person who will look after young Latham and obtain some value out of another £50k of Council Tax money?

    1. Another inappropriate appointment. More lack of Leadership from dizzy Campbell.

      The woman is a liability as Leader. Her fellow Tory Councillors need to relieve residents of this menace.

  2. Poacher turned game keeper

  3. Retired Chief Executive25 April 2022 at 10:24

    Appointing a junior person with no political experience to front a highly political issue is a well known tactic in Local Government to silence opposition from Council Tax payers. "We did something" is the lament.

    The flooding is a major scandal and the scoundrel (Thames Water) is a major organisation refusing to accept any responsibility and refusing to offer compensation. Thames needs to be opposed by some big guns. Not a water pistol.

    The politicians need to bury their differences, mass up, and elect the most effective fighter to lead the crusade against Thames Water. Action Groups have been formed in RBKC, Hammersmith and Fulham and Bayswater. The most effective campaign organisation that I have seen is in Bayswater. Streets ahead of RBKC and Hammersmith and Fulham. The three groups need to co ordinate. One of their Leaders needs to speak for everyone. Felicity Buchan MP and Cllr Rossi need to be big enough to come in behind more effective Leadership. Otherwise Thames Water will continue to divide and rule.

    1. Bayswater has a really hard hitting organisation

    2. All the flood victim organisation need to form an umbrella as it becomes increasingly clear that the London wide damage on July 12 was the result of Thames Water ignoring the Met Office warnings and not having someone at the pumping stations.

    3. Water pistol! Love it

  4. The Royal Borough (the Council and its MP) are not making a very professional job of going after Thames Water on behalf of its residents


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