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Sunday 24 April 2022


a pair of hypocrites celebrating Easter at Russian Orthodox Cathedral in Moscow

The Russian Orthodox Church in Ennismore Gardens is directly funded by the ex-KGB agent, Patriarch Kirill. Kirill is a 'spiritual advisor' to Putin and as a result, is now worth hundreds of millions of pounds. Some of those millions support his outpost in London here in the Royal Borough.

The Dame has written to the Leader of our council expressing her disgust that this church is exempted from Business Rates...so far, no response.

The Russian Orthodox Church in Kensington has so disgusted worshippers with its 100% support for Putrid that they have gone off to build their own cathedral in Chiswick.

It's a shame that the Council cannot have the same resolution in dealing with this pariah church in our midst. 

There needs to be an investigation by the Council's Finance Department to ensure this church is entitled to Business Rates exemption and is not laundering Russian money.

1 comment:

  1. Why is this 'church' exempted from Biz Rates.


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