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Monday 18 April 2022


Dear Dame,

Who thinks up these foolish and pointless ideas?  

The £1million a year PR Department? 

Council employees haven't a clue about selling a 'product'. 

If this prank is the best they can come up with it's easy to see why Council Tax is sky-high.

This particular idea is to try to con shops into believing the Council is promoting their interests but it is more profligate spending by expensive Quirk Officers with not enough to do.

* new style pedestrian crossings
* walking tours including Easter eggs

Can you imagine how much time was spent at meetings “brainstorming” this stuff, briefing creatives, getting budgets approved, installing?
More waste of Council Tax. it is sheer madness

Shopkeepers know that the best promotion would be for the Council to fiercely campaign for a drastic overhaul of Business Rates. That won't happen: the Council gets 25% of Business Rates.


Resident in despair


  1. Kensington Resident19 April 2022 at 09:06

    At a time when costs are going through the roof, inflation is surging, four year waiting lists in the NHS, £1500 a year on heating bills, RBKC is spending Council Tax on Easter egg hunts for the public.

    Is dizzy Cmapbell out of her mind?

  2. It's just so childish.

  3. Retired Chief Executive19 April 2022 at 09:15

    The picture is of a pavement advertisement in Kensington High Street. Whatever the merits of this initiative may be I am conscious of the considerable cost and organisation time that is required to deliver such an initiative. Extensive meetings by Officers to brainstorm and dream up these ideas, followed by papers and presentations to obtain authority from the Cabinet, securing a budget, briefing creatives, discussing options and selecting an idea for presentation and approval, tendering from contractors, selection of a contractor and then installation. And presumably some kind of follow up and maintenance/renewal of the installations.

    Council Tax payers need to consider this type of activity very carefully. It is almost certainly the tip of an iceberg. There is a policy and support for this kind of activity. Whether or not this is appropriate spending of Council Tax is a very pertinent question.

    1. Too many Councillors, too much money to spend, not enough to do

  4. This has all the hallmarks of a Cllr False initiative. Fatuous, wasteful, out of touch with reality

  5. It is unbelievable to read about this waste of council tax in the current time of high inflation

    1. Clear The Swamp19 April 2022 at 11:54

      Time for Angry Tory to get rid of Cllr Campbell and her ilk (Cllr Faulks and Cllr Weale). This kitchen Cabinet continues to exhibit very non Tory behaviour and values. Mrs Thatcher ( a believer in cost effective Government and minimum burden on tax payers) must be turning in her grave

  6. Another failure of leadership by Cllr Campbell. Why do Tory Councillors hang on to this loss leader??


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