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Wednesday 27 April 2022


Stephen Taylor above set up a new company to grab a loan

So £17 billion of the £47 Billion paid out in loans during COVID will never be returned to the taxpayer.

Felicity Buchan is a member of the Treasury Committee. 

She is in a perfect position to find out how the hell this was allowed to happen. 

Conservatives are supposed to be the party of fiscal prudence instead the Government's behaviour is as criminal as the criminals it has supported during COVID.

So, Felicity, when next updating us on your weekly diary tell us what you think of this appalling mismanagement of our taxes.

According to reports, vast amounts of cash have been seized by border guards as fraudsters took out the money in suitcases.


  1. This is a very shrewd suggestion from the Dame. Felicity Buchan MP is capable but she is ferociously ambitious and desperate to be noticed. Our new MP for Kensington has a wafer thin majority of less than 20 and boundary changes probably mean that this is a lost seat. In pursuit of power she has given up on her residents and is trying to play on the national stage. Early signs of being a good constituency MP faded fast as she moved away from her local case load to concentrate on Westminster activities.

    Abuse of COVID loans is a national hot potato. Buchan is at the center of the money stuff in Westminster. She is learning how to make things happen. She should go for this one, as suggested by the Dame, and at least produce a fringe benefit for her residents in Kensington

    1. Kensington Resident28 April 2022 at 12:06

      We are underwhelmed by Buchan's impact after the Thames Water flooding scandal in Kensington

    2. Bit harsh on Ms Buchan

    3. Deserves it

    4. To be fair to Felicity Buchan she has worked hard on the flood issue. Thames Water is a very poorly run business with astonishingly poor corporate governance. The acting chairman has a disgraceful record in his previous role as CE of SSE

    5. Working hard is one thing. Working smart is another. It is results that residents need.

  2. Flicker needs to choose her battles in order to get on and get noticed in Westminster. Thames Water looks like a good option - lots of potential press coverage, David against Goliath, and a practical benefit for ALL voters


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