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The only Labour Councillor attending |
We have a Head of State: Her Majesty, The Queen.
At 95 she still is going strong doing her duty.
The Dent Coad Labour Faction hate the Queen. To show their contempt they refused to attend the Jubilee Commemoration Service at St Mary Abbots Church.
The sole councillor to represent the Labour Party was Cllr Henderson.
It may, to some, seem unimportant but the message is clear.... the rump of the local Labour Party like nothing about this country; its history or traditions.
As usual, they are out of step with how the majority of the people feel about Her Majesty.
Thank you, Cllr Henderson for your own great service to all residents: you will be missed.
How petty and small minded. I suppose Her Majesty is not posh enough for a descendent of the great Medici
ReplyDeleteThat's right.
DeleteNo one will ever up stage our pretentious Emma Dent Coad; not even our Sovereign and Noble Lady, Her Majesty the Queen.
According to Emma Dent Coad she is a descendant of Catherine de Medici, Christopher Columbus and the Borgias. Catherine de Medici was a poisoner, a money grabber and a bitch to other royals - Mary Queen of Scots and Diane de Poitier.
Now Emma, why don't you come clean and admit you are no more related to Catherine de Medici than I am related to Alfred the Great, the Wessex King.
How do you know that you are related to Catherine de Medici?
Good on Ian for attending. Good on yer, mate!
DeleteIt is true the Dent Coad faction like nothing about this Country EXCEPT Jeremy Corbyn - the one who blames NATO for the situation in Ukraine and longs for Soviet Communism again
The Kensington Kremlin lot are no fans of the Royal Family. That's clear by their non turnout last night. At least Henderson is prepared to stand by our Country and our forces.
DeleteKensington Kremlinites probably supporting Putin and his lot.
Has Councillor Woodger taken over this blog?
ReplyDeleteBaroness, apologies, did you attend?
ReplyDeleteDespite my elevated social status, I was not invited.
ReplyDeleteThat was wise of them
DeleteThe Queen is not keen on The Baroness NOTHING DALE
DeleteThat's not what she told me last time we met. Now please buzz off silly tories.
DeleteHM told me you were a bit smelly and unhygienic
DeleteWatching people foam at the mouth over EDC is hilarious.
ReplyDeleteHenderson was indeed an instrumental figure in the Sutton Estate campaign, which is not in Colville.
If the comments on the “Broken Local Party” post, which are barely literate, are representative of Henderson’s supporters then no wonder he lost.
If a Councillor cannot get enough members to support them at a one member one vote selection meeting, then the fault lies squarely with them. Is Henderson embarrassed?
Congratulations to Cllr Bakhtiar who ultimately won the selection and clearly has more political tact.
Henderson’s supporters appear incompetent. Rather than raising baseless “allegations” anonymously they ought to be doing work in the community.
Dear Emma,
DeleteWhere do you get this crap that you can only stand as a Councillor in Colville Ward if you save a Housing Estate in Colville Ward? Another desperate plea just like your plea about "Felicity Buchan MP living next to Harrods in Greg Hands' constituency."
You and your acolytes have previously asserted that Henderson had to go because that Ian could not be a Councillor in Colville Ward because he did not live in Kensington. Like all stupid socialists, you make up the rules as you go and this specious argument is simply misconceived and erroneous.
If the comments of 08.46 above are anything to go by, the dirty tricks of the Dent Coad camp are coming to the fore. The same dirty tricks that did for Ian.
DeleteIs democracy a dirty trick?
DeleteJust like her claims about Catherine de Medici, Christopher Columbus and the Borgias are "misconceived and erroneous."
DeleteHow can people vote for someone so delusional? This b*llocks is a pack of lies.
Rigged elections arent democracy.
DeleteYes, 09.15, I know the Trots and the Marxist Mafia in the Kensington Constituency Labour Party like to run the democracy argument as their authority for shafting Ian Henderson.
DeleteYes, I suppose Trotskyite Entryism is democratic. Does the Kensington CLP go in for "Democratic Centralism" where Emma and her bunch decree things from up on high with it filtering down to the minions attending meetings of the Kensington CLP?
Just like every good Trot, I would bring all of that lot who have done for Ian up before a Workers' Militia so that may be judged.
08:46 For someone claiming not to be a party member you seem to be very au fait with how Ian was ousted......
Delete8.46 Is this the same Bakhtiar, the Labour Leader who snubbed the Queen due to his non attendance.
DeleteI didn't think Bahktiar was an Anti-Monarchist.
Delete08:46 forgot to mention that Baktiar moved to Colville to make way for Dent Code in St Helens
DeleteHe is Pro-Emma.
DeleteWhat is Dent Coad's strategy in St Helens?
DeleteHas she made a mess of representing Golborne?
I have heard if a dog could stand for election in Golborne with a Labour rosette that people in that Ward would vote for it.
Dent Coad never got over the fact the Ian spurned her amorous advances.
ReplyDeleteWell, I never knew that!
DeleteIF this is true, we have a case of
Deletehell hath no fury like Emma Dent Coad scorned.
Its true
DeleteHow do you know it's true?
DeleteI am not keen on EDC but I do wonder about the truth of her trying it on.
It will all have to come out in a larger setting won't it, as EDC and her cronies continue this defamation. Timing Dear Boy. Timing.
DeleteGod. Sexual harassment in the Kensington Constituency Labour Party!!
DeleteAccording to all these left wing feminists, "If the advance is unwelcome, it is harassment." A descendant of Catherine de Medici and Christopher Columbus trying it on.
Labour politicians in sex scandals, well, well, well, it won't do you know.
DeleteLabour politicians used to always be involved in money scandals and the Tories were always known for good kinky sex scandals.
I always thought she had the hots for Jeremy Corbyn MP.
A lady of Emma's upper class heritage would have a "pash" for Corbyn not the "hots."
DeleteEmma trying it on?
Emma, the Socialist Seductress?
DeleteDid she wear fishnet stockings when she tried to ensnare Ian?
Or a bag over her head.
DeleteWasn't it true that Dent Code and her faction were so desperate they banned Ian and the other Chelsea Councillors from attending Kensington Constituency meetings for 3 years. For no reason other that DC and Sina Lari want the Parliamentary seat.
ReplyDeleteShe spreads lies and rumour to anyone who will listen to further her own advancement and that of her siblings.
In his 4 years Ian showed outstanding qualities. In EDC in 4 years we saw a lack of quality and integrity. What MP calls someone a racist name and draws an offensive image of that person straight out of the deep south. What a desperate woman , nasty , evil and contemptuous. I do hope Ian does decide to speak out as the truth will out with Lari and Dent Coads behaviours over the last 4 years.its all documented allegedly . Perhaps it's all about timing.
That's not very democratic.
DeleteDent Coad did ban Ian Henderson and Atkinson from attending Kensington Constituency Labour Party meetings. Dent Coad is top dog, lacks integrity and, is a vile racist.
DeleteDent Coad and Sina Lari have done more for the Conservative Party than Linton Crosby ever could.Thank you both from Conservative HQ.
DeleteThe petulant children commenting on this blog ought to find a hobby. Doesn’t help Henderson at all, it just looks desperate.
ReplyDeleteNo, Emma is the desperate one.
Delete"Nasty, evil and contemptuous," even Emma knew that she would need the hide of a rhinoceros when we found out what she was up to.
This post was celebrating support for her majesty. The Kensington Kremlin have decided it's an opportunity to defame Councillor Henderson.
DeleteKensington Kremlin only support self interest.
Delete9.55 'Petualant Children' says a lot more about you than us.
ReplyDeleteIan Henderson and Max Woodger were both given the sack by their Ward members. Should they team up to fight the evil Marxist and extraterrestrial forces that shafted them?
ReplyDeleteHenderson has the looks and Maxwell the brains. Dynamic duo in the making.
Henderson is clever. I now know Emma Dent Coad fancied him. Emma is not very bright. It wasn't very bright of her to claim descent from Catherine de Medici, Christopher Columbus and the Borgias.
DeleteYes, Henderson and Woodger should team up and fight in Colville Ward.
DeleteThe only thing is, Dent Coad would use Ian standing against Labour to make sure that he was disqualified from being the next parliamentary candidate in Kensington for the Labour Party.
Woodger is fighting EDC in the locals. In St Helen's Ward.
DeleteGood, go, go ,go, Max. Show her up.
DeleteVoila the penny drops. Hence this blog has been taken over by Woodger as I previously remarked. The Baroness ain't daft.
ReplyDeleteIf I only could feed vermin with this blog, all would die instantly of its POISON ; )
ReplyDeleteHow vile 16.47 is! No respect for human rights, freedom of speech or the rule of law.
ReplyDeleteDoes anyone know why the Dent Coad woman has decided not to seek reelection to Golborne Ward which is a solid, safe, Labour seat?
I had heard that the exceedingly nasty Dent Coad intended standing for election in Notting Dale Ward so that she could take a lead in Grenfell matters. What went wrong with Notting Dale?
Why does she want to the one for St Helens?
PS. I meant "silly" for giving herself airs and graces - Columbus and De Medici. I didn't mean to type the "b" word- sorry even though I must have thought it.
ReplyDeleteEDC's BFF trust fund kid Clare Simmons is standing in Notting Dale.
ReplyDeleteA question: Why would the Tories be so upset about a Labour councillor who could beat them in the ward, not being selected? Can anyone think of a reason?
ReplyDeleteWe, "Tories," don't like injustice. Shafting Ian Henderson was wrong. Ian was a formidable political opponent and we, "Tories," respect him for his drive, commitment, enthusiasm and above all else his integrity.These are qualities that other Labour Councillors would do well to emulate.
DeleteWhilst I believe in getting off your arse, and working for what you want , Tories like me can still admire someone as outstanding as Ian Henderson in the Labour Party.
The Kensington political scene has lost a gem and embraced a ROUGH DIAMOND.
My second post in 6 or 7 years – as promised under my name and none other. Always.
DeleteAll these allegations are rubbish of course. One member one vote in branch selections.
However I’d like to thank the Dame for giving me such a glorious and slightly *woo-hoo* platform. Apparently hundreds of her followers have me living rent-free in their heads – unless it’s five or six people posting obsessively. Either way, excellent work, thank you.
Correction, once again. The Medici (Italian) link is rubbish – Borgias (Spanish), yes, hands up. I have cousins who are Borja de Borja; we like to keep it in the family yah? As I’ve said before ‘don’t question my integrity, I’m descended from Popes’. A Catholic joke.
There are far more pressing issues, national and local, in this Tory sh*tshow, and I’ll focus on them.
But thank you, once again, dear Dame, for the lols.
Dear Emma,
DeleteYou are smarting. Admit it.
I have the newspaper article where you slagged off Prince Harry and stated that you were related to Catherine de Medici, Christopher Columbus and the Borgias. The thing about liars is they have to have a good memory. You have always been stuck up.
You used to crow when the Tories, Phelps, Cockell, and Moylan got it in the neck from the Dame. Now, as you know the Dame is impartial. Don't take us for fools, we all know that you add comments on this site not under your real name.
We know why you wanted Ian off the scene. You have been conniving for a long time to achieve that aim.
Thank you for writing.
EDC is fizzing mad. Hence, referring to the Dame Hornet's blog as a "Tory sh*t show."
DeleteEmma, I like your use of alliteration. Do try some onomatopoeia next time. When you tell us to "buzz off" you could refer to the buzzing of the bee.
Tories "don't like injustice", Anonymous 12.30? Hilarious. Injustice is the one thing the Tories can be counted on to deliver. What would be closer to the truth is that the Tories don't like democracy, judging by their efforts to subvert it, and their rage when their efforts are thwarted.
DeleteWord is that Ian Henderson is in fact a Tory himself, one of their most reliable colluders. That would explain the obssessive vitriol about the matter on this blog. As would certain facts about his conduct and "achievements" that both he and his Tory handlers think we are unaware of.
Scratch a Henderson, find a Tory. They have lost one of their top poodles, no wonder they are fuming. Henderson your cover is blown. Think twice who you boast to next time.
Ian Henderson is not a Tory. The suggestion that Ian is a Tory is straight out of Margaret Thatcher's playbook and shows how desperate the Dent Coad lot are.
DeleteEmma Dent Coad's shower at 15.14hrs above have adopted tactics that were last used by Margaret Thatcher in 1990 when she denigrated Michael Heseltine during the Tory Party leadership campaign. Mrs Thatcher was so desperate to hang on to her job that she repeatedly claimed Heseltine was a "Socialist;" utter nonsense. Thatcher even sent Heseltine thirty pieces of silver. To suggest that Ian Henderson is a Tory is as deluded as Margaret Thatcher was about Heseltine.
The trouble is Margaret Thatcher studied Microbiology at Oxford and did not properly understand Modern Intellectual Conservatism. She was a conviction politician; just like Emma Dent Coad. Whereas, Heseltine studied Politics, Philosophy and Economics at Oxford and had a superior intellectual understanding of politics and Conservatism.
I am reminded that Emma Dent Coad has a degree in Architecture and Design but her shower have let her down badly by employing Margaret Thatcher's scurrilous strategy to denigrate someone who is her intellectual and political superior.
SCRATCH DENT COAD and you will find a nasty piece of work who racially abused Shaun Bailey. When called out, she then tried to defend the charge of racism by claiming that she was just "repeating" something a Black woman said to her about Shaun Bailey. The disgusting insults that she "repeated" could only appeal to someone with extreme racial prejudice; someone just like Emma. Shaun Bailey said that the BNP had never attacked him so badly.
Diane Abbott bought Emma a cake to celebrate her racist abuse of a Tory. Diane Abbott never explained why she exonerated Emma when she knew that Emma drew a picture of Bailey being hanged and put it on the web.
The mere fact that EDC says she is posting under her real name "as always" and finds it necessary to tell us, in these terms, strongly suggests that she is not telling the truth.
ReplyDeleteEmma has now come clean that she is not a descendant of Catherine de Medici. I always knew that was sh*t.
ReplyDeleteSo why did Emma tell a journalist when she was interviewed about abolishing the Royals that "she was one of them" the journalist wrote a "descendant of Catherine de Medici, Christopher Columbus and the Borgias." Emma now admits to the Dame that she is related to the Borgias, so the journalist got that right about the Borgias but did the journalist invent the Catherine de Medici and Christopher Columbus claims. I don't think so, he reported what our Emma told him.
So is she now going by
Emma "Columbus Borja Dent Coad de Stepney."
Emma de Stepney does not quite do it for me. By the Way Emma, everyone knows that Medici is Italian and not Spanish.
We all know that politicians lie but Medici please
Stepney? Don't get you.
ReplyDeleteShe was born in Stepney, near the Mile End Road, in the East End of London.
ReplyDeleteOh yes. EDC"s version of "Party Democracy" in 5 steps.
ReplyDeleteStep 1) Put Sina Lari in charge of communications with party members. Several long term members get scrubbed off the mailing list and receive no notification of party meetings, especially when there are local party positions up for grabs. By coincidence members left off the list all happen to be centrists, people on the right of the party & anyone else who happens to not be in your Momentum gang. Step 2) Next get your friends into these positions. Simmons getting in charge of NW Branch of the party membersbip being prime example.
Step 3) Have "membership drives" in certain wards where you hope to get rid of the incumbent councillors. Recruit new members into these wards (some of whom are completely unaware of the machinations) & make sure they are on the communications list & always kept up to date. Let the new members be fully aware that Cllr Henderson lives in Chelsea & not in North Kensington. Go around labelling Cllr Nail ad "useless" to the new members. If other members raise the alarm, then resort to bullying & intimidating them. Even resorting to late night visits from the police (Cllr Healy). Step 4) Recruit new council candidates. When not enough of your friends will stand, tell any fairly new member who fits into the "pliable and easily manipulated" category that you have vacancies in these wards & get some of them to stand as council candidates in them . Step 5) Hold the selections, being selective about who is notified & voila the dirty deed is done.
Thank you, 11.20.
ReplyDeleteEmma Dent Coad is a disgrace to the Labour Movement. She is a racist Trot, (nothing cuddly about that one) and has turned the local Party of socialist stars, Henderson, Blakeman and Atkinson in to the Kensington Kremin.
Anyone as racist as Emma has no compunction about being nasty and vile to others who get in her way; just like Militant saw off people in Liverpool in 1980's. Emma is close to Corbyn and Abbott and therefore close to Momentum and political skullduggery.
I would urge you to write to Starmer. She has to go.
I am very disturbed about the racism and anti-semitism. I shall vote for the Tory bloke.
DeleteEmma Dent Coad's toxicity and personal behaviour towards Henderson makes unity in Kensington CLP impossible.
ReplyDeleteShe is only interested in Marxism and crawling around her hard left parliamentary pals; and the toxic Trots that she has recruited.
Kensington Labour is a Soviet Style Socialist Sh*t Show
ReplyDeleteEmma dear,
ReplyDeleteTories do not save Housing Estates from profiteering developers.
Tories do not oppose planning applications that allow greedy developers to profit by turning social housing tenants out of their homes.
SOME SOCIALISTS spend four years on the TORY TMO Board and admit after the Grenfell Tower fire that there was nothing they could do. Why did you do it?
DeleteBy "Some Socialists" you mean Emma Dent Coad spent four years on the TORY TMO Board and admitted after Grenfell that she could do nothing about how bad the TMO was. She's completely useless.
DeleteHow can she live with herself ?
DeleteEmma dearest,
ReplyDeleteSOCIALISTS do not send their children to Public School!
So why did you send all of your children to one of the most exclusive and elitist fee paying schools; a School with one with the ponsiest uniforms to boot?
The consummate Socialist, the late Anthony Wedgewood Benn, proudly proclaimed that his son went to School with the sons of bus drivers and the daughters of Shop Assistants.
Why didn't you want your children to be educated in such a wonderful egalitarian Socialist environment where achievement by merit and ability is all that counted?
Connie lived in the catchment area to attend your old School! What was wrong with that?
EDC is a Marxist with overtones of Toryism and racism.
ReplyDeleteGetting Emma Columbus Borja Dent Coad's daughter on to the ballot in Colville as a replacement for Ian Henderson stinks to high heaven.
DeleteShe is a racist
DeleteShe's owned up that she is not a Medici after telling a newspaper that she was one almost five years ago. I know a bloke whom she told that she was classier than any of the Tories on the Council.Give the girl a break, admitting she's a marxist is a big move when you want to get back in in the Commons but she'll come clean.......... eventually.
ReplyDeleteIt broke my heart when Labour deselected Ian Henderson in Colville Ward in favour of Connie Blott, a Public School slip of a girl.
ReplyDeleteHe was the only reason I voted Labour and I'm a Lib Dem. Why do they always deselect the good Councillors in Colville? Ian was a breath of fresh air who actually responded to resident needs.
Delete10.30 Excellent.
ReplyDeleteThat's what Emma Dent Coad proclaimed when Corbyn appointed Keir Starmer to his shadow cabinet. Emma was miffed because Corbyn did not give her a job.
In the next six weeks, Emma will need very thick skin. She has brought it on herself.
Connie Blott versus Ian Henderson, there's no comparison. Ian saved a Housing Association estate from profiteers and the Bastard Tory Council's de-proletarianisation of Chelsea. The Blott girl is straight from Southampton University. Has her mother, EDC, socialised Connie to the same racist and anti-semitic values.
DeleteI am sure that Connie has been socialised to Emma Dent-Coad's racism. Racism that Abbott and Corbyn conveniently condoned.
DeleteWhy wasn't she referred to the Party's National Constitutional Committee; just like Ken Livingstone
How did Emma Dent Coad get through Labour Party selection processes?
ReplyDeleteWell if your mates run the process then the rules are bent
DeleteTo favour those who are above such things .
A 'Blott' on the Kensington and Chelsea landscape no less.
DeleteHow could the Labour party have been so remiss on this most serious matter?
ReplyDeleteJust awful to think that other Jewish and Black People are going to have to deal with a Labour Councillor who espouses Anti-Semitic and Racist Values. I for one shall not be voting for that lot and I did last time. Disingenuous Political Fibber
DeleteKensington Labour is now being run like a masonic club for those in control.
ReplyDeleteIts not Labour ,more like the Socialist Workers Party,yawn,just what Kensington needs.
DeleteA masonic club for Trots.
DeleteThe loony left are very clubby. Ted Knight had a Trotskyite Bar in Lambeth Town Hall, licensed by Camberwell Green Magistrates, until Heather Rabbatts had him turned out of there for running a left wing show after he had been surcharged and banned from holding office.
Dear Dame,
ReplyDeleteThis page is going great guns: proceeding very successfully.
How many views has it got?
now around 800
DeleteOh that's marvellous Dame! Around 800 hits in a few days on one page about the Labour Party alone alone. What has the local Labour Party done? Committed hara-kari, that's what it has done.
DeleteLabour candidates must be feeling very insecure and uncertain with all the duplicitousness that is now out in the open.
Fancy using Emma Dent Coad's daughter Connie Blott, a Public School girl, to see off a man as accomplished as Ian Henderson. Henderson has saved a Housing Association estate from the wrecking ball. What has Blott done? Delivered election leaflets for her mother.
The Lady must be feeling insecure and envious about the collective success of the Labour candidates and the cataclysmic demise of her favourites.
DeleteBoo hoo! How staggeringly incompetent.
Whilst she is clearly more literate than most of her confreres on these threads, she ought to rely on better sources; Miss Blott is not and never was standing for election.
Please confirm that Connie Blott is not on any ballot paper for election as a labour candidate in any ward in the Royal Borough.
Delete"Confreres" is hardly language in parlance amongst the proles.
Miss Blott was put up as a nominee for many Labour Wards in K and C . Its seems this was a step too far fro the Kremilinites
Kensington Kremlin following Putins' tactics of deflect and deny. Its not working . We know what the truth is - appalling attempt at nepotism from 'she who must be obeyed'.
ReplyDeleteOdious Codeious.
ReplyDeleteDisaster Communism preferring everything fall apart and people go hungry rather than solving the issues.
ReplyDeleteEmma "Columbus-Borja" Dent Coad is totally lacking in humility and incapable of achieving anything useful. Instead, like all left wingers, she reeks havoc everywhere she goes. It would serve this odious woman right if she was not elected to serve St Helen's in May. She is the hard left's equivalent of Boris Johnson. Egotistical just like Boris, a member of the "me me me" society. Ian Henderson is by far superior to EDC.
DeleteIan knows that no one person is more important than collective body politic.
Why couldn't Emma seek re-election in Golborne Ward which she has served as a Councillor 16 plus years?
DeleteWhy couldn't Baktiar seek re-election in St. Helen's where he is the sitting Councillor?
Why did Baktiar transfer to Colville to see of Henderson?
I'll tell you why.
Emma has her heart set on making a comeback to Parliament. Her egomania cannot cope with losing the seat in 2019 and she has to indulge her ego further by seeking election to parliament once more. She knows that Ian Henderson would be a much better MP than she ever was so he has to be stepped on and made to disappear off the political scene.
I hope the Lib dems put Gymiah up again to oppose her.
I hope the Tories and the Lib Dems really go for Emma Dent-Coad with voters in St. Helen's Ward. It is no good just sticking to policy issues to win the election, voters need to hear about what she is really like - her racism, her anti-semitism, seeing off Henderson in Colville,her attendance at a Momentum meeting and her delusions of grandeur by attempting to claim erroneously in the press descent from Catherine de Medici.The de Medici con is over but do voters want to be conned by a Councillor.
DeleteDear dame,
ReplyDeleteThe new month starts tomorrow and this page will "drop off" the topics for April. I hope someone sends in another article about her. I liked the article "misguided and wrong" a few months ago.
Dent Coad has not condemned her Marxist mate Jeremy Corbyn for suggesting that NATO should not exist and that NATO is responsible for the Putin's invasion of Ukraine. Why? Dent Coad is a Fellow traveller with Comrade Corbyn.
ReplyDeleteNow remember, Corbyn is as close to Soviet Style Communism as Emma Dent Coad is close to the Trots that she brought in to shaft Henderson.
She won't condemn Corbyn, she knows what he is and she therefore condones his Socialist daftness; she's probably like him - hankering after Communism. She is definitely a "Fellow Traveller" attending one of those Momentum mettings.
ReplyDeleteIt's idolatry! Her idolatry for Corbyn is very worrying. Irrational, she must have fancied him
DeleteI understand that arrangements are being made to memorialise the Dent Coad - Corbyn "love in" with a photograph of them being displayed on the wall of the Kensington Kremlin.
DeleteI had no idea that Emma Dent Coad drew a picture of a Black Tory politician being hanged and put that grotesque depiction on the internet. I know that she also endorsed an antisemitic social media feed and offered a very casual apology. Just what does this very unpleasant woman have to do to be expelled from the Labour Party
ReplyDeleteThe Nazis issued grotesque depictions of Black and Jewish people. (I don't know if they drew a Jewish or Black peron being hanged) Emma Dent Coad plumbed the depths of Nazism when she drew that picture of a Black person on a gallows.
How can a decent man like Keir Starmer allow Dent Coad to stand for election? Dent Coad must be disciplined for nastiness towards Black Tories and Jewish people.
To verify the Nazi attitude to Black people you might find the link below useful.