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Sunday 6 March 2022



The Dame writes....

This small notice HERE on the RBKC website signifies the end may be nigh for a tug of war over accesses the Chelsea river moorings.

The irreproachable Kim Taylor-Smith appears to be stuck between a rock and a hard place.

Last year RBKC served a Section 25 termination notice on the Lease of Chelsea Yacht & Boat Company, the mooring operator at Old Ferry Wharf. This was to distance the Council from allegedly 'overzealous/aggressive' commercial behaviour at the moorings.

This threatened to collapse the financial pyramid of cards supporting a £12m loan note from Knight Dragon group, an apartment builder which owns Greenwich Peninsula. 

The moorings operator, Andrew Moffat, has form with the Dame. His publicised plan had been to evict the existing charming medley of Chelsea houseboats so he can sell new, massive and very ugly concrete ones!

This, he hopes, will get him out of his financial black hole and make millions.

Currently, it seems Mrs Moffat is driving things.

Mrs M is a formidable social alpinist and trilled she was 'thrilled to pieces' at meeting Prince William.

The HORNET and here HORNET is required reading if you need to know about the Moffat family!

The Moffat's, now seem to have given up the pesky time-consuming chore of filing company accounts.

Chelsea Yacht & Boat Company Limited is a year out of date (last filed accounts to 21/06/2019).

Cadogan Pier Limited,a related company recently received a Strike Off notice.

So why is our council in such an unseemly hurry to strike a deal with an enterprise so non-compliant in its fiduciary responsibilities?

Moffat's companies are groaning under mountains of debt.

Will appeasing Chelsea Yacht & Boat Company by agreeing on new terms on 14th March secure the future of the incumbent houseboats?

Or will giving control back to the Moffat's seal the houseboat owners' fate forever?

1 comment:

  1. Don't understand a word of this. Too complex for Mr Average. Except the Dame does not seem to like Mr and Mrs Moppet


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