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Saturday 3 April 2021


A truly horrible development is being cooked up for Pelham St, South Ken

Dear Members
You may have already objected to this but if not, please do object to this terrible planning application.  It is 116% larger than the existing building.  The “end of public consultation” is Easter Monday but your objection will be received and must be considered up until the decision date.  So write when you can.

You may have seen the plans to demolish and replace 63-81 Pelham Street with an oversized 7 storey building that will affect not only residents of the narrow street itself, but will have a lasting impact on everyone traveling through and around South Kensington.
With RBKC's public comments window closing this Monday 5th April, it's critical that each of us write to make our views heard now:

You can read about HERE and see how out of context the monstrosity will be.


  1. The Kensingotn Society was never very good at arithmetic. The increase in floor area is 216%, not 116% as stated.

    The photo of the proposed development is horrendous. It seems that the Quirk WOKES may be partial to even bigger brown envelopes than the recent past.

    The Dame needs to get out the bazooka

  2. Err - no. 5,271 increased by 6,111 is an increase of 115.94% (ie just over doubling). You are confusing increasing BY with increasing TO.

    1. Thanks Wolstan. The floor plans show an increase from 5k square meters to 11k square meters. That's a doubling in size. "Double" is a more dramatic headline. The crooks are at work and we need to grab hearts and minds to resist them. This needs the big bang headline.


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