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Monday 5 October 2020


Cllr. Ian  Henderson is being inundated with congratulations from colleagues ( some sincere & others merely form ) upon the occasion of his election to the Executive of the Labour Housing Group .


The Labour Housing Group really ‘ know their onions’ and are universally respected across the political spectrum by everyone involved with Housing Matters.  

So this is a real feather in the cap for the independently minded, widely respected, and universally popular, Councillor Henderson.


Which makes it even more of a pity that the  Kensington Labour Group chose to strip Cllr. Henderson of all responsibilities and left him rotting on the backbenches as soon as  ‘Spin Dryer’ Mason took over the Leadership of the Labour Group and instead elevated the useless and pointlessly radical Cllr. Kasim Ali to Chair the  RBKC  Housing Scrutiny Committee. 


It was fair enough that Ali knew so little when first elected to the Council, but as time goes on, apart from backstabbing, taking credit for the work of others and pursuing an advanced degree in scheming, Ali has shown no desire to learn anything about his important brief.  But doubtless, he has been told that all he needs do is to continue with total loyalty to Emma Dent Coad to ensure further local and national promotion.  Unfortunately for him the more that Ali is exposed to public view the more people realise that Labour has elected and promoted a complete dud.    Time for  local Labour to recognise that in Ian Henderson they have a rising star and that time is overdue to drop Dent Coad and her talentless minions




  1. Replicate the suicidal tendencies of Dent Coad and crew throughout the UK and you understand why Starmer has some rotten baggage to deal with

  2. Emma Dent Coad must be smarting that Ian Henderson has been recognised for his outstanding work in the tenant movement. Well done, Ian.

    1. Coad is "smarting" good and proper.

      Take a look at the caustic remarks that have found their way on to the Hornet. These poison pens are in her camp. Ian's coterie have plumbed Coad's depths of nastiness.

  3. This is why Labour lost the election, the promotion of yes men into positions of which they know nothing about.

  4. Something should be done about Emma
    If a man had persecuted women the way she does they would be getting a visit from Plod . Her actions are that of a habitual abuser.

  5. At the Council meeting about the Royal Brompton Henderson spoke so clearly about the current situation, it would be hard to argue against him .

  6. The appointment of someone who know absolutely nothing about housing to be the Chair of the Housing Committee is a betrayal of Grenfell.

    1. How can they do this to us!

    2. Come off it. That's not a betrayal of Grenfell. Literally everything RBKC have done to us in the last three years, on the other hand...

    3. If it were to be found that a Notting Dale ward councillor was behind this hate campaign, THAT would be a betrayal of Grenfell.

      Having a person on a scrutiny who is not
      one of the six puppets of RBKC leadership on the other hand...

    4. As opposed to being a puppet of EDC's

  7. Dent Coad is to Kensington, what Franco was to Espana

    1. I agree with you about Emma Dent Coad. She thinks that she knows best. She is right about everything and doesn't like it when people won't do what she says. She has to be top dog, in charge and in control.

      I hear that she blames the Lib-Dems for losing her parliamentary seat. Over 9,000 people voted Lib-Dem in that election. She has the brass neck to say vote Lib-Dem and get Tory- a very simplistic thought process for the sophisticated people of Kensington. But why did 9, 000+ people vote Lib-Dem? Because they did not want Emma or Felicity.

    2. Henderson for MP6 October 2020 at 14:14

      It's a pity that the Kensington Labour Party did not get Ian Henderson on to the ballot paper in Dec 2019. If they had done that we would now have a Labour MP.

    3. Asking Dent Coad to give up running would be like asking Skeletor to vacate Castle Greyskull.

    4. Ian Henderson Would never sell any tenant in social housing accommodation down the river. He worked tirelessly in the interests of oppressed tenants on the Sutton Estate in Chelsea.

      Emma Dent Coad is a different kettle of fish. She collaborated with the Tories by accepting their offer of an appointment to former TMO Board. She knew that the TMO treated tenants like shit. Oh why, oh why, did she not realise that she was being used and was part and parcel of the problem at the TMO.

      When Ian Henderson stood for the Council as an independent candidate in Stanley Ward, his election material stated that he would sort out the TMO. The Labour Party which regards Council tenants as part of its empire colluded with the Tory Council and allowed tenants to be shat on from up on high by the Council and the TMO.

    5. Isn't Ian Henderson one of RBKC Leadership's preferred Councillors? I'm sure his name was on their list of who they wanted when I saw it. I think that tells us all we need to know about what's going on here. Typical RBKC and their little accolytes. Think these silly comments on an obsolete blog are going to get you anywhere?

    6. Ian Henderson has not sold tenants down the river. He is a great bloke! A bloke and a half.

    7. 20.42.

      What a bitchy thing to say. As if the RBKC Tory Leadership has a "preferred list of Councillors" and as if you have ever seen such a list. Pure vitriolic bitchiness.

    8. So 20.42 if you have been shown this faux Tory list then which Torie Councillors have you been colluding with to see it. If it at all exists which I very much doubt. So its ok for you to collude with Conservatives but anyone else who does is a traitor .I'm sorry but you are making things up or indeed you are the double agent!

    9. Hi 12.08.

      08.49 here. How right you are! I think 20.42 might be Emma Dent Coad writing or one of her acolytes. Whoever it was, they scored an own goal. Well done.

      Miss Dent Coad is one of the most divisive Labour Councillors ever elected to our Council. The sort of games that she plays in 2020 died out in labour-run Lambeth after Linda Bellos left the Council in 1988. She learned these silly left wing games at the knee of the irascible and belligerent Corbyn.

    10. Henderson for MP.8 October 2020 at 07:57

      We have found a gem in Ian Henderson.

  8. What a lot of nonsense. This pathetic hate campaign is getting tiresome and it's bringing this blog down into the gutter. Absolutely pathetic. Come on Hornet I thought you were better than this. Spreading hate. Very nice.

    1. As the Dame's dear friend, Mr Wilde said,
      “We Are All In The Gutter But Some Of Us Are Looking At The Stars”

    2. Not on this blog. I remember the days when Hornets Nest was relevant and informative. Now look at it, peddling a hate campaign, scrabbling in the bottom of the bucket, no better than a tabloid. Very poor show. Writer and readers. Take a look at yourselves.

    3. The truth of the matter is that there is a clique of extreme and doctrinaire left wingers who have sacrificed good men like Henderson because he won't answer their dog whistle. This blog allows that moderate and constructive segment of the LP to tell the world what is going on. Apart from you not one of your friends has dared appear in this blog to confront what you describe as bullying. This blog is still relevant and informative.

    4. Sorry no. You're welcome to your opinion, but the arrogance of presenting it as in any way objective is just laughable. This is your opinion and nothing more. And it's a mistaken opinion at that. Try this on for size, with your clique of Tory Labour councillors peddling a hate campaign, desperately trying to big themselves up and curry favour with their masters. They're an embarassment to themselves and to their residents. Dignity could sink no lower. We see you when you show yourselves like this. Just vile.

    5. Thank you Emma

    6. The Hornet has Dent Coad's number7 October 2020 at 05:04

      and Emma Dent Coad did not "big herself up" to "curry favour" with the Marxists Corbyn, Abbott and Long-Bailey.

      The comments about Henderson and Dent Coad on this blog are sincere opinions and fair comment. The Hornet is not conducting a "hate campaign" against Dent Coad but has seen through her silly game playing and political posturing. How dare the Hornet's contributors not think that Dent Coad is wonderful.

    7. Granted! The Hornet is not doing a number on Emma. It has her number.

    8. What's a Tory Labour Councillor? It doesn't exist, it's a made up name to categorize those who dont agree with Dent-Coade.

    9. EDC and Julie Mills - is that what you call a Tory-Labour Councillor ?

    10. What's a Tory Labour Councillor? There are six of them. "Labour" Councillors who are puppets of the Leadership. Not a shred of conscience between them. Six. Named by the Leadership itself. In writing.

    11. So carry on with your hate campaign, you're only showing yourselves up.

    12. embittered, nasty and bitchy8 October 2020 at 06:49

      It is marvellous to have a talent like Ian Henderson in the Kensington Labour Party. He knocks the talentless Emma Dent Coad and her minions in to cock hats. The Dent Coad camp is an obstacle to social progress. They are embittered, nasty and bitchy.

  9. I am shocked and appalled to discover that a major source for the Dame is none other than a senior Councillor for Golbourne Ward.
    Time to expose this class traitor and expose her for the capitalist lackey she really is.

    1. I quite agree.

    2. She is a capitalist running dog and like Henderson needs to be re-educated into Marxist-Leninist-Maoist ideology. It really is just not good enough

    3. You'll be even more shocked when you find out who the latest source is. Appalled won't begin to cover it.

    4. That source is Mouldy Old Dough.

    5. Not exactly the cream...............8 October 2020 at 17:35

      DO you mean that Emma Dent Coad is the "Mouldy Old Dough?"

  10. I remember how Emma Dent Coad used to love the Hornet.

    She crowed when Phelps was in the closet and was exposed by the Good Dame for using the Council's email server to send lewd pictures of a homosexual character to another Councillor.

    She revelled in Cockell's sobriquet, Sir Pooter, and loved it when his expenses for a trip to America was blown out of the water by Our Gracious Lady, the Dame.

    She loved it when Moylan was shown up on the Hornet.
    She was quick to tell me, "Moylan is gay" so what.

  11. Dear Dame,

    Could you please tell us how many people have viewed this page?

    1. Around 600, dear reader

    2. Gosh! Thank you, Dame

    3. 500 of which are Labour Councillors watching their backs !

    4. Mouldy old dough10 October 2020 at 16:21

      Nastiness and back stabbing is a hallmark of the Labour Party. It comes to the fore whenever the hard left lose control.

    5. Emma is a control freak. I don't think she got on very well with some of the left wing people at Grenfell. Emma and Ms Samuels were not easy bedfellows. Two headstrong women who want things their way.

  12. Henderson brings vitality, ability and integrity to the Kensington Labour Party.

  13. I should imagine that Councillor Blakeman would appreciate a man like Ian.

  14. Reading through this blog it seems that Dent Coad's lot are setting her up as a victim. Victimhood!


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